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Elf Academy Part Deux  by Fiondil 16 Review(s)
someoneReviewed Chapter: 38 on 5/28/2012
Instead of a "poor Alex" chapter, this was poor Glofindel! Making that tree to destroy his bedroom was especially cruel. They all need a holiday in somewhere warm after this.

I never thought that they could open locks like that.

Author Reply: I'm sure they would all love a vacation in the Bahamas or some such place, someone. I know I would. *grin* And Glorfi at least can open locks like that, using the powers taught to hm by the Maiar. Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

LyanaReviewed Chapter: 38 on 5/28/2012
Oh, wow - the hits just keep coming. No matter how true Vorondur's comments may be, I think Amroth's probably the only one around who could truly understand some of what Glorfindel's feeling. It is incredibly lonely at the top, especially when you feel like you're on a divine hit list, no matter how well intentioned, supportive or helpful the people around you. I'm glad Lord Namo dropped by.

Are the twins headed to the same hotel where Farrell is holed up? That could be... interesting.

Oh - and as a tribute to your skill as a writer, I've found myself worrying about various characters at odd times, having to remind myself that they're *not real*. So in that vein, I'm attempting to NOT chew my nails over what's going to happen to Derek!

Author Reply: Hi Lyana. You may be right about Amroth being the only one to really understand where Glorfindel is coming from, but Vorondur is only telling it like it is and making sure Glorfindel doesn't become too self-indulgent. That's not what they need right now in their leader.

And yes, the Twins are heading for the same inn as Farrell is holed up in, but I think they will try to avoid him. Their main purpose in going there is to sleep and restore their energy. Once that's accomplished, they'll just leave and return to Edhellond or the Academy and take up their duties again.

Thanks for your compliment on my writing skills. I try to make my characters as three-dimensional as I possibly can, giving them both good and bad qualities, just as we all have, so that the heroes aren't too perfect and the villains aren't too evil, so that you can't related to any of them at all. And I wouldn't worry too much about Derek. He's full of surprises, as we will shortly see.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 38 on 5/28/2012
Oh, dear, poor Richard, poor Glorfi.

You can understand why Elves try not to get too close to Mortals,their lives are so brief in their eyes.

Things can be replaced, but unfortunately, people can't. Work on the good memories you have of Richard, Glorfi and kinow he is back with his Stella and is happy.

Not surprised Glorfi had a minor meltdown(sorry), it's been a long time coming, every now and then it is good to scream! Voronder understands this, but I think he could have been a little more sympathetic, Glorfi had just lost a good friend, they all had.

Oh, well the Elleth will have fun, come spring, redoing Glorfi's room and he has time to embroider some cushion covers, give him something to do in his spare time, if he has any that is!

Now to get the Acadamy back up and running and get on with turning people into Elf Guides! (And preparing for the Dagor Dagorath!)

Early shift today and Sloppy Joes tonight!


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. It is difficult for Mortals when they lose friends and loved ones, but it has to be especially difficult for the Elves. Even more so, now that they are deeply involved in the lives of the Mortals around them.

I'm sure the ellith will love to redo Glorfi's room for him. *grin*

Enjoy your Sloppy Joes and thanks for commenting. It's much appreciated.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 38 on 5/28/2012
So much good news and bad news crammed into this chapter. It reads exactly like our real lives. I do feel for Glorfindel. He has to be so very tired.

Author Reply: And I've done my best to give this story the semblance of real life. Glorfindel is indeed very tired and his friend's death hasn't helped matters. Thanks for reviewing, UTfrog. I appreciate it very much.

Whispy Reviewed Chapter: 38 on 5/28/2012
Oh, man. Some intense stuff happening here. Poor Glorfindel. It must be very difficult for the Elves to be surrounded by Mortals and to know that each and every one of them is, inevitably, going to die. I’ve always felt bad for Elrond and the Twins in that regard, because they were so close to the dunedain, helping to raise fifteen Cheiftans, all of whom would, inevitably die, including Aragorn, who Elrond loved as his own son and I suspect the Twins loved as their own little brother (I say ‘I suspect’ because Tolkien never comes out and says that they did, but fandom said they did SO IT MUST BE TRUE. ;P) I can only imagine the grief that the Twins when Aragorn and Arwen passed away.

Things seem to be looking a bit better, though, now that the blizzard seems to be dying down. The Twins must be grateful for some rest now that the really sick students are in the hospital. And Alex seems to be in touch with his ‘good’ side (and let’s hope it stays that way!)

Excellent chapter. I had a night of crap sleep and was extremely grumpy this morning but this update genuinely cheered me up a lot.

Can’t wait to see what happens next,

Author Reply: Hi Whispy. You're right about Tolkien never stating that the sons of Elrond treated Aragorn as their younger brother, that that is fanon, but it makes logical sense that they would, if Elrond has made a point in treating him as his son, otherwise the poor boy would've grown up very confused. *grin*

Anyway, things are getting better inspite of Richard Martina's death (and such things are happening everyday in Wiseman, though we don't hear of them in this story). As for Alexd being in touch with his 'good' side, we'll see how successful he is in staying that way.

Sorry you had such a bad night but I'm glad this chapter helped to cheer you up. Thanks for takng the time to read and review. It's very much appreciated.

SoledadReviewed Chapter: 38 on 5/28/2012
Poor Glorfi! Vorondur is a wise Elf, but there *is* some truth in the sayign: "Just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they aren't out there to get you!" And I know it's a bit morbid, but I had to laugh at the image of Glorfindel in wet jeans - quite the fall from the damascened armour he used to wear in Gondolin.

It's a sad, sad thing to lose a friend, but at least it wasn't something that cockroach Farrell had done. And it was nice of Námo to come and comfort Glorfindel.

Should you have some stray inspiration to spare, can you send it my way? I intended to finish this arch of "Elvenhome" in two more chapters, and now I'm stuck. Again. *sigh* And that so close to the end. Perhaps summer pico will help. Another six-year-hiatus would *not* be welcome.

Author Reply: Hi Soledad. There is some truth to the saying, and in this case, there's some truth to Glorfindel's assessment of the situation, but as Vorondur points out, it's also very easy to be self-indulgent and think there's a conspiracy against you when things go wrong, when it's just the way it is. Real life can be a bore. Take it from one who knows.

And it is very sad to lose a friend.

As for inspiration, as I don't really know where you want to go with the story I can't really give you any concrete ideas, however, I can give you this bit of advice: keep writing. Don't stop because you *think* you're stuck. It doesn't matter what you write. It could be junk, but the action of writing helps you to keep in writing-mode, allows your mind to focus on writing. If you're not sure what happens next (it's something that happens to me a lot, especially when writing a Glorfindel story), just start writing. Place your character(s) in a scene, make it a domestic one if necessary, and don't think about it but let your characters have their own way. You might be surprised to find that in the end, you've actually written a chapter, or part of one, and have a glimmer of an idea of where to go next in the story.

The trouble with 'weekend writers' is that they don't realize that writing is a craft and a skill like any other and needs to be constantly honed. That only happens if you are constantly writing. A real writer (even those for which writing ia a hobby and not a living) writes every day. It may only be a paragraph or two but it's a paragraph or two more than before. Sometimes, I don't even write, but I'm doing writing stuff, like re-reading previous chapters of the story and editing all the missed errors, or researching some aspect of Tolkien's Legendarium in preparation for an upcoming part of the story. Whatever. I'm still engaged in 'writing' and I do it every day, even on the weekends and holidays. If I only have a half hour for writing then that's fine, but during that half hour I write.

And that's all the inspiration I can give you or anyone else with regards to writing. Good luck.

And thanks for leaving a review. It's much appreciated.

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