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The Journey Home  by Fiondil 18 Review(s)
6336Reviewed Chapter: 37 on 6/10/2013
Hm, it appears that the welcome from some is as underwhelming as was expected. Nyraryser(sp) is right, they had their chance, now they will have to wait until the Valar have had their say.

Hm, it did seem like the Valar were in a hurry to see them, even to the 'Pilots' sent to guide them into port!

Hope all goes well with them, tea with a king, any king can be nerve wracking!


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. Yeah, the welcome is a bit underwhelming in some quarters but Olwë makes up for that. We'll be seeing how 'tea' with a king goes in the next chapter. Thanks for reviewing. I really appreciate it.

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 37 on 6/10/2013
Alqualondë! I had the same reaction than Maglor. It does seem cruel, but he doesn't know how Aman has changed and all the job that the Reborn have done to tend a bridge between the Returned, One- Born, Survivors and all of them. Being received by Olwe is a huge step to forgiveness and it is a very important signal to the rest of Valinor.

I like the loyalty of the Harthadrim to Maglor, he is one of them, doesn't matter what or whom he was before. Also, I do love Denethor, but I wish for Maglor to be a leader again, he is a superb being, he has all the qualities of a Prince and I doubt his brothers are around, he will be the only one of Feanor house.

Those Teleri! I understand them, I do, but you will think that they have learned they lessons by now. At least, they were not openly aggressive.

You are really cruel, until Friday!!!!

Author Reply: You're absolutely right, Fantasia, about the need for Maglor to offer his apologies to Olwë for the Kinslaying and to hear Olwë's forgiveness, not only for his sake but for everyone else's.

The Harthadrim are intensely loyal, having no one to rely on but each other and that's not going to change anytime soon. Right now, though, Maglor is playing it low-key until he knows just where he stands in Amanian society. Even he will have a deal of adjustment to endure one they are all settled in.

Thanks for reviewing. I really appreciate it.

KevanaReviewed Chapter: 37 on 6/10/2013
Fiondil, you are giving me all the FEELINGS in this chapter. Olwë waiting for them and addressing them in Sindarin, I just about lost it right there given the significance of it. You're balancing so many incredible perspectives and levels of story going on here - those waiting at the dock, seeing the Harthadrim come in and everything they must be thinking at seeing Maglor; Olwë himself; the children who had never known anything but the ruins of Mithlond, seeing Alqualonde for the first time (not to mention meeting a Maia); and all of them seeing others of their kind after being so isolated! And Denethor, bless him, arriving and being greeted by a king as a leader of his own people. I doubt he expected that, haha. I'm so proud and happy for them all, even though there are still things that will have to be dealt with. I'm sure none of them are ever going to forget that day. You wove this all together with such aplomb. Beautiful.

Can't wait to see where things go from here. What a story.

All the best to you! Have a great week!


Author Reply: There are indeed a lot of emotional takes in this chapter and lots of layers and perspectives. I am glad to know I juggled them all perfectly and wove them into a seamless tapestry, so to speak. Not easy to do. At any rate, there is more to come. Alqualondë is only the first stop. Thanks for commenting, Kevana. Have a great week yourself!

CairistionaReviewed Chapter: 37 on 6/10/2013
I fell completely behind in reading because of a family vacation, so last night I had the pleasure of reading the last six chapters in one sitting, and I have to say, I'm rather glad I did, because it would have been torturous waiting at the end of each chapter! So, alas, you must endure reading a long catching-up review. :)

So much good in these--Maglor's relinquishing the oath was incredibly moving and brought me to tears several times. What a moment that was, when he finally released his Oath. The description of the wave that came over them all, and the connection between the Silmaril on the ground and the one in Eärendil's ship was brilliant (no pun intended). I loved how you used Psalm 96 as the basis of Maglor's song of praise, after it was all over and he had recovered. That Psalm goes on to praise even the judgment of God, which is done with equity and faithfulness... something I'm sure Eru and the Valar will do also in Maglor's case.

Maglor's finding love at last was wonderfully satisfying, and meeting his children was a delight. The tall ship geek in me would have loved a little more time spent on the actual ship-building process, though I know that this wasn't meant as a techno-novel about shipbuilding but a story about Maglor and his (and the Harthadrim's) spiritual journey of hope and reconciliation. It made perfect sense not to go into vast detail there, as it did to jump ahead those 500 years.

I loved the description of how they found the Straight Road and then how their ships actually transitioned from the "ordinary" sea to sail along it. Nyéreser is a real treat--he has a bit of Gandalf's testiness, which made me smile. I'm glad he was able to ease Maglor's distress. And speaking of Maglor... he was bearing up well under what had to be a terrible sense of foreboding, and that he nearly collapses when he hears they must go to Alqualondë gives us a deeper glimpse of the burden he was under as they finally sailed. That he didn't collapse up to that point is a testament to his strength. At any rate, I really liked that moment, as I also loved how Nyéreser eased his spirit. And the Teleri waiting for them... wow, that was tense. The little detail about the silence broken only by the crying of the gulls did so much to show their isolation and convey a sense of loneliness. Maybe it's because I just came back from the seaside but that detail really set the scene well for me.

Whew. Sorry for such a novella of a review! I'm sure there's more I've missed commenting on, but these were the highlights! I hope to stay caught up with the story now.

Author Reply: Nothing wrong with catch-up reviews, Cairistiona. I'm glad you had a great time by the sea. I won't comment on everything in your review, except to say that I'm glad these last six chapters were so enjoyable for you. And you're right that Nyéreser does have a bit of Gandalf's testiness in him. Well, they are brother Maiar so perhaps Olórin shared some of his insights on Elves and Mortals with Nyéreser. At any rate, I'm glad you're all caught up and eager for the rest of the story. Thanks for taking the time to leave such a lovely, long review. I appreciate it more than words can adequately convey.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 37 on 6/10/2013
What a beautiful chapter. You wonderfully combined warmth, humor, and honest apprehension. In one way, the company begins a whole new journey. Thank you.

Author Reply: I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter, UTfrog. You are correct that in one way these Elves are beginning a whole new journey. We'll see how they fare over the next several chapters. Thanks for commenting. It's much appreciated.

Twoflower2Reviewed Chapter: 37 on 6/10/2013
Thank you for another moving chapter. Maglor's anguish at the news that he has to face Alqualonde is quite painful to read about. He really has to drink his cup to the bottom, hasn't he. At least Olwe's attitude seems to be benign enough. And yet another cliffhanger - I am impatient to learn what comes next.

Author Reply: Hi Twoflower2. Yes, Maglor will be encountering alot of anguish as he makes his way toward Valmar and his meeting with the Valar. Olwë has had a long time to forgive what happened, as we see in my Elf, Interrupted series. We'll see how things progress from here over the next several chapters. Maglor, at least, is in no hurry to reach Valmar. *grin*

Thanks for reviewing. I really appreciate it.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 37 on 6/10/2013
The judgment is for your benefit and for the benefit of the Elves of Aman who will need to see in a public manner that you and the Valar are indeed reconciled,”

Very wise! I like the idea of the Maiar helping guide the ship home.

Author Reply: It makes sense to send the Maiar to help guide them, otherwise they would've been foundering about unsure where they were. And the Valar are indeed wise to see that the reconcile which already exists between them and Maglor is made public so there is no question of his welcome. Thanks for reading and reviewing, Shirebound. I really appreciate it.

CelethReviewed Chapter: 37 on 6/10/2013
Home at last! And the initial encounter with the Teleri went better than I thought. The Belain do take the bull by horns don't they? Good for Nyereser. I don't remember him wearing warrior braids in EI. i must go back and check haha.

I'm really looking forward to their meetings with their loved ones (and I hope they remembered to bring some of Gil-galad's personal treasures as they mentioned earlier when they first talked about Arthalion's treasures).

Author Reply: Hi Celeth. Nyéreser tells Glorfindel in Elf, Interrupted that he wore the braids in honor of Maglor and in hopes that he would someday find redemption for himself and return to Valinor, so it stands to reason that he would be sent to greet Maglor and the others and guide them to Alqualondë. The rest of this story will essentially be a travelogue as Maglor and the others make their way eventually to Valmar to meet with the Valar and we'll see who is there to greet them. And I promise they did remember to bring the necklace belonging to Gil-galad. They certainly would not have left that behind. *grin*

Thanks for reviewing. It's much appreciated.

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