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A Long-Expected Wedding  by Fiondil 15 Review(s)
Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 30 on 12/28/2011

If I should ever chance to get married, I hope my wedding dress will be as nice as Amarie's! And not horrible like Almariel wanted to make it! (Ick. Dragon suits her, honestly.)

Why didn't the Valar show up at the wedding? :( I hope they'll come later! Were they there in spirit? I hope so!

ARGHHHH! ISILDIL!!!!! I just knew that no good son of an orc was up to SOMETHING! Salt on the cake! That horrible, evil, no-good...*sputters incomprehensibly*

It's a good thing he was CAUGHT!!!

I hope something can be done about a new cake!!!

*hugs Finrod and Amarie* The wedding ceremony was lovely though! And I always enjoy seeing the elflings!!

More elflings is always good!

Anyway, Atya, I hope Marilla shows herself to be Marillien in the next chapter. This has to have been the LONGEST week ever since the last chapter. Yes yes, I know, it was seven days. But they were the longest seven days EVER. (And my Ada is coming over NEXT Wednesday so I can go to my neurologist appointment and Naneth can go to her procedure at seven in the MORNING on Thursday. Ada's staying the night. This will go over *really* well, Atarinya. *sarcasm* I've told you what he can be like.) Anyway, hopefully I can read more Wedding before my appointment, and re-read it during Naneth's, maybe on my Nook or something. :)

I can't wait to see what Marillien (*is not giving up on that*) does to Isildil!

Tye-melinye, Atarinya!


Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. We'll find out why the Valar didn't show in the next chapter. But don't worry; they may not have been there physically but they were there in spirit and didn't miss anything.

And we'll find out about Marilla in the next chapter, as well, I promise.

I hope everything goes well with your doctor's appointment and with your naneth.

Thanks for reading and reviewing, yendenya. Tye-melin.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 30 on 12/28/2011
It's nice to something go off with out a hitch, this wedding has been a comedy of errors almost from start to finish! Loved the wedding clothes, much better colour combination than the originals.

Isildil just had to go and spoil things didn't he, if he finds himdelf a job boiling swill for pigs I will be surprised, it's about the closest he will get to cooking for someone other than himself!

I have missed you updates, it seems like it has been agaes since we had one and yes I know it was only last week but it seems forever!


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. Well, I decided to have pity on Finrod and Amarië and allowed the ceremony itself to be flawless. They needed the break. *grin*

We'll see what happens to Isildil in the next chapter.

Sorry the wait between chapters seems so long. See how spoiled you are? LOL! At least you only have to wait a week instead of months or even years for the next installment.

Thanks for commenting. It's very much appreciated.

Erulisse (one L)Reviewed Chapter: 30 on 12/28/2011
Oh my dear Fiondil, I do so adore your clothing descriptions. They place the perfect framework for the elf in my mind and I can see the characters so clearly. The colors and decorative portions of the brocade were just perfect for these two.

I have a large, very tall, Linden tree in my back yard. I'm afraid that I tend to consider it a wonderful device for shade in the summer, and a pain to rake in the fall, but I have never thought of it as a symbol of conjugal love. I will look at it with different eyes from this point.

- Erulisse (one L)

Author Reply: Hi Erulisse. I'm glad my clothing descriptions help to 'see' the characters more clearly. That is one reason why I bother.

And now you will never look at a linden tree quite the same after this, will you? *grin*

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 30 on 12/28/2011
LOL, can't say I disagree about Almáriel being an old dragon, no matter how useful she is. But if Ingwion doesn't like that name, we can always return to calling her a balrog, right? ;)

Awww - now *that* wedding garb sounds so much more lovely than what Almáriel came up with! In fact, it sounds beautiful and totally appropriate for Finrod. The same goes for Amarië's dress, which sounds the perfect fit to Finrod's. Morwen has done an outstanding job! I am sure that will help to show the more prejudiced Amanians that the Tol Eressëans are very gifted as well.

All in all it was a wonderful ceremony, and I was glad that Nolofinwë got through the oaths without freaking out.

So that was how Isildil ruined the cake ... what an idiot! Did he really think some petty revenge would be worth his career and good name? He should have known that he would be the very first suspect. I was so glad that he didn't get away and got a few good punches in the process - can't harm at all, right? Now I am just curious what his punishment will be ... and I suspect you are going to reveal Marilla's identity, too.

Can't wait for next Wednesday!

Author Reply: Hi Kitty. I'm glad you liked the new wedding garb. A definite improvement over the old ones. *grin*

And Isildil is indeed an idiot. Oh well... even the Elves weren't immune to that particular vice at times.

And as for Marilla's identity.... we'll find out in the next chapter.

Thanks for commenting. I appreciate it very much.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 30 on 12/28/2011
The garments Morwen made are definitely in better taste than what almáriel had made! :-)

It sounds as if Isildil is working hard to make himself the least popular ellon in Tirion - and it looks like he is succeeding, too! Messing up the wedding cake of the beloved heir to a beloved king - and then making snarky comments about it to the onlookers! No wonder he almost started a riot!

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. I'm glad you approve of Morwen's work. *grin*

And we'll see what happens to Isildil in the next chapter.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

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