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Estel Counts  by Larner 17 Review(s)
EllynnReviewed Chapter: 25 on 12/26/2010
Awww, such a wonderful ending to this serial! *melts* I love how you intertwined some details from previous chapters into this one. Beautifully written.

Author Reply: I am honored, Elynn. A proper ending for the child to be remembered by the King, father, and husband in time he became. Joy to you!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 25 on 12/26/2010
“Ah, but Ada did well to name you Hope,”

A perfect and beautiful ending!

Life went on and all the gifts little Estel received a long time ago in Rivendell have been passed on to his son Eldarion, who will be a great King himself one day, I'm sure.

Thank you very much for these little glimpses into Estel's life!

Author Reply: Yes, his own children rejoice at what young Estel was once gifted. And so life continues through it all.

Thank you so, Andrea.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 25 on 12/26/2010
A perfect ending, and certainly one that fits well with hope.

Well can I imagine Pippin shamelessly sharing that recipe. Perhaps he was sowing seeds of a different sort--ensuring a sufficient quantity of seedcake for himself during his first and subsequent visits to the White City...

Poor Arwen. And yet, Elessar's complete confidence must be some comfort.

Time itself an illusion... yes, that rings true. It is how I write the Feast myself: "...for there is no time there, and all one has ever lost is restored once more."

Lovely! Thank you for the nightcap. And a very happy Christmas to you and yours. We miss you! (The wee hobbits wonder, do you like mint hot chocolate?)

Author Reply: In "The King's Commission" I have Ruvemir learning that in endowing rooms to be fitted for Hobbit visitors in the future, Pippin ordered that a part of his annual stipend as a Guard of the Citadel be used to see to it that seedcakes and mushrooms be served at regular intervals to those guests who use said rooms, and that he gave Bilbo's recipe to them for the seedcakes. It just seemed fitting, you know? Heh!

For one who has known the certainty that tomorrow will always come in this life, to know that the one she loves believes that that tomorrow will come in another, one to which they both will be privy--that is a lesson she needs very much, I think. And I so love your gift of the Feast! A necessary article of faith for our beloved Hobbits!

And tell the little Hobbits that, indeed, I LOVE hot chocolate with mint. I hope to perhaps come down for Epiphany--Meesh is having a party....

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 25 on 12/26/2010
A lovely ending to a lovely series. The ending was beautiful with Aragorn's memories, happy home life and hopes for eternity.

Author Reply: And I thank you so, Linda. Love to all in your family as you prepare for the year to come. I'm certain that Mettare was a delightful one for Estel's new family.

TeresaReviewed Chapter: 25 on 12/26/2010
Sighs happily.........I love how each of this vignettes have flowed together! They are wonderful glimpses of Estel's life and so many others! Seeing Estel and Arwen with their children was fantastic! It was a lovely family moment, full of things that showed both the continuation of life and the changes that everyone eventually faces. He spoke so movingly about those parted from them by death or distance but with the firm belief that the separation would not be forever; and that was so touching. The memories that Estel spoke of, both good and bad have given him the strength to accept whatever might happen in the future, and he shares that so beatifully with Arwen! Seeing the book and the other items from his childhood being used by his children was sweet! And through their children, and those items the hope goes on........ Many thanks for this gift! :)

Author Reply: You have said it so well, Teresa. And I thank you so very much! God keep you and yours through this season.

RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 25 on 12/25/2010
Merry Christmas, Larner! Thank you very much for this wonderful series. This conclusion tied it all together and I love it so much!

This series has been bookmarked so I can return to it in future days. It is a precious gift. Bless you for it!

Author Reply: I am truly honored, Rhyselle. And I bless you for all of the feedback you have given me over the years, and for your continuing friendship.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 25 on 12/25/2010
O Larner, what a beautiful, sweet Christmas scene, or Mettare, rather, to peek in on when I woke up...I'm afraid the celebrations exhausted me, a bit, and I fell asleep for a couple of hours. I haven't even eaten Christmas dinner, and it's already 8:30, LOL! Well, since it's only me and my mum now, my sister's gone, I can go grab a bite...but first I'll just tell you how much I enjoyed this beautiful tale, all of it, everything culminating in this final chapter...ah...and do I see hints that "Or Perchance" will continue soon??? oh, please! :-)

I hope you had a blessed Christmas, Larner, and that joy will surround you! Good wishes go with you, and Eru's blessings on you, mellon-nin.


Author Reply: My Christmas was very quiet, as I have the flu and slept through almost all of it. I received some candy and a wonderful snowglobe with Gollum creeping down the cliff in the Emen Muil in his attempt to sneak up on a sleeping Frodo and Sam, and loaf of Amish Friendship bread which was very, very good.

And I AM working on that next chapter, but it just isn't coming very swiftly, I find! Alas!

I'm so glad you enjoyed this, and that the last ficlet was as pleasing as the drabbles that went gefore it. And thank you for your constant comments on it. Now, to finish my last Yule fic and to focus on Lynesse once more!

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