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Elf Academy Part Deux  by Fiondil 15 Review(s)
6336Reviewed Chapter: 59 on 8/10/2012
Sweats and flip-flops would work, though I think their toes would get a little chilly, but they would not be outside for long and it does save having to explain zippers! Ooo and Velcro!

So Calebrian has a baby sister, cool, I wonder who was more surprised, Galadrial, Celeborn or the rest of the family, I would imagine Earwen was very happy to go into Dearnana mode!

Nelluin is one smart cookie, she at least is not afraid to go to Lord Namo to sak for help, I bet he was tickled pink at being able to put one over on Irmo and Ulmo! I would love to know what Manwe thought of the deception, I don't think he would have been too happy. No majoer problem, just have them watch T.V. for a couple of days and they will soom be up to speed.

Lsets hope nobody goes into the Reading Room before Alex and Derek can get to them in the morning, I hope they showed the Three Stooges which room is theirs in case of any problems.

Good one Fiondil,
More please,

Author Reply: Hi Lynda. Well, Elves don't feel the cold like Mortals, so I'm sure they'll be fine for now until they can get proper clothes.

I have no doubt Námo was just delighted when Nielluin asked for language lessons and enjoyed the joke. I think Manwë decided to ignore what was going on and see how things developed. Perhaps he felt that the Wiseman Elves teaching the Valinórean Elves modern English would be a good bonding technique.

I don't think we'll have to worry about anyone entering the reading room unexpectedly and I'm sure Derek pointed out which was their room just in case.

Thanks for leaving a comment. It's always appreciated.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 59 on 8/10/2012
Hey, someone, how about some _female_ students who either can't sleep or are coming home from a night of partying, and find three drop-dead gorgeous and oh, so innocent Elves in the library?? *snicker*

Author Reply: A very amusing image, Sunny, but I have a feeling that it won't happen, though we'll see how the Three Amigos react to some of the female students when they are introduced to them in the next chapter.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 59 on 8/10/2012
Tee-hee-hee. I think I smell a romance coming up between Daeron and Melyanna. :-D And I gather that Glorfindel's interest has been caught by someone, too - which means that someone must have been listening in back in chapter 10. Glorfindel really should not have made such a very sweeping statement, since it only seems to have, ahem, encouraged the Valar.
I really like Nielluin, even on such a short acquaintance. She seems like a really smart cookie! First, looking straight through Ulmo and Aulë, and getting Námo to teach her modern English - and then _not_ spoiling the joke the other two Valar were perpetrating on the rest of the expedition. The Twins certainly looked quite shocked at having a new aunt (and I LOLed at your description of Galadriel and Celeborn's reunion.) She sounds like great fun! Is she the one you have picked up for Glorfy? She sounds as if she has both the sense of humor and the sheer big brass ovaries that are needed to put up with him (and keeping the mighty Balrog Slayer in line!)
It sounds as if the younger generation having a low opinion of their elders is a universal attitude.

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. Yes, I'm sure SOMEONE was listening to Glorfindel's rather outrageous statement and decided to do something about it. *grin*

I'm glad you like Nielluin. She's something of a character as we will see. As for Glorfy, we'll see which elleth catches his eye.

Thanks for commenting. I appreciate it.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 59 on 8/10/2012
Best chapter ever! Full of great information and even more humor. You just have to write the reunion of Galadriel and Celeborn!!! I know that I will reread this chapter many times, even out of context, just for the introductions.

Author Reply: Hi UTfrog. Oh, please! I DO NOT need another plot bunny; the bunny hutch is already full to overflowing. LOL! I'm glad you really enjoyed the chapter, especially the introductions. Thanks for letting me know. I really appreciate it.

someoneReviewed Chapter: 59 on 8/10/2012
The twins have an aunt younger than they are? I would never expected that, but the worst thing is that it's not so suprising when you start thinking about it, as Galadriel has never been very coventional... And now Celebrían has a little sister! (And a smart one as well, she was right to suspect the language lessons!)

I can hardly wait what happens when Beleg gets a modern gun into his hands, most likely he'll be the best sniper the world has yet seen.

And the three amigos are now within the Academy. There will always be a student who can't sleep and might go to the reading room and see three tall, glowing beings speaking Shakespearean English... That would be interesting to explain later.

Author Reply: Hi someone. Maybe a Maia hung around to 'discourage' late-night visitors to the reading room. *grin* The Three Amigos will be meeting the other students soon enough as we will eventually see. Thanks for reviewing. It's greatly appreciated.

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