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Elf Academy Part Deux  by Fiondil 20 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 58 on 8/6/2012
Sounds like a just reaction to the situation. The three elflings need to get a valid appreciation for the capabilities if mortal Men.

Author Reply: Indeed, Larner, very just. And hopefully the three ellyn will eventually appreciate the capabilities of Mortals and recognize their worth even as Finrod and Glorfindel do. Thanks for taking the time to review. I appreciate it very much.

Idril CelebrindalReviewed Chapter: 58 on 8/6/2012
A just punishment, but Larry is going to take a lot more persuading.


Author Reply: Hi Idril. Yes, I think Larry will need a bit more peruading that his atar's sacrifice was indeed worth it and that Mortals are indeed worthy of their respect. We'll see how it goes. Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate you doing so very much.

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 58 on 8/6/2012
Hmmm....too noble these people. I wanted to slap them seems that Findalaurė will be the hardest to convert.

Author Reply: Hi Fantasia. Nobility does sometimes have its drawbacks. We'll see how well Findalaurė and the others learn their lesson. Thanks for commenting. It's much appreciated.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 58 on 8/6/2012
Good to see that Ales has good gun etiquette - a gun is ALWAYS loaded - even when you have just checked to see that it is unloaded. :-p
So now "Larry"'s princely pride has been pricked, but I get the feeling that he has not really learned anything from this little adventure. The two others may have gotten a vague glimmering of an idea that perhaps their behavior might need a bit of adjustment, or perhaps they just are less stiffnecked. But "Larry" is the leader of their little gang, and I get the feeling he is going to lead them straight into a fair amount of trouble.
Finrod is really, seriously angry with his son and his friends now, which is clearly understandable, since they putt the two mortals' lives at risk just for fun. Findalaurė's attitude that the Mortals looked so unheroic, so they must be worthless certainly doesn't help matters. And as for heroic Mortals - I am sure Beren looked quite seedy when he arrived in Nargothrond to ask for Finrod's help.
Getting their swords impounded should make it quite clear to the young sprats that their elders Do Not Approve of their behavior. And having Alex and Derek decide when they have become sufficiently grown up to get them back, will hopefully underscore the lesson. And so will the youngsters having to stay in the camp like elflings, and not getting to explore Middle-Earth with the adults.

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. Well, of course, Alex has good gun etiquette! He's a spy... er... inteligence officer, after all. *griin*

Finrod is indeed seriously angry with them all and Beren was pretty seedy looking according to his description in the Silmarillion after living in the wilds alone for so long before he found his way to Doriath and then to Nargothrond. Finrod, at least, looked past that to see the worth of the Man beneath the seediness even if Elu Thingol did not.

The punishment meted out to these three, I think, was very fair and probably hurt them more than anything, especially being denied their swords, which are, for all intents and purposes, staus symobls in their society.

Well, we'll see how it all works out as the story continues. Thanks for taking the time to read and review. It's always appreciated.

LyanaReviewed Chapter: 58 on 8/6/2012
What a sad day for Finrod. But to be fair, Findalaure really does need to work out the "Is it worth it" thing for himself, and I think Finrod understands that. But to say it to his father's face like that??? Wow... And not to justify the Three Amigos (love it!), but I think they are really, truly ignorant about how very frail Mortals are, and I don't think they are so callous as to deliberately allow someone to die in front of them just because of pique. I suspect that there was more Maiar prompting at work than just for Alex to keep this oh so fragile enterprise from being irrevocably destroyed because of foolishness.

Ah... how to teach humility! That's tricky; humility of spirit must be chosen - I hope Findalaure chooses well; at the moment, the other two seem to be more willing. I'm curious to see what else is decided once they reach Wiseman!

I'm also hoping that Alex and Derek can find it in themselves to behave with a bit more kindness. Yes, those three have been totally pompous jerks, but if you know you're up against someone who views you unfavorably, it doesn't help the situation to give them more reasons to dislike you.

Author Reply: Hi Lyana. A very sad day for Finrod and for others. You are probably right that Findalaurė and the other two simply are truly ignorant of just how frail Mortal are compared to Elves. And one cannot really teach humility except by example. It is, as you say, a choice of the spirit. As for what will happen once they are back in Wiseman, only time will tell. Thanks for leaving a comment. I am very appreciative.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 58 on 8/6/2012
A fair punishment, while tanning their hides might ease Alex and Derek's agression towards the Three Stooges/Amigos, taking their pretty toys away and knowing that all the other Elves think them unworthy to be warriors will hit them where it matters, in their pride.

Poor Alex is still in a lot of pain it seems and I don't think his and Derek's little juant with Glorfindel and Co has done him any good, he would have done better to stay home and rest up.

Wonder what the Three Stooges have to say for them selves after spending the night in the van, I expect they are wishing themselves back in Valinor! It's too be hoped that they do not do any thing stupid when they get back to Wiseman and are let out of their elders sight?!

An interesting chapter, let's hope all your more blood thirsty reviewers are happy with the punishment meted out to the ellyn!?


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. I thought it was a fair punishment, all things considered. And yes, Alex is still in a lot of pain. And the Three Stooges or, as they are now referred to by Derek, the Three Amigos probably are wondering if coming to Middle-earth was worth it. Hopefully, they will settle in and not cause too much trouble in the future. Thanks for commenting. It's greatly appreciate.

FantasyFanReviewed Chapter: 58 on 8/6/2012
Well, I'll never forget the Quenyan for "goose" now! It will be interesting to see all of the players mature from this and hopefully, eventually, learn to rely on each other. Nice parallel to Glorfindel and the doctor's situation as well.

Author Reply: Hi FantasyFan. No, it's not likely anyone will forget the Quenya for 'goose' now. *grin* And I hadn't thought of the parallel between this and Glorfindel and Stoner's situation, but thanks for pointing it out. And thanks for leaving a review. It's very much appreciated.

RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 58 on 8/6/2012
I actually was waiting for Finrod to say something to his son to the tune of "Your mother would be terribly disappointed in you." Finrod's book of creative punishments aside, and remembering Amarie from EI1 and EI2, I get the impression that as an apparently favored son (until now!), Findelaure might have cause be more afraid of his mother's disapproval for his actions than he even is of his father.

Obviously, we do not know what has been going on in Aman over all the ages that the Wiseman Elves have remained in Ennor, but my thoughts are that the children of those who had experienced the Darkening and Middle-Earth, etc., have not been challenged by their lives so far. They have years of life, but little real experience, and thus are naive and immature.

I rather expected the loss of their weapons as one consequence; if you can't behave like a mature adult, you will be treated like an elfing, and elflings do not carry weapons. I did like the decision that the "three amigos" were to serve Alex and Derek. All three need to be humbled, and what better way to do it? I don't expect it to be an easy road for any of them, and Findalaure--at the very least--will probably have more stumbles along his path to redemption; rather like Vorondil did.... Hmmm, any chance that Vorondil might be on the next passenger manifest? *grin* He could really give Findelaure lessons on it.

I rather enjoyed Derek's explanation of the "three amigos" appellation. I think what I liked best the the implication that the three disgraced ellyn still have an opportunity to become heroes in truth, and not the image of hero that each may have had in their minds before they arrived in Middle-earth.

That elleth that Glorfindel seemed to recognize sounds intriguing... I'm not going to bother making guesses as to her identity, but will watch the developments with eager eyes and anticipation.

Thanks for this story, Fiondil. Yes, it is definitely darker than the original Elf Academy, but I find it very satisfying. EA1 was a bit like eating candy floss--tasty and enjoyable and fun--but EA2 is more like a steak dinner--also tasty and enjoyable, but stronger and heartier and more satifying to the appetite. :-) Well done!

I look forward to Friday's installment, wish you a wonderful week!

Author Reply: Hi Rhyselle. I suspect you are right that the younger generations of Elves in Aman simply have not had their lives challenged in the way their elder's were, especially people like Finrod or Laurendil or even Valandur who lived through the Darkening and its aftermath.

And it was Daeron, not Derek, who explained the 'Three Amigos" appelation, but the implications for the three ellyn which you mention are quite valid.

I tend to think of EA1 as a very extended Prologue explaining how the Elves came to Wiseman and why, while this story goes into more depth. I could easily have written EA1 in more detail and it might well have been as long as EA2 will be but I had consciously limited the number of chapters to fit within the timeframe of the holidays, which, as you will recall, is when I posted it. Since EA2 does not have such restrictions laid on it, it is much more detailed and has more depth to it and, of course, it is darker in parts given the storyline. I am glad that you are enjoying the story, though, and I appreciate you letting me know.

Have a wonderful week, yourself.

bookwormReviewed Chapter: 58 on 8/6/2012
I won't lie, I sporfled at the title. And then I read it. I believe the term is "right in the feels". Oh man, THOSE THREE. Did they not realise they were ABOUT TO COMMIT MURDER. I feel like they got off too light, especially with that attitude! Such brats. Then again, I don't know if they were all three in cahoots or just playing follow-the-leader (in which case excuse me while I go and work out my murderous urges towards Findalaure in a more constructive fashion).

Author Reply: Hi bookworm. Being denied their swords probably was a worse punishment in their eyes than anything else Finrod could have done to them. In a warrior society, that would have been tantamount to being exiled from the group. And while the Elves do not necessarily live in a warrior society, these particular ones, coming as they are in preparation for the Final Battle, are in warrior-mode and so the punishment is apt in this case. We'll see how they do now and whether they win back their swords any time soon.

Thanks for the review. It's much appreciated and I hope you feel better after you've had your "work out". *grin*

SiiwReviewed Chapter: 58 on 8/6/2012
The young elves' behaviour leaves me with a disgusting taste in my mouth. Findalaurė seems to be the worst of them. He definitely didn't learn this from his father, maybe he has spent too much time with his grandmother?

Alex and Derek both need a vacation in a nice, warm place.

Author Reply: Hi Siiw. Yes, it is rather sad that Findalaurė and the other two apparently didn't learn what they should have learned from Finrod and others who once knew Mortals. Hopefully they will learn better. Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it.

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