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The Journey Home  by Fiondil 12 Review(s)
SunnyReviewed Chapter: 23 on 4/22/2013
So most of the stuff Arthad and Arthalion had collected was not particularly useful - though I wonder about that one necklace from Gil-galad's apartment.

So Arthalion finally went and visited his brother's body - I hope this will give him closure, and that it will help his healing.

Some information on henna: that is really not particularly suitable to use for ink. I should know - I use it on my hair! How it works: I mix it with water to a thick, yogurt-like consistency, and then I have to wait for dye-release, that is, for the mixture to get ready to use. This can take up do several hours, depending on several factors, such as the ambient temperature. I leave the henna on my hair for 4-5 hours to get the stain I want - I like my hair a nice, dark red. :) The henna mixture is also useful for only a limited time after it is mixed - the lawsone (the dye molecule) demises - breaks down - after a certain amount of time, which can be between a few hours to a couple of days after it's ready to use (this too depends on several factors). Henna can of course be used on other things than hair, like protein-based textiles (wool and silk) because the lawsone binds chemically to protein.
Huh. WAY too much information on henna! It gives a very lasting color, though. I think it would be much easier for the Elves to get a decent ink using soot. It has been a quite commonly used base for making ink, though it might smudge in a damp environment

Author Reply: What you say about henna is no doubt very true, Sunny, but I did research the different ways in which ancient cultures could make ink and, given the Elves' resources (or lack thereof), I decided that henna ink, however ineffiicient it might be, was the way to go. No doubt, if the Elves decide to settle in Mithlond and wait out the ice, they will produce something that is more reliable and less of a hassle. Soot might have worked, but the environment is still rather damp and there is too much chance of smudging, thus making the inventory useless. Anyway, thanks for the review. It's appreciated it.

CelethReviewed Chapter: 23 on 4/22/2013
That was so understanding and compassionate of Maglor. The Valar knew what they were doing when they brought these two together; both of them have suffered so much, and it seems they will be able to help each other heal.

I am glad that Arthalion was finally able to visit his brother and talk to him; I bet that was an important step towards his own healing.

Looking forward to the next chapter...

Author Reply: Hi Celeth. Maglor is very compassionate and the Valar indeed knew what they were doing when they brought these two (and indeed all the Harthadrim) together. Visiting his brother was indeed a big step toward complete healing for Arthalion. Now he can look forward to the day when he and Arthad are reunited. Thanks for reviewing and I'm glad you're looking forward to the next chapter.

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