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Elf Academy Part Deux  by Fiondil 14 Review(s)
LyanaReviewed Chapter: 54 on 7/23/2012
I. am. DYING. here!! (Of laughter, of course!) Finrod - speaking Shakespearean English??? I think that's one of the funniest things I've ever read; still giggling just thinking about it!

Alex was incredible, and Derek did a fantastic job of shutting up. Very much looking forward to finding out who else came off Vingilot...

Author Reply: Hi Lyana. The idea of Finrod speaking Shakespearean English tickled me so much I just had to do it. He'll learn modern English soon enough, but for now it's fun to listen to him speaking forsoothly. And Alex was indeed incredible and we see a bit of his spy training in practice. Who knows how often he's been in a pickle and needed to do some fast talking to get himself out of it? Anyway, thanks for commenting. I always appreciate it.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 54 on 7/23/2012
Excellent! I am so glad Alex and Derek were able to remind everyone that humans make great allies. Certainly Finrod got the point that having been away from ME for so long, they have much to learn about modern life. "Hello, the Interent" was a perfect example.

Author Reply: Hi UTfrog. Yes, humans do make great allies, especially one's like Alex and Derek with their specialized training. Glad you found the chapter to your liking. I appreciate you letting me know. It means a lot to me. Thanks.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 54 on 7/23/2012
So Finrod managed to finagle himself onto the expedition! :-D It will be interesting to see who else have come.
Food that Finrod, at least, takes Alex seriously and lets him handle the soldiers who are out chasing the UFO, or whatever it was they thought Vingilot was. And Alex certainly did his part well, even using his shaven head to get rid of the soldiers. And I can certainly understand him complaining about the planning of this voyage - Vingilot was not exactly inconspicious!
It will be interesting to seethe newcomers' reactions to the modern world - from learning modern English, to encountering the marvels of modern technology - like the Internet.

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. We'll learn more about who else came in later chapters, though we won't meet everyone. Perhaps if there's a sequel to this sequel we will. Alex does have a point about how visible Vingilot was. There may have been a reason for that. Perhaps putting the Enemy on notice. Who can really say? We'll see how things go with the new arrivals and how Alex and Derek interact with them over the course of several chapters. Thanks for reviewing. It's always appreciated.

Arwen75Reviewed Chapter: 54 on 7/23/2012
Well I see Ulmo & Namo decided to have some fun in teaching Finrod English. Now to see who else is here - and how Alex takes to meeting his umpteenth great grandfather. Slightly less of a cliff hanger today ... good thing as it is a longer wait till Friday. Really enjoying this story.

Now to see how they manage to come up with ID for Finrod and the others - and how quickly they can get out of there and what Farrell is up to...and...ok so many questions still to be answered. I am loving this story and it is the highlight on my Monday/Friday - normally lunchtime for me in UK but earlier today as my student due at 11am decided not to turn up.

Author Reply: Hi Arwen. Actually it was Ulmo and Aulė who gave the language lessons. We'll see how everyone manages (or doesn't) over several chapters. I'm glad you are enjoying the story. Thanks for taking the time to let me know. I really appreciate it.

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