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A Long-Expected Wedding  by Fiondil 390 Review(s)
Erulisse (one L)Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/23/2011
Oh dear, another "conspiracy" with the double V's, Glorfi and Finrod. And Sador to be added later. This wedding may well turn into a three ring circus, and I'm sure will be a wonderful paty that will be the talk of society - decent and less so - for yeni to come :-)

- Erulisse (one L)

Author Reply: Hi Erulisse. Yes, another 'conspiracy'. *grin* The wedding itself will probably be anticlimatic to everything that happens before it, but I'm sure it will be the talk of the town for a long time to come, too. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it.

Arwen75Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/23/2011
So glad I have my own office after giggling my way through this chapter. I can foresee much mayhem and fun ahead - and now I am going to be playing the guessing game about the mysterious watcher. Really enjoying this and going to be impatiently waiting for the next chapter I can see.

Author Reply: Hi Arwen. Having your own office does help. *grin* And there will indeed be much mayhem and fun ahead (or at least I hope so). The identity of the mysterious watcher will be revealed in time, but go ahead and guess in the meantime. Glad you are enjoying this. Thanks for letting me know. I reall appreciate it.

TiggerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/22/2011
A piece of advice?

Never try following a match at Wimbledon on TV the same time as leaving a review here. The review ends up looking rather messy.

All those extra letters that snuck into words in that thing...Eeeek!!!

I'll creep off in embrassement now...*blushes*

Author Reply: Can't say I've ever done that, but then I don't have a TV so I guess I'm safe enough. LOL! I wouldn't worry about it, Tigger, as I can still figure out what you meant.

TiggerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/22/2011
Fiondil...M'dear...I have two questions for you.

1 ~ What have you done unleashing these four on the Wedding Preparations?


2 ~ What can we do or use to bribe you into updating this more often than just one Wednesdays?


They have the list and Valar only knows what kind of mayhem is about to follow.

This is going to be fun!!!

Can't wait for next Wednesday and just who was it that was lurking in the shadows, hmmm? Oh and I just read your latest additiong to the "Loom" series very late last night or early this morning take your pick. *Loved* it, but will be leaving a reviewe there momentarily.

A piece of advice...Never get a Summer Cold!! They are the *worst*!! Which is why I've been madly trying to catch up w/various things the last two days. Sigh...Blasted thing that is. Thankfuly it's gone, but I still have a pile of things to go over and read that fell be the wayside the last two weeks.

And on that note...I can't wait for next Wednesday!!!! :oD

Author Reply: Hi Tigger. I know all about summer colds; they are definitely worse than winter ones. Glad to know you're recovering.

As for your questions: you'll have to wait and find out about the first and I'm afraid my schedule only lets me post this story once a week, but think of it as a lovely summer beach read without the beach (and the story will actually continue into Fall).

Anyway, I'm glad you are enjoying this. Thanks for letting me know. I really appreciate it.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/22/2011
You know Glorfindel is right,from the ultra simple Sindarin/Sylvan wedding where it is announced after the fact, when the couple strolls in the morning after, to the more formalised Noldarin customs, to who know what the Vanyar and Teleri have, let alone the Nandor, who are a secrative lot at best and I doubt many outside their clans know of their customs! There is a lot to be taken into consideration and I am sure Findrod will want to include some of the customs from Ennorath in his and Amarie's ceremony, plus has any body asked the bride what she would like? I can see the two of them throwing up their hands in frustration and eloping to avoid all the fuss!

Which reminds me, if you ever marry and have a daughter, don't jokingly tell her to elope when she is small, we did and she did! (She had been living with the guy for years, I will admit!)


Author Reply: Hi again, Lynda. There certainly is a lot to take into consideration with this wedding and Finrod will ask the same question about Amarië that you raise here. We'll see how that works out eventually. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

6336Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/22/2011
Ah Hah! Could the Valar, by any chance, be keeping an eye on our Fabulous Four, or has Earwen, canny ellith that she is, have somebody watching them?

Just who is our shadowy lurker?

I know, I know wait until next Wednesday!


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. As to that, only time will tell what how your questions will be answered. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

LaikwalâssêReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/22/2011
I´m curious if Finrod will get married at all. Let the elflings play and we will see...*g*. I´m looking forward with what they will come up this very much. Thank you. Lai

Author Reply: Hi Lai. Well, that's the question, isn't it? *grin* Don't worry, though; he and Amarie will tie the knot.... eventually. I'm glad you are enjoying this and looking forward to what happens next. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

eliza61Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/22/2011
**laughing hysterically***
It seems like after every chapter the only thing I can think to say is "Oh Sweet Lord!!". It may be that I keep having "flashbacks" to when my 3 sons were small and set my kitchen on fire trying to pop popcorn.

Let me say I wish you the best of luck trying to reign in those four!!
eagerly awaiting the next chapter, I'm just hoping they leave the house standing.

That was delightful. thank you

Author Reply: Hi Eliza. They are a handful, aren't they? And Finrod, for all his maturity, is willing to play along. As to how much of Tirion is left standing at the end.... *grin*

I'm glad you found this chapter amusing. Thanks for letting me know. I really appreciate it.

bookwormReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/16/2011
LOL trust Glorfindel to take the simplest solution! Although I'll confess, I've never seen the point in producing highly elaborate invitations to anything! I suppose Finrod being royalty makes for rather more emphasis on keeping up appearances *imagines all the invitations being sent out looking like that*

Author Reply: Hi bookworm. Well, they always say the simplest solution is usually the best. *grin* And royalty, I imagine, is all about keeping up appearances. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it.

CaunedhielReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/15/2011
Finally :)

I love reading your work and re-reading it again when I'm finished - there are always bits I didn't notice before that make me smile, and laugh and think.

I love Glorfindel's version of the invitation - he never lost his elfling charm has he?

Please update soon, I really can't wait to read more!

Author Reply: Hi Caunediel. I will be updating this story once a week on every Wednesday so just be patient. I'm glad you love reading and re-reading my work. I really appreciate you letting me know. And I'm glad you find something new every time you re-read the stories. Thanks for letting me know. I really appreciate it very much.

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