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Elf Academy Part Deux  by Fiondil 15 Review(s)
SunnyReviewed Chapter: 24 on 4/6/2012
Interesting chapter. No wonder Alex is freaking out. Writing in Tengwar - and in fluently, and presumably archaic Sindarin without even being aware of it - must make Alex feel as he is losing his mind, no matter that the elves reassure him that, yes, he still has all his marbles.

So Glorfindel is going to arrange for protection for Alex. I guess that some Maiar are likely to be hanging around invisibly. And Alex is definitely not ready for the information that the protection that is mentioned, is likely to be done by some Angels that Glorfindel just happens to be acquainted with. ;-)

I can't say I personally care for the idea of the "racial memory" thing you have going on with Alex. DNA encodes proteins, period. I think I would prefer to think of the weirdness happening to Alex is that he is somehow accessing the Akashic records, and that his bloodline - his DNA - is resonating strongly with one particular part of the records, making the information stored there accessible to him. The Akashic records are a more flexible sort of MacGuffin, too.

You know, the Akashic records would be Vairë's "turf" so to speak - her job is, after all, to weave the entire History of Arda, so if you want to bring her into the story, this would make for a good excuse. ;-)

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. The Akashic Records are rather esoteric (how many have actually heard of them?) and too much associated (at least by some) with the occult and frankly, I think would just make the story too weird. Ron may or may not be aware of these Records, but I doubt, being an Elf, that he would hold to them. Even if he does, he's probably aware that Alex might not be able to handle that kind of truth. It's easier to say that it's a racial memory that he is accessing and he's doing it because of his near-death experience triggering certain genes in his genetic code. We know that in lower animals some behavioral patterns are genetic encoded, and we know that most of our genes are actually dormant. They don't do anything. They may be redundant or they may be something else. So if some of them are suddenly activiated in some manner, what would they do? And Ron does say that it's only a theory, not a hard fact that has been proven without a doubt. And to say that Alex's DNA would resonate with some aspects of the Records seems to me to be admitting that there has to be something within his DNA, within his genetic structure, that makes him predisposed towards being able to access the Records in some way even unconsciously under the right conditions. And what are the Akashic Records but the depository of all of human history, and thereby the memories of all our ancestors? If that's not racial memory, I'm not sure what is.

At any rate, Alex is no more ready to hear about the Akhashic Records than he is to hear about Glorfindel's acquaintaince with certain Angels. *grin*

As always, thanks for taking the time to leave a review. I appreciate you doing so very much.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 24 on 4/6/2012
Oh dear, Alex does seem to be having a hard time of it, let's hope that Ron and Ambrose can help him get it sorted out,they do need to get to the bottom of what is causing these dreams, is he dreaming true?

Can you please arrange for something nasty to happen to Farrell, I do not like the man! Is Farrell persuing his own agenda, as what he is doing goes counter to all Alex has been taught?

Sitting on the steps in Tavrobel answering questions.

Ah well, off to the Salt Mines a.k.a. The Mall of Doom, one more day and I am off for two weeks, let's see that four chapters of A.E. II, Yay!

Happy Easter,

Author Reply: Hi Lynda. Yes, he is having a hard time, but Ron and Amroth will be there for him and help him through this, as will Glorfindel.

As for Farrell... we'll just have to wait and see.

Ah... Tavrobel... such a lovely little seaside town. Enjoy your visit. LOL! And those four chapters will be a'coming, never fear.

Thanks for taking the time to read and review. I appreicate it very much.

Happy Easter and Hugs.

Erulisse (one L)Reviewed Chapter: 24 on 4/6/2012
Oh, how I wish I found it that easy to write in tengwar, it is such a beautiful language. And I'm totally with Derek - too much memorization. But just being able to learn Sindarin would be heaven and the nightmares and channeling would be SO worth it.

Have a joyous Good Friday and Easter holiday.

- Erulisse (one L)

Author Reply: Hi Erulisse. It is a beautiful script, isn't it? I love writing in it though I haven't done so in a very long time. My best friend and I used to write letters to one another way back when we were in our teens (his folks moved to the next town over so we only saw one another on the occasional weekend) and then when we were in college. Of course, we wrote in English, but still... and we each had younger siblings, so it was great because they couldn't read what we'd written. LOL!

Anyway, every language has its quirks and there is always a lot of memorization at first until one becomes more familiar with the language. Sindarin is no different, and, like you and everyone else, I'd love to learn it for real from an Elf. That would be too cool.

Thanks for commenting and may you have a joyous Easter as well.

SoledadReviewed Chapter: 24 on 4/6/2012
Now, wait a minute! Glorendil is one of the important guys from Elf, Interrupted, isn't he? Now, how on Arda can Alex know about him? And I have the sneaking suspicion that the Elf of Nargothrond was a real person - probably Glorendil himself? And why is everyone always so worried about Derek?

Author Reply: Hi Soledad. That's right and Alex doesn't know him, but how he comes into the picture will be shown in the next chapter. As to who the Elf of Nargothrond is that Alex has written about, we'll find that out in the next chapter when they read the translation. And we'll see eventually why everyone is worried about Derek.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. It's very much appreciated.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 24 on 4/6/2012
Alex's dreams are getting more and more strange, really. And what has Glorendil to do with anything? IIRC, that was Laurendil's Sindarin name?

Can't say I blame Derek – to be honest, I barely understood any word Gil said about Sindarin! Archaic nasalized stop mutations??

At first I was happy how easily Alex could imagine himself in the Elven world – until he realised what and how he had written! That's too creepy. No wonder the poor guy was close to total panic!

Hm ... true, this near-death experience and his encounter with Námo might actually be the only explanation; at least I can't think of any other one. Just being around the Elves can't be it, as he didn't show these strange reactions before. But I certainly like the idea of him being a descendant of either Mithrellas, Arwen and Aragorn or Beren and Luthien, if not all of them. And if he is, then he was really meant to be there, and I suspect the Valar even more of interfering.

Now you have me worried – if Alex's instincts are to be trusted, then I am worried for Derek. I actually like that guy and don't want him to get harmed by Farrell. If that one wants to target someone, why not Glorfindel or the twins? They would be better suited to deal with him.

Not sure if to look forward to what these discussions are going to bring up or not. It depends too much on if it's going to be something positive or negative ...

Author Reply: Hi Kitty. Yes, Glorendil is Laurendil's Sindarin name, and what he has to do with any of this will be shown in the next chapter.

As to Alex's possible ancestry, that will also be revealed at some point.

And Alex has every reason to worry for Derek as we will eventually see.

Thanks for commenting. I appreciate it very much.

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