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Through the Eyes of Maia and Wizard  by Larner 89 Review(s)
VirtuellaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/7/2012
Oh, how wonderful, a whole collcetion of Gandalf stories! I like this, with the glimpses of characters like Gimli and Bill Ferny and the foreshadowing.

Author Reply: I'm so glad you appreciated this one and the collection. I hope to add more to the collection in time.

TariReviewed Chapter: 13 on 4/2/2012
Never cross a Baggins as Boromir is now learning. Mushrooms are excellent. I even like them raw in a garden salad. Boromir shoud have given them a try.

Fried apples! I never heard of frying apples. Have you every tried them?

Author Reply: Boromir has learned a good deal, but has a lot more to learn about Bagginses and their passions as well as their ability to avenge insults to themselves and their favorite dishes! Heh!

Yes, I've had apple slices dipped in cinnamon and sugar and fried in a light oil--properly done, they are nice enough.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 15 on 4/1/2012
It would definitely be interesting to see Nerdanel meeting with frodo, especially since frodo is quite a notable artist himself. Also it would bee nice to Nerdanel meeting her "grandson". Hint, hint. ;-)
Btw, Nenya was the ring of water, and vilya was the ring of air.

Author Reply: And I may well write these meetings, Sunny. Certainly Nerdanel and Frodo should find a good deal to appreciate in one another's company.

As for the great rings--well, I've yet to see canon indications of the element for each other than Narya, which we know was the ring of fire. As Elrond's home was in a valley known for the Loudwater and waterfalls, it seemed very likely that Elrond would surround himself with the element with which his ring would have the most harmony. And the Galadrim chose to live high in the air, so thus Vilya has always spoken to me of that element.

Maybe I'm wrong, but then I suppose I will choose to pursue this possible AU.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 15 on 4/1/2012
Oh - this is a great chapter. I do so hope there is more! Wow.

Author Reply: Thank you, Agape. And I suspect this one will be embroidered upon--certainly there's been interest!

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/1/2012
“May all of US know the joy of the day!”

Thanks for sharing these delightful and wise little pieces.

Author Reply: And enjoy them we do! Thank you so!

SoledadReviewed Chapter: 15 on 4/1/2012
Oh, this was lovely! Poor Nerdanel!

Author Reply: Thank you so, Soledad! She is bereft, but has much strength, and deserves such comfort as is offered her, I've always felt!

aiwendielReviewed Chapter: 13 on 3/30/2012
Oh just lovely! I particularly enjoyed the gifts, perfectly chosen for each of the givers. And leave it to Boromir to aggravate a Hobbit about such a sacred topic: food, and particularly mushrooms! He has no idea what thin ice he's walking on. Another wonderful chapter!

Author Reply: I can't imagine that the Hobbits wouldn't give some thought to gifts as Yule approached--what to give that will be light and appreciated upon the road?

As for Boromir--well, he's learning, and the hard way this time. Thank you!

eilujReviewed Chapter: 13 on 3/29/2012
“Actually, it is much further south of the Shire than it is east of it" -- That always amazes me.

Oh yes, Aragorn knows first-hand that Boromir is likely to want new laces shortly!

We are having summer this March, but it suddenly feels like winter.

Author Reply: Distances in Middle Earth are often difficult to fathom, I've found. And it was fun to have yet another son of Westernesse run afoul of the Scoundrel of Buckland! Heh!

Our crocuses came up and have faced hail, some snow, and rain, but have suffered their worst harm from driving winds that come and go. The pups don't know if they'll find the weather calm and sunny or cold, wet, and blowy between the time they go out the door and the time they come in again!

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 12 on 3/27/2012
Oh my. I'm wiping tears from my eyes. What a glorious image that brings to heart and mind. How wise of Pippin to bring flowers - I never would have thought of it.

The loss of Pip`s final years of childhood... Rosie `hearing` Sam`s return. Beautiful.

The whole story beautifully written as always.

Author Reply: Thank you so. How better to speak to a gardener than to call upon memories evoked by the scent of flowers, I thought. I'm so glad you feel it worked so well. Thank you!

TariReviewed Chapter: 11 on 3/26/2012
Wow! I never ceased to be amazed by the quality of comtributions from the members of SOA. This is awesome.

Author Reply: Thank you so, Tari! I am honored!

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