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Elf Academy Part Deux  by Fiondil 16 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/30/2012
Oh, I'm certain that "Ambrose" is enjoying watching what Alex has made of himself since they last met. And he did well in facing "Roy," even if he did find himself facing a true master. Working opposite an Elven warrior of many millenia's experience and lasting as long as he did was quite the feat!

Author Reply: I'm sure he is, Larner. It's been fifteen years since he saw his student. And of course he doesn't know that Roy is a warrior par excellence with many millennia of training and experience. That he lasted as long as he did with him is a testament of how well Ambrose taught him.

Thanks for commenting. I appreciate it very much.

CesReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/30/2012
Good thing lunch is right around the corner! You've made me hungry! Do the cooking classes include lembas by any chance?

Glad to see Alex held his own for a bit in the self-defense class and gave Roy a little run for his money. Classes are definitely getting interesting, that's for sure.

So Glorfindel is watching Alex? And Alex knows Ambrose is alive. And Alex was brought here for a purpose, but what purpose? Think, think, think (as Winnie the Pooh says!)

Things are definitely heating up - it's great so far!

P.S. What's Zach up to these days at the academy? Will we see him soon?

Author Reply: Hi Ces. I don't think the cooking classes include lembas. LOL! I'm afraid they just have regular mortal recipes to deal with.

Alex knew that Ambrose was alive before he came to the Academy. It's why he's there in the first place. As for whether Alex was brought to the Academy for a purpose, that remains to be seen.

And we'll be seeing more Zach and a few other former Elf Academy students in subsequent chapters.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. It's much appreciated.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/30/2012
I kind of like Pumpkin Bread myself, but the Brownies and Nut Gems sound good, are you going to provide recipes?

Alex seemed to be holding his own there for a while, at least 'Roy' got a bit of a workout.

I wonder what Glorfindel thinks of him?

I am likeing this, a lot!


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. I love pumpkin bread, but like Alex, I don't like pumpkin pie. Go figure. Sorry, you'll have to go online to look up the recipes.

We'll see what Glorfindel thinks of Alex eventually. In fact, they will soon meet face-to-face.

I'm glad you are liking this story a lot. Thanks for letting me know. I really appreciate it.

Erulisse (one L)Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/30/2012
Oh...better and better and better again. I love the fact that he pushed "Roy" just a bit, and that he is being watched by the "blond" in the doorway. Alex will indeed get an education - LOL. I want to go to school at Elf Academy.... (just me crying in the corner - *g*).

- Erulisse (one L)

Author Reply: Hi Erulisse. Glad you're enjoying this. Alex will get a lot more than he's bargaining for, that's for sure. *grin* Thanks for leaving a comment. I really appreciate it.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/30/2012
Ah, getting interesting as the classes begin. Can't wait for the first discussion between the "spies."

Author Reply: Hi UTfrog. Yes, now that Alex has arrived, things should get very interesting. It'll be a while before we see Alex and Ambrose speaking to one another, but I promise, it will happen. Hopefully you won't be disappointed. Thanks for commenting. It's much appreciated.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/30/2012
For some reason I had half expected to see Elrohir in the cooking class, teaching them hot chocolate recipes ;) But admittedly, it's too early in the year for that.

Seems like Alex was more of a challenge for Elrohir than the others, but still not enough to overcome thousands of years of experience. Well, somehow I would have been surprised if he had managed that anyway. In any case, Alex has interesting reactions to the Elves. Fear wasn't what I had expected. Maybe he senses that they aren't the average human?

Hm ... golden-haired? Sounds like that mysterious Ambrose is Glorfindel?

Author Reply: Hi Kitty. Well, this is only the first class so there's still time for him to show up later and give them all a lesson on the proper way to make hot chocolate. *grin*

Alex, of course, isn't sure why he feels fear, since it's not something he normally feels, but obviously he's reacting to the situation on a subliminal level that he can't quite acknowledge.

As for the mysterious Ambrose being Glorfindel... that remains to be seen.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

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