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Elf Academy Part Deux  by Fiondil 20 Review(s)
SoledadReviewed Chapter: 40 on 6/4/2012
I wonder if Glorfindel realizes he's treating Mortals the same way the Valar and Maiar used to read him - and if he remembers how much he used to hate that?! It would be high time for him to come down from his epaulettes, or he could turn Alex away from them and their case a lot more easily than the Valar had persuaded him to join up.

Derek is great - still assuming that he's really a good guy, which I very much hope. "Not just another pretty face", indeed!

The sheriff's office not answering is an ominous sign, I'm afraid. Evil cliffie is evil!

Author Reply: Hi Soledad. I don't think Glorfindel does realize what he's doing. He's too wound up, too sleep deprived, too pissed off and too emotionally drained to know what he's doing or why. And his attitude will cause some trouble between him and Alex and Derek later on as we will see.

And no, Derek is definitely not just another pretty face. LOL!

We'll find out what's happened at the sheriff's office in the next chapter.

Thanks for taking the time to leave a review. You know how much I appreciate it.

LyanaReviewed Chapter: 40 on 6/4/2012
Uh oh... Glorfindel's very much off his game, and the sheriff being incommunicado doesn't sound so good either! Granted, Glorif's way out of practice for working with mortals (how many tens of thousands of years have passed since he fought alongside Aragorn?!?), but "pride goes before a fall" as the saying goes.

Love how you've written Derek! He's becoming my favorite character, and his lack of surprise very much makes sense with his background as an intelligence analyst. He and Alex will certainly have some interesting conversations!

Author Reply: Hi Lyana. Yes, Glorfindel is definitely off his game big time. I'm glad Derek is becoming a favorite character. I like him a lot, too. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 40 on 6/4/2012
I love Derek! what a smart young man. His comments about Sindarin language were priceless.
I know that Glorfindel is under a lot of stress and not in his best moments, but he has a very short memory for his time fighting along with mortals, a little more respect, please.
I will say Poor Alex, only because Derek bested him in his reaction after finding out about Elves and figuring out that something wasn't right.

Author Reply: Hi Fantasia. I thought his comment about Sindarin was pretty funny, too, and very true. *grin*

Glorfindel does need a reminder about how things must be between Elves and Mortals now that they are fighting together (or will be eventually) and that will come soon enough.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it.

Idril CelebrindalReviewed Chapter: 40 on 6/4/2012
I have liked Derek from the start so I'm glad he's been brought in finally!!!
I hope my trust isn't misplaced with Derek.....LOL
I like the banter between Alex and Derek and that Elrohir concurs!

Well done, waiting patiently for the next chapter! fingerstappingtappingtapping...LOL


Author Reply: Hi Idril. I'm glad you've liked Derek from the beginning. He's become a favorite of mine as well. Thanks for leaving a review and letting me know how much you are enjoying this story. I very much appreciate it.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 40 on 6/4/2012
Go Monalex!!! Woo! Hoo!


Author Reply: Indeed. LOL!

6336Reviewed Chapter: 40 on 6/4/2012
Oh,oh. I think Alex is a teensy bit pissed! I just hope Ratty is in Chandaler and not witing out in the parking lot for him.

I do wish Amroth would stop calling him son, it makes Alex seem like a four year old.

Now what's going on in town, unless all the sherifs department has been called out, some thing is going down! I have the feeling though, if it was that big the sherif would have called in his Deputy Elves!

Hope all goes well today, take it easy.


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. Alex is a lot pissed. Ratty isn't anywhere near the Academy now. Amroth thinks of Alex as his son, so it stands to reason that he calls him that. It's a term of affection, and perhaps Alex doesn't really mind. I suspect Amroth called him that when they were both at the Agency.

As for what is happening at the sheriff's department, we'll learn that in the next chapter.

I managed to last until 3:00 and then I went home and took a nap. No one minded and everyone said to take it easy. I hope by the end of the week I'll be able to go the entire day. We'll see.

Thanks for the review. I appreciate it very much.

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 40 on 6/4/2012
Oh, boy. Does Glorfindel realize he is playing with fire? Neither Alex nor Derek will take this treatment for much longer. Alex is bound to go off on his own shortly - and Derek will not be far behind.

So Derek has a background in naval intelligence. Interesting... More talent that is needed.

Author Reply: Hi obsidianj. I think Glorfindel is too tired to realize what he's doing and he's really at the end of his rope. Unfortunately, events will keep piling up and at some point he's going to cross a line that he shouldn't have and Alex will not be happy about it, to say the least.

And Derek is just what everyone needs, even if they don't realize it just yet.

Thanks for leaving a comment. I appreciate it very much.

Lady EdlynReviewed Chapter: 40 on 6/4/2012
Good morning, meldonya!

What a great chapter; lots of information, Derek finally being taken on board (so to speak), more mystery, and some Elf-Man headbutting. :-)

I think that Glorfindel needs: 1) about 36 to 48 hours of unbroken sleep; 2) a counseling session with Dan or Ron; 3) a wrestling session with the Maiar or a run with some wolves; and, 4) a moderated meeting with Alex so they can get some things said and out in the open. I think Amroth would probably be the best one to moderate any such meeting, because he has a much more balanced view of what Alex is actually capable of than Glorfindel does and he can help Alex fit Glorfindel and the other Elves into his "chain of command". I'm also guessing that Glorfindel needs a reminder about how he felt back when he was a Reborn when he felt the Valar and Maiar were treating him as a child and have it pointed out that is the exact same thing he is doing to Alex (and now to an extent, Derek). Of course, Alex needs to realize that he's not in his usual position of autonomy any more. So they are both going to have to make adjustments.

I'm glad that you are no longer under "medical house arrest" and look forward to reading what happens next to our favourite Elves and Men on Friday. I finish my finals on Thursday so it will be a nice treat! Be well!


Author Reply: Hi Edlyn. I'm glad you found this to be a great chatper. There really is a lot of information being passed around. You're right about what Glorfindel needs, especially the unbroken sleep and the counseling session. In fact, we will see in a later chapter where circumstances will be such that he actually snaps and threatens bodily harm to another. Glorfi is definitely not a happy camper. And he does need a reminder of how he felt as a Reborn with the Valar and Maiar. It's been way too long for him and he definitely needs a refresher course. *grin* And of course, Alex does need to realize that things have changed for him and he needs to acknowledge that there is now a different chain of command than what he's used to.

I'm glad I'm not under "medical house arrest" either. LOL! Good luck with your finals and thanks for leaving a comment. I appreciate it very much.

MonalexReviewed Chapter: 40 on 6/4/2012
I really hate GLORFINDEL!!!!! And I never thought I would say this!!!! "Mortals mucking things up" BASTARD!!!!! A more arrogant elf I have not read of in this story, well maybe AMROTH who gives him a run for his money... Also I don't think it justify this arrongance that they haven't interacted with mortals in a long while, they are living in the world of men not elves, dwarves and hobbits, MEN!!!!! If they made hermits of themselves it's their fault and mortals shouldn't be paying for their decisions.

So I really hope ALEX and DEREK have sweet revenge upon this arrogant elves, if not because ALEX is curious and feels responsible for FARRELL and the other agents, I think he would have been long gone.... with the kind of respect they offer mortals its a wonder they have mortal "friends" at all!!!! Or maybe that's the point up until now most of the elves had not encounter type A personalities, those who could be classified as leaders among men, they are used to persons like ZACK and the others from Elf Academy who were content to be led by the nose...

So I think the Valar and Maiar should put in their place this overbearing elves by showing them that they are also nothing compared to them, so where would they get off treating MORTALS as second class citizens????? Yes they may be young compared to them, but that is what gives them the advantage since they are more prone to do foolish and brave deeds. After all didn't ARAGORN made a foolish-brave decision to atack Mordor with a desiminated and tired army in the vague hope some hobbits would finish an errand to destroy a ring of great evil???

And really what a way for DEREK to surprise everyone... not just another pretty face indeed.

Author Reply: You're absolutely right, Monalex. Glorfi's only real excuse is that he's sleep deprived and totally pissed and emotionally drained from the interrogation and did I mention sleep deprived? *grin* Glorfi's attitude and the attitude of the other Elves will have certain consequences in later chapters. They won't be getting away with it by any means, I promise.

And Derek is just full of surprises, isn't he? *grin*

Thanks for taking the time to read and review. I greatly appreciate it.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 40 on 6/4/2012
Glad to know Jack is okay. He was not involved in anything and doesn't deserve this, after all.

*raises brow* Derek was another intelligence officer? Now that is interesting. And they shared a room? The Valar must have had their hands in this. In any case, he took the whole thing rather well, and I am not so surprised that he had been wondering already, he was an intelligent guy, after all. His reasoning [i] No one would actually make up something like archaic nasalized stop mutations unless they were truly evil.[/i] left me laughing quite a bit, though!

[i] "Makes it less likely for me to slip up, but now explain to me what the hell is Homeland Security or the CIA doing shoving their noses into the affairs of this Academy? Don’t they have better things to do with themselves?"[/i] Exactly what I thought!

Really like Derek and his sarcastical remarks. He'll be an asset to their group!

Well, that confirms my feelings that the way Farrell went about the whole thing wasn't how an agent was supposed to act. Maddy giving him hell for it sounds good to me. Assumed they get to send him back in one piece, that is.

Oh no, another emergency? And I'm off to France on Wednesday and have to wait for Monday to read the Friday update! Oh well, at least I'll get two at once! But you know, even if it's true that the Elves can get faster to the Sheriff's office, I still don't like the way how they treat Alex and Derek. It's a bit too arrogant for my taste.

Anyway, I hope your first day back at work went well!

Author Reply: Hi Kitty. I'm sure the Valar arranged for the two intelligence agents to room together. I'm glad you like Derek. He's a lot of fun to write and he will indeed be an asset to the group.

I'm afraid the Elves are still not used to treating Elves as their equals, especially people like Alex who is used to being a leader-type. That attitude will come back to haunt them, as we will see in a later chapter

First day went well enough, though I didn't last the entire day. Still I lasted longer than I expected. I'm hoping by the end of the week to be able to do a full day. We'll see.

Thanks for leaving a comment. It's much appreciated.

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