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The Journey Home  by Fiondil 20 Review(s)
LaerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/15/2013
I truly had tears in my eyes on this chapter. Maglor and Denethor have made a "pack" and I hope they will all make it to their families and loved ones. Poor Maglor needs to know that some will look at him just as Denethor and his fellow travelers do. Not all, but hey it was the Valor's choice. :)

Author Reply: Hi Laer. We wil see how things go for all of them as the story progresses. Now that they are all together, the rest of the tale will detail their efforts to find the Straight Road and what follows after. I'm glad this chapter moved you to tears. I means I did something right. *grin* Thanks for taking the time to comment. I appreciate it very much.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/15/2013
Well, Maglor - you really blew an excellent chance at achieving your stated goal (i.e. die) and at the same time give that bear a greater chance at surviving. Instead you had _him_ for dinner! (Well, and several other meals, too.)
Good to see how finding the traces of Maglor's passage cheered the Harthadrim - they can now be assured that Denethor's dreams were more than just a plain ol' dream, and that their journey isn't a wild goose chase.
Smart of Denethor to let the one among them who have actually been to Imladris to show them the way. That just simply makes _sense_! So I'm rather surprised at Voronwë's reaction. Is it some kind of male "The boss is supposed to be a complete expert at _everything_, no other input is needed", or does he just have low self esteem?

So now the Harthadrim have met up with Maglor - and now that he Maglor has heard that the Valar want him to return to Valinor, is he going to be juuuust a little suspicious about all those "coincidences" that happened whenever he wanted to kill himself? He should be familiar with the Maiar, after all!

And now that the Harthadrim have achieved their first goal, namely finding Maglor, I suppose they will think that everything is going to be fine from now on. We, of course, know that their troubles are just starting - or why would there be a story? And I know how things just _happen_ to your main characters (and any innocent bystanders in their vicinity!)

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. I think they all suffer from low self-esteem, not just Voronwë. You notice he was even reluctant to offer any information at first. These people have seen too many defeats and too much sorrow and some must feel worthless. This journey is as much for their benefit as it is for Maglor. And, of course, the "Road to Valinor" is not going to be all roses and sunshine, otherwise, where's the story? *grin* How they fare from here on out and how they achieve their quest remains to be seen. Thanks for commenting. It's much appreciated.

KevanaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/15/2013
Oh no, not his harp! But at last, he's not alone any more. After being on his own for so long, it must be difficult to get used to being around people again, but just in their brief interactions it seems he's warming up pretty quickly. Poor fellow must be starved for companionship. I could have hugged Denethor for being so patient with Maglor.

"I want to die!, not like that. No, not like that either. Eaten by a bear? How uncouth." Well alright Maglor, maybe if none of the potential methods of death meet your approval, you could just try living. :) You have a special talent for injecting very dry humor into dark situations, Fiondil.

This chapter reminded me of Moses and his people wandering through the desert. I've heard that tundra is oddly similar to desert conditions for all that they're flipped around on the temperature scale. All the comparisons to the Grinding Ice are disconcerting, though. What's still ahead for them?

Thank you for the update, Fiondil! As always you capture my interest and leave me eagerly awaiting more. Have some starry art.


Author Reply: Hi Kevana. I'm glad you enjoy my dry humor. *grin* And you're right about the similarities between the Harthadrim crossing Eriador and Moses and the Israelites wandering through the desert, each group searching for 'home'. As for what's ahead, that remains to be seen. This story is not over by a long shot.

Thanks for the starry art and thanks for reading and reviewing. Both are greatly appreciated.

LaikwalâsseReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/15/2013
what a relief for such a tortured soul....
`But you will not be alone if you do.`
How true - that´s the impotant thing.
Thank you for such an emotional chater - I had tears in my eyes while reading it. Lai

Author Reply: Hi Lai. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it very much.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/15/2013
What a relief that they've met. There must have been many in the Company who wondered if the dream was real, and why they were enduring such a journey.

*sigh* I can't help but wonder about the last days of the Ents, and also the hobbits.

Author Reply: I'm sure everyone was relieved when they finally caught up with Maglor. And one has to wonder about the ultimate fate of the Ents and Hobbits. Tolkien intimates that the Ents at least would eventually die out. A pity, but there you are. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to comment. I appreciate it very much.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/15/2013

It's lucky that Maglor continued putting off dying, because now the Harthadrim have found him :) And they knew who he was all the time; that seemed to surprise him, lol. Glirhir was a good name to try, though. :D I feel bad for poor Maglor losing his harp after all this time, though!

Hopefully he'll never have to eat bear meat after this again :P what do you think, Atto?



Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. Very lucky, indeed. And hopefully, he'll never have to eat bear meat again, but we'll see. Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it. Tye-melin.

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/15/2013
Finally, now we will know how was the trip home and Maglor's reception at Valinor, maybe? Are you going to include that on this story?

For someone that wants to die, he has very strong survival instincts ans skills. I think that very deep inside him, he was hoping for a cause to stop his decision.

Imagine one day the archaeologists finding a broken harp buried I don't know how many meters or Kms deep on the ground! That will puzzle them for an eternity, shouting: Aliens were here, that is the only answer....

Author Reply: Hi Fantasia. Yes, this story will show Maglor arriving in Valinor along with the others. Just how that happens remains to be seen. As for the harp, Maglor burns the pieces of wood for his fire so eventually nothing of the harp would remain for any archeologist to find. *grin*

Thanks for leaving a comment. It's much appreciated.

CelethReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/15/2013
Thank you for mentioning Lord Glorfindel! I just adore the great Balrog-slayer. So Denethor knew him personally, huh?

I am glad they finally found Maglor, now he won't be so lonely and they can support each other in the tough journey ahead.

More power and more stories to come! :-)

Author Reply: Hi Celeth. Yes, apparently Denethor knew Glorfindel and now Maglor is no longer alone and will have the support of his fellow Elves as he struggles to reconcile himself to Life rather than to Death. Thanks for reviewing. I really appreciate it.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/15/2013
Yea, they found him in good time! Loved the fact that the singing moved him. I felt cold just reading this. Now Maglor has people to help warm him in many ways. Thanks, as always

Author Reply: I felt cold writing this and it wasn't in the midst of winter, either. LOL! And you're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter, UTfrog. I appreciate you taking the time to let me know.

Ilya of AewellondReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/15/2013
Maglor keeps saying he wants to die, but continually takes measures to keep himself alive. I don't think he's really suicidal! I'm glad he's met up with Denethor and the others now. Wonder what will happen next? Denethor has fulfilled his orders, so will there be another sign, guiding them to the Straight Road?

Author Reply: Hi Ilya. I doubt he's really suicidal, either, and Denethor and the Harthadrim have given him the excuse he needs to keep on keeping on. The rest of this story will relate what happens to them as they continue West in search of the Straight Road. Thanks for reiewing. I appreciate it very much.

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