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Elf Academy Part Deux  by Fiondil 17 Review(s)
SunnyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/20/2012
I wonder if the Valar (and Maiar) are going to pop up as frequently in this fic as in the EI stories and the wedding story (and IDB). A mere few ages would hardly cure them of their equivalent of poking sticks into anthills. ;-)
So what other elves are going to step onto the scene here? (I know - wait for the story to unfold... :-P ) I am not going to be surprised if Maglor pops up here, though.

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. Yes, we'll all have to wait and see who shows up. Even I don't know for sure and I'm writing the story. LOL! And we'll see the Valar and Maiar off-and-on through this story, probably more so than in the original story as they are more involved with things at the Academy now than before. We'll just have to see. Thanks for commenting. It's much appreciated.

Soledad, not logged inReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/20/2012
Wow! This has eerily reminded me of real life - only that we don't discuss Quenya or Sindarin courses and swordfighting on our staff meetings, rather curriculum changes, sharing classrooms and the likes. *g*

The appearance of the Valar was great fun, although I'm always afraid that the furniture wouldn't survive Tulkas' exuberance. It was fun to see that - for a change - their audience actually had an inkling what supernovas are and where the Andromeda galaxy might be.

I really, really hope that they'll find more Elves - probably such ones as we know from canon, that would be fun. Oh, and I can't wait until Artemus Gordon appears, all wide-eyed in false innocence... and experiences the shock of his life. *is evil*

Author Reply: Hi Soledad. I've never sat in on a school staff meeting myself, but I have a great imagination. *grin* And I'm sure the Valar were happy to be able to speak of such things as supernovas without having to actually explain what they are.

I'm sure they will find more Elves (or the Elves will find them), but just who and how many remains to be seen. As for Artemus Gordon... we'll see how long it takes for him to find out that things really not what they seem.

Thanks for reviewing. I very much appreciate it.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/20/2012
Okay first of all, Atto, may I say I LOVE their meeting room, and I so want a picture of it. *grin*

Secondly, I'm sure the Twins are VERY relieved to have a younger Elf around now. "Older than human civilization" though? *ponders that*

Thirdly, of COURSE I loved Tulkas and especially Namo dropping in. "Nate!" Ha! I loved that and Namo deserved it...almost. :P

So Namo, where's the Arctic Fringe playing tonight? *waits impatiently for Monday* =)




Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter. I appreciate you leting me know. Tye-melin.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/20/2012
Well I see Tulkas has not lost his enthusiasm for bone crushing huggs!

The Vala do know how to make an entrance, don't they! I wonder just how much cosmic 'tweaking' they have had to do over the years.

Well Glorfindel and Company have had their orders, erm, suggestions, let's see how they impliment them.

Coming along nicely, waiting for Monday.


p.s. I'm with Darion, I don't think they have reached half the Elves still in M.E.

Author Reply: Hi Lynda. Yeah, Tulkas will always be Tulkas, and the Valar have 'making an entrance' an art form. *grin* We'll see how things go with Glorfindel and the others as the new term begins. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

CesReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/20/2012
And we're off! I'd love to be in the class learning Quenya and Sindarin - although I'm wondering what new students think of that!

I learned my lesson in the first story about trying to figure out who's doing what - I was positive it was Thranduil's presence in the forest that the twins felt - ahh well, perhaps he'll make an appearance too somewhere! But I do know someone is doing something somewhere in the academy - I just have to put my thinking cap on!

Monday can't come fast enough for me!

Author Reply: Hi Ces. It's always wise not to make assumptions about things where my stories are concerned. I like doing the unexpected. *grin* Glad you are enjoying this story so far. I appreciate you leaving a review and letting me know.

Erulisse (one L)Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/20/2012
...another person walked into the room and some visceral instinct alerted the Mortals that this was someone whom they would someday come to know more intimately than any of them would like... you think? The Valar certainly do have their thumbs on this Academy. And, of course, their goals are murky, if not completely obscured. Loved Glorfindel's interaction with Namo. I can tell it's going to be another good year at the Academy :-)

- Erulisse (one L)

Author Reply: Hi Erulisse. *snicker* I love Námo's entrances. As for whether this will be a good year for the Academy or not, remains to be seen. After all, if nothing bad happened, there wouldn't necessarily be a story, would there? *looks innocent*

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read and review. I appreciate it very much.

someoneReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/20/2012
And now the pieces are set and the game may begin...

No wonder someone contacted the agency, it's definitely odd that a college course for tourist guides has old-fashioned military training. The elves have truly taken over the Academy if not even Deirdre is complaining about it, and Nate is back! I'd really like to see more of Namo sneaking around the town as Nate.

And thanks to Wikipedia, I know now why Artemus Gordon is a good name for a spy!

Author Reply: Hi someone. Yes, the pieces are in place and the game is about to begin and who comes out the winner and who is the loser is anyone's guess at this juncture.

We may well see Námo in his 'Nate' persona at some point during the story. That remains to be seen.

Glad you approve of our spy's name. I always had a fondness for the character. He was a lot of fun.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. It's much appreciated.

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