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A Long-Expected Wedding  by Fiondil 15 Review(s)
RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 28 on 12/14/2011
Wow, this reminds me of what it was like when my sister got married... chaos, chaos, chaos, and lots of family members (including me) getting upset from it all. (Of course it didn't help that I was 7.5 months pregnant at the time!) it did all work out in the end, despite several last minute glitches. (And to be fair, she probably feels the same way about my wedding! LOL!)

Thankfully, it appears that in Tirion, despite all the disruption of the wedding plans and preparations, no one is going to be at risk of going into labor in the middle of it all--but it's no wonder that everyone is falling to pieces.

I would have loved to have seen the look on Amariel's face when she heard that Finrod burned the wedding garb. Hee!

I do admit that Arafinwe's reaction to Olorin's arrival surprised the heck out of me! But once Manwe arrived and I put the pieces together, and it all made a lot more sense. Unlike the families of other newly-returned Reborn, Arafinwe doesn't just have to deal with changes in family dynamics; he's got the whole "who is the rightful heir of Finwe who should be Noldaran" controversy that's going to have to be dealt with politically once they have the All Aman Conference.

And with all the wedding fracas, he's not had time to really absorb the fact that his older brother is home once more. Riding herd on all of the Reborn, dealing with Amariel's ill-wished wedding contributions, and just the normal day-to-day issues of managing a kingdom... this day's events became the straw that broke the camel's back.

So Manwe, himself, came to help sort Arafinwe's breakdown, and reminded Arafinwe about the thralldom being only in Arafinwe's mind. I did like that Manwe didn't "fix" everything, but was able to help our dear Noldoran put things back into perspective, and to calm down.

Olorin showing up in the "normal" mortal way was a cute touch to end the chapter. Thanks for the lack of cliff hanger this time around! :)
Things are definitely at a fever pitch, and I'm looking forward to what happens next.

As always, a lovely visit to Arda, and it really brightened my day to read it. (and I hope it brightens yours to discover that I was able to find time to review!) *grin* Well done!

Author Reply: Hi Rhyselle. I'm sure lots of married folk can relate to what's happening here. *grin*

Manwë was just the person Arafinwë needed at that moment to help put things in perspective so he could deal with his anger constructively.

Glad this chapter brightened your day. And my day was indeed brightened when I saw you'd left a review. LOL! Thanks for taking the time to comment. It's very much appreciated.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 28 on 12/14/2011
Ha! It does not surprise me AT ALL that Almáriel is the reason for Amarië's apparent change of heart! It is like adding a few Bhut Jolokia to an already very hot (as in spicy) dish. At least Amarië and Findaráto made up, but I suspect Almáriel is still fuming, and will be fuming for a long time! and I loved Amarië's reaction to hearing what Finrod had done to his wedding garb! :-D
Nolofinwë's intervention saved the day! Yay for Nólofinwë - he must have brought forward the still mostly buried part of him that was High King in Beleriand! His and Findecáno's sudden arrival on the scene probably has the potential to make things ... interesting ... in the short time that remains until the wedding. and even more so after that, during the All-Aman council meeting.
I must admit I was just waiting for Arafinwë to have a little breakdown. And here it came! Considering all the crazy things that have been happening of late, he was overdue for one.
And as for the watchers - it wouldn't surprise me if each of the Valar have detailed half of their Maiar to be on watch in Tirion!

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. You never know with Reborn what they will remmember when. Apparently Nolofinwë's concern for his nephew's happiness was enough to bring certain memories to the fore when most needed. And of course, Arafinwë was long overdue for his little tantrum. As for the watchers, I suspect that the population of Tirion tripled overnight, though no one can actually tell. *grin*

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 28 on 12/14/2011
Everybody is having break downs becuase the wedding. What a mess!!!

Love Glorfindel's loyalty to Finrod. What a great friend!

Author Reply: It's getting down to the wire, Fantasia, and everyone's feeling the strain. Glorfindel is Finrod's closest friend and confidant. He's very lucky to have him in his life. Thanks for commenting. I appreciate it.

FinrodbrsReviewed Chapter: 28 on 12/14/2011
Well, it's good to know Amarie wasn't being selfish or anything with this surprise. Excellent chapter as always Fiondil. Patiently waiting for next week's update.

P.S. I think you've got a typo there. There's a part where Elindis says, "Why don't I go tell Arafinwe and Elindis the good news." Shouldn't it be Arafinwe and Earwen?

Author Reply: Hi Finrodbrs. Oops! You're right. Thanks for pointing the typo out. I've since fixed it.

Glad you liked the chapter. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it very much.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 28 on 12/14/2011
Sheesh! It's just one thing after another isn't it! Poor Finda, poor Ara'! Almariel has a lot to answer for, silly ellith. I do like Castamir but I think he should have put his foot down with Alamriel a long time ago!

I am not surprised Arafinwe had a tantrum, it has been building for a long time now, he is still very ambivilant over his brother's return, even after all this time and all the experiance he has had as Noldaran he is still not comfortable at it.

So now the wedding is back on, I think I am not the only person who will breath a big sigh of releif when this is all over and Christmas is only 11 days away, Arrgh!!!!


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. I'm afraid Castamir is a bit too laid-back for everyone's piece of mind but I have a feeling after this he'll be a bit firmer in keeping his wife in line.

Arafinwë's break down was long in coming what with all the craziness going on around him. At least Manwë was able to calm him down.

And yes, the wedding is back on. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I very much appreciate it.

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