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Elf Academy Part Deux  by Fiondil 18 Review(s)
LyanaReviewed Chapter: 31 on 4/30/2012
So Maddy wants Alex to work with Farrell... interesting. Proof that she did send him or something more sinister??? And I must say that the image of a fuming, verklempt Farrell is tremendously amusing. :-)

Ugh - perils of working with Mortals, though I must confess that my first thought was more along the germ warfare lines. Poor Derek (and everybody else afflicted) - norovirus really does make you feel like you want to die!

Hope all goes well for you today, and that the recovery is quick and uneventful as well.

Author Reply: Hi Lyana. Well, supposedly, they've lost Ambrose and five agents, so it makes sense that the Agency would want Alex to team up with Farrell and the remaining agents to look for the missing. But the Norovirus and the coming blizzard will put pay to all that.

Thanks for your good wishes. I've recovered enough to be sent home from hospital, allowing me to finally respond to eveyone's lovely review. Thanks for commenting. I appreciate it.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 31 on 4/30/2012
those stomach bugs are definitely no fun. The last time I had a go-around with one, I got it twice in as many weeks - and the first of those times I went from a normal temperature to a quite high fever in just two hours. (I checked that because I felt as I was coming down with something - which I was.) and I normally have _very_ efficient immune system! I still appreciate Alex' little quip, and when I _have_ been ill, I certainly appreciate the truth in it ;-)
Somebody should provide the students with lots and lots of ginger tea. It doesn't taste good, but it helps with the nausea!
I hope Farrell gets laid out as well. I think a little suffering would be good for him. *grins evilly*
I'm sending positive vibes your way!

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. Usually, we end up with Ginger Ale, which has the same effect. When I was in hospital, it actually tasted good to me but by the end of the week I didn't want to look at it. I ended up throwing up three times during my stay, and it's bad enough when you're physically well, but doing so after you've just had open-heart surgery is no fun at all. The pain is terrible. Anyway, things are better now and I appreciate all your positive vibes and encouragement. Thanks for leaving a comment.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 31 on 4/30/2012
Oh, goodness that is all they need, an outbreak of norovirus, I hope it does not spread to the townsfolk, then they would have a real mess on their hands! Hopefully they can contain it and it does not cause to much disruption, the local economy would be in serious trouble otherwise, I can see the Elves having to be Christmas Elves to help out!

I wonder what Maddie thinks about Farrell and if she knows what he is doing, that man needs to to watched, nasty thought, I hope he gets a good dose of noro, couldn't happen to a better person!(Yes, I'm evil!)

Thinking good thoughts, reply when you can.


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. That would be interesting, seeing all the Elves pitching in to help out as Christmas Elves.

I have no idea what Maddy thinks of Farrell. Maybe someday we'll find out.

As you can see, I'm back home and responding to all my reviews. I appreciate yours as always. Thanks for your good wishes and prayers. They are very welcome.

TegiReviewed Chapter: 31 on 4/30/2012
I feel guilty. I've been creeping on your story for the past couple of updates, but I haven't reviewed yet. I just want to express my complete admiration for your storytelling ability. Both the first Elf Academy story and this one are masterpieces. Thank you for giving me a new world to explore.


P.S. I also enjoy the fact that you consistently update. I don't think I've ever met anyone who does that!

Author Reply: Hi Tegi. Thank you for taking the time to "come into the Light" and letting me know how much you appreciate my stories and my storytelling ability. Music to the ears and the soul. As for updating consistenly, I believe that I owe my readers that. I hate, myself, having to wait for weeks, months, sometimes even years, before an author updates a story. Sometimes, there are actual and legitimate reasons for this and such can be accepted, but most of the time, I think it's just plain laziness or uncaring for their readers. Anyway, I hope to see more reviews from you when you feel a need to express an opinion.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 31 on 4/30/2012
Ah, the Norovirus--I have had it myself twice this year, and don't recommend it as a way to pass time! Hope all make a rapid recovery!

Author Reply: Nasty stuff, the Norovirus. We'll see how people cope with it. The storm isn't going to help. Thanks for commenting, Larner. I appreciate it.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 31 on 4/30/2012
Happy to see the new chapter this am since I was not expecting it. The illness seems very suspicious. Farrell is not beyond such a stunt.

Praying all goes well this week. Much as I love your stories, take good care of yourself.

Author Reply: Hi UTfrog. Sometimes the Norovirus is just the Norovirus and not a plot against the hero by the Enemy. *grin* Such things happen in real life and why should Wiseman be exempt from the vagaries of real life any less than the rest of us?

As you can see, I'm back in the saddle again, but it will be a while before I'm up to actually writing again. Luckily, we have enough chapters to date to get us through August.

Thanks for your good wishes and for the review. I appreciate them both.

Erulisse (one L)Reviewed Chapter: 31 on 4/30/2012
Oh, a virus in an enclosed environment can be a nasty thing. This does not bode well for the student population or human administrators. At least Alex was instructed to sit tight by Maddy, that's a step forward.

I'll look forward to your delayed "thank you" for the review because it will mean that you're on the mend :-) *hugs*

- Erulisse (one L)

Author Reply: Well, as I have five minutes before I have to leave for hospital, why delay? *grin* The better sign of my recovery is finding a new chapter on Friday. Anyway, the Norovirus is a nasty critter and we'll see how it affects the Academy. At least the Elves can't get it even if everyone else does. Thanks for your prayers, good thoughts, and reviews. All are greatly appreciated.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 31 on 4/30/2012
Germ warfare. It hasn't escaped my attention that Christy was on the original 'possible agents' list. Alex is acting almost like one of the staff but I think that Grace may be wise enough to work out what the change implies about Alex's knowledge of the Elves.

Prayers going up for you!

Author Reply: Hi harrowcat. Hmm... now I didn't even think of that when I was writing this part of the story. You're more devious-minded than I am. LOL! Thanks for the prayers. I greatly appreciate them and the review.

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