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Elf Academy Part Deux  by Fiondil 15 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 17 on 3/12/2012
I'd like to visit that library myself. It sounds beautiful, even without books. Of course, the books would be another reason to want to have a look.

An electric grill may be more practical when you don't have a garden or so, but I have to admit, a fire is much more atmospheric. We did it long ago when at my uncle's, roasting potatoes in aluminium foil, and now he has a fireplace on his terrace. When we are visiting, we often sit outside until it's dark and talk sitting around the fire, that's nice.

Kill with a salt shaker? Now that's a strange expression! Sounds a bit too funny for what it is really saying.

So Glorfindel offered Alex to join them to send Farrell packing? Considering how he felt about wanting to leave his job, that might be tempting to him, even if he's not ready for that yet. I'm really wondering how this all is going to play out ... particularly as we know there seems to be at least another spy at the EA. I hope they don't cause any problems for Alex for staying the weekend at Edhellond.

That Amroth taught Alex to listen to his dreams seems a bit unusual for this profession, but seeing who the teacher truly is, it's probably not so surprising. At least the Elves now have made it clear that the dream is no coincidence, but a hint. Let's see what Alex makes of it.

Author Reply: Hi Kitty. "Kill with a salt shaker" could be construed as gallows humor, when something is so deadly serious it has to be approached with a form of black humor.

And we will see what the consequences of Alex's dream has for him as the weekend progresses and how he and the Elves interact with one another over the next several chapters.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

SoledadReviewed Chapter: 17 on 3/12/2012
Oh, for the love of everything that's holy - assuming there are still such things in our secularized times - did you really have to to *that*? Having Alex describe Námo as "tall, dark and handsome"? I gave the new chapter a first, eager glance during lunch break (where I can't review, alas), and my colleagues were all looking at me really strangely, asking themselves why was I making those highly undignified sounds. Now my reputation, such as it was, is ruined forever, and it's your fault. *g*

But seriously, it was a very interesting chapter - I can't wait for the moment when Alex will have to say Denial Land good-bye and face the very unlikely reality.

Author Reply: *grin* When Glorfindel asked Alex to describe Námo, I just couldn't resist. I'm glad you found the chapter interesting. Alex will be saying good-bye to Denial Land soon enough, I promise. Everything is set for the big 'reveal'. Anyway, thanks for commenting. I reall appreciate it.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 17 on 3/12/2012
Conan! You have an Elf named Conan!? Well just as long as he is not running around in a leather loin cloth slashing everybody up with a sword I suppose it's O.K.!

Poor Alex, to have to relive that experiance over and over again, yes his subconscious(SP?) is trying to tell him something, get out of the Spy.. oops, Intelligance Officer game, while you still can!

So they don't have Athelas, hm, but then I suppose when you are running for your lives grabbing a start of Athelas is the last thing on your mind plus I think they have survived at least one Ice Age and that must have distroyed a lot of beneficial plants!

Wonder what the Elves thought of Star Wars, they must have watched it, or at least heard of it, going by their reaction to Misty's comment!

Just finished Finrod and Haldir's match after Haldir's Blood Trance. Waves to Harrowcat.


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. I like Conan and it's better than Ken, which was my first choice. *grin*

I'm sure the Elves got a kick out of Star Wars, just like everyone else. After all, what's not to like? LOL!

You and Harrowcat should have a race to see who finishes EI first. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read and review. I appreciate it very much.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 17 on 3/12/2012
Yea! Things are moving fast now. Poor Alex, he has so much to learn. I hope he begins to trust a bit more. Thanks for another great chapter.

Author Reply: Hi UTfrog. Yes, things are beginning to move fast now. We'll see how Alex fares among the Elves over the weekend and what, if anything, he learns. Glad you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 17 on 3/12/2012
I am glad that Alex is beginning to open up. I am intrigued by what they might be using instead of athelas. And I want to live in that house!

Author Reply: Hi Harrocat. Yes, he's beginning to open up, though probably not as much as the Elves would like so see him doing so, but he needs a bit more time before he can trust them. I have no idea what combination of herbs they used, but no doubt it's not as effective as athelas, but it's the best they can do under the circumstances. I wouldnt' mind living there myself. *grin*

Thanks for reading and reviewing. It's much appreciated

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