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Elf Academy Part Deux  by Fiondil 15 Review(s)
Lady EdlynReviewed Chapter: 34 on 5/14/2012
Oh, my! I having flashbacks to the ice storm that took out three trees in the yard and took out power at my house for a week last winter! Luckily, things got cleared enough that we could go and take refuge at a friend's house than still had electricity and heat. It took ages to get warm again.

And Glorfindel is still slipping back in time? I wonder if his ring could be reshaped or disguised so that it won't be so obvious to people who don't need to know about it. But twin elflings are a wonderful thing (and its not just because I'm a twin myself). I loved Grace's comment about men not understanding the importance of baby showers. Actually, I enjoyed lots of things about this chapter. And I'm intrigued about how Alex managed to escape the clinic and make his way to the Academy as well as why he did it. I'm hoping he isn't delirious and that he didn't hurt anyone on his way out of the clinic. Maybe he is having another of those racial memory things and thinks he's someone else... Needless to say, I can hardly wait until Friday's update.

You know, even with all the bad things happening I still want to transfer from WSU to the Elf Academy. Does that make me crazy? You've certainly given me a lot to puzzle over this week (which makes a good change from macroeconomics and marketing classes!)

I do hope that your recovery is going well, meldonya, and you remain in my thoughts. Feel better soon! Hugs!


Author Reply: Hi Edlyn. Well, I've drawn on my own experiences of blizzards and ice storms for this part of the story, and I know all about power outages and the like.

Glorfindel is obviously beginning to stress out. Too much too soon and none of it all that good. It'll get worse before it gets better, I'm afraid. And Alex showing up as he did instead of being safely at the clinic isn't going to help matters.

Thanks for your good wishes. It's a slow process of recovery but I get a little stronger every day. Thanks, also for taking the time to review. I never cared for macroeconomics myself, so I'm glad I was able to give you a bit of relief from that. *grin*

LyanaReviewed Chapter: 34 on 5/14/2012
Poor Glorfindel - sounds like the stress of everything is finally getting to him; nothing like trying to prepare for the end of the world, manage a college and fend off government agencies, spies and assassins, never mind the snow and ice! And Alex turning up in the middle of an ice storm - whaaaat?!??

The next person who utters the phrase "It's all under control" or any variant thereof deserves a good whack or three!

Author Reply: Hi Lyana. I think you're right. The Elves are a little too sure of themselves here and that can spell trouble if they're not careful. And the stress is only beginning for Glorfindel with the storm yet to peak. As for Alex.... we'll learn more about that in the next chapter. Thankd for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 34 on 5/14/2012
Pardon the language, but what the bloody, blue blazes is Alex doing out in an ice storm!? I am beginning to think the guy has a death wish!

Well, yes, Glorfindel's enthusiasam at Nimrodel and Amroth's news was a little underwhelming, I can see where he is coming from though, Nimrodel is going to be out of action for a while and so is Amroth to a certain extent, depending on how much Nimrodel needs to draw from him.

It would be interesting to know what Namo was reading on the computer, perhaps some fan fic from a certain author of our aquantance, but it was more than likely something else, probably very dry and boring, unless it was information on the Artic Fringes next performance!?

Things seem to be under control at the Academy, I wonder how the rest of the collage is doing?

Yep, can't start to early to plan baby showers. Now just where did I see that knitting pattern for booties, I know it's on the computer but I could swear I printed it out!(Goes off muttering to her self to look for pattern and stuff.)

Hope you are continuing to improve.


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. That's what everyone wants to know. We'll find out in the next chapter.

I have no idea what Námo was reading on the computer. You may be right that he was looking up the concert schedule for the Arctic Fringe... or maybe for the Grateful Dead. LOL!

Things may appear to be under control but that doesn't meant they are, as we will see.

I seem to be getting stronger each day and when I went in for an echo yesterday, the doctor said I was pretty much on track and he was pleased with my progress.

Thaks for commenting. I appreciate if very much.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 34 on 5/14/2012
I do have to grin at your titles. Methinks Glorfindel is working himself to a standstill here. Also, too many people congratulating themselves on everything being under control too early! *grin* Not a safe thing to do. Oh, Alex - you had to get back into the story! And Twins! *squee* Now where is Shane's mom in all this and Farrell?

Author Reply: Hi harrowcat. Methinks thou'rt correct in thine esttmation of Glorfindel. *grin* And it is a bit early yet for congratulations. The storm's barely begun and it won't be over soon. As for Shane's mom, we'll learn about her later on, as well as something about Farrell. Thanks for leaving a review. I appreciate it very much.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 34 on 5/14/2012
I am so very glad that it is spring when I am reading about snow and the terrible. I hate cold weather. Good organizational skills by the elves. Now I have to wait to see if Farrell has anything to do with Alex's sudden appearance.

Author Reply: Hi UTFrog. I hear you about the snow and cold weather. Not one of my favorite seasons either. As to the why of Alex's sudden appearance, we'll learn something of that in the next chapter. Thanks for leaving a comment. It's much appreciated.

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