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The Journey Home  by Fiondil 648 Review(s)
ImhirielReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/11/2013
Perhaps a partial answer to my questions from my previous reviews. Maglor wants to die in Imladirs, although he doesn't know himself why he feels that way.

Continued haunting, vivid descriptions of the changed landscapes.

I think Denethor a quite well-chosen name. I have fond memories of the elf of that name from the SILM; and I somehow feel as if through this present character the Denethor from LotR can be redeemed. Little as that makes rational sense. But here we have one who has concsiously chosen hope, consciously taken it up again and champions it so beautifully, in contrast to that other one who let despair overwhelm him until his shocking, pitiful end.

Author Reply: H Imhiriel, I chose names for the Elves in this story with the idea that they would be common names, perhaps passed down through the generations, and I always liked the name Denethor anyway. Your comparison of this Denethor with the Last Ruling Stweard is very interesting. I never really thought of the parallels between them. Thanks for pointing it out and thanks for reviewing. It's greatly appreciated.

ImhirielReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/11/2013
I have a question, and I know this sounds callous and cold, and it makes me uncomforable myself, but: Why doesn't Maglor just... kill himself on the spot? Why go to all that trouble trying to die in the ice? Why not simply slit his wrists and be done with it? In all the who knows how many years of his wanderings, he must have had plenty of time, considering that the Valar needed someone or something to inspire him otherwise, and couldn't interfer directly and at a moment's notice. Does he have moral objections against a more "active" suicide? Does he use the arduousness of his journey to do penance? Or does not really want to do it, and keeps delaying it more or less unconsciously?

When reading about the wise woman, of course the idea springs up that she might be more than she seems - a Maia or even Vala in disguise. But I really prefer the idea that she is "just" what she seems, "just" an "ordinary" wise woman. I had to smile when you said in another review "there are some, you know". Agreed.

I like the thread of the plot of revisiting sites familiar to us through canon and how they have changed in the countless years since. And you describe it very visually.

Author Reply: The short answer to your question is that Maglor talks big but in his heart he's not really ready to die and we will see this as the story progresses.

And I was surprised how many reviewers were convinced that the wise woman was some Maia or Valië in disguise instead of simply a wise woman of her people. Sometimes people read more into things than is really there.

I'm glad you find my dscriptions of the landscape very visual. It was interesting to imagine how the ice age may have altered the landscape and what remained the same.

Thanks for commenting. It's much appreciated.

ImhirielReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 7/11/2013
Fiondil, a few comments in reviews mention a short story of yours that inspired this one. Could you please tell me the name; I don't believe I have read it before and now I'm naturally curious.

I'm even more curious where you are going with this story. The setting and time frame are so completely new. But after I was so bowled over by the grandeur of Wars of the Valar, my expectations are high by the idea of you exploring a brand new landscape (landscape in more than the literal sense).

I'm pretty sure I know which Elf they are talking about in the beginning, but I haven't the faintest idea who those others will be.

Author Reply: Hi Imhriiel. The short story can be found in my "Fiondil's Tapestry" collection: "ALONE: Out of Options", but you don't really need to read that to enjoy this story as I incorporate the short story into this one pretty much verbatim. So many people wanted to know what happened next that I promised that I would expand on the story and this is what resulted. Enjoy.

someoneReviewed Chapter: 43 on 7/6/2013
I'm glad that the newcomers have settled in Valinor (or are about to). They will still have hard time, especially the children, but they will be happier among other elves than alone in Mithlond. What suprised (and impressed) me was that elves can forgive, even with their perfect memories. It must have been strange moment for Maglor when Earendil and Elwing thanked him instead of wanting him dead.

Some elves who will remain in Middle-earth? Now who might those be... perhaps a certain golden-haired elf among them? Interesting idea that the elves did not refuse to go to Valinor but were inspired to stay.

Thank you for writing this story, Fiondil. And now that new story with a very interesting name...

Author Reply: Hi someone. It'll take a while, but I think they will all adapt quite nicely to their new environment and the children are young enough that they will adapt sooner than their elders.

And I thought it was a neat idea to sort of tie in the Elf Academy series to this one, even if indirectly.

I'm glad you enjoyed this story and I appreciate your taking the time to review. Thank you.

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 43 on 7/6/2013
And so they are finally home and the story is over. I'm sad to see it close, but it is a good place to stop. On the other hand there are still more stories to tell about these people. Loved the conversation among the Valar at the end and the hints to the Elf Academy series. The Valar are not done with ME, even if they think there is nothing 'exciting' to do. It will get exciting again. I loved the comment about the 'bored' Maia.

Author Reply: Hi obsidian. Yes, the story is over, but as you point out there are more stories to tell about the Harthadrim and Maglor so perhaps if the Muse is willing we will see something in the future, though it won't be soon. At any rate, I'm glad you liked the conversation among the Valar and all, especially the comment about the 'bored' Maiar. I'm glad you enjoyed this story and I thank you for all your reviews. They were very much appreciated.

FreyalynReviewed Chapter: 43 on 7/5/2013
And this is a splendid story - thank you for sharing it. And that little chink of light at the end, that some Firstborn still remain with us....

Author Reply: Hi Freyalyn. I'm glad you enjoyed this story and I thank you for taking the time to review along the way. Your comments have been very much appreciated. And that "little chink of light at the end" is a nod toward my Elf Academy series.

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 42 on 7/5/2013
Finally, the happy reunion. Having Earendil and Elrond speak for Maglor was perfect. I like the idea of the Harthadrim going to Lorien for some much needed time of tutoring and learning and getting accustomed to Aman. Having Finrod as tutor was the best choice. I'm sorry to see this story come to an end.

Author Reply: An another review of yours I missed somehow, obisidian j. Sorry about that. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter and the reunion with Eärendil and Elrond. Lórien is the perfect place for them as they learn to integrate themselves into Amanian society and Finrod is indeed the best choice for this task. Thanks for being such a faithful reviewer of my stories. I appreciate it very much.

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 41 on 7/5/2013
Finally, Maglor can move on. The last remnants of his past are dealt with. The "official" ceremony is just for everyone else. The really important stuff is done. I loved it how his family rallied around him. Although, Estel was ready to dismiss the whole affair and go back to ME. That boy needs a task and soon.

Author Reply: Wow! Been re-reading this story for fun and found another review you wrote that I never answered, obsidian j. My bad. Yes, the really important stuff occurred here in Oromë and Vána's mansion. What happens on the morrow is indeed just for show. And Estel is just feeling scared and lost, as all of them are. I'm sure he'll settle down soon enough. Thanks for the review. Sorry it took a year to respond to it.

SiiwReviewed Chapter: 43 on 7/4/2013
I'll leave more lengthy reviews when I get time in front of a computer again, just popping in now to say how much I have enjoyed reading this story. It covers a long period of time, and still fits together perfectly and makes sense. It was so good to see some familiar faces again in the last chapters. I have become so used to seeing them in earlier stories, that it was easy to share the feeling of coming home.

Will the next story be the one about how my favourite OC got his job? :D

Author Reply: Hi Siiw. Any kind of review is great. I'm glad you enjoyed this story and I appreciate you letting me know. Thanks.

If by 'favorite OC', you mean Valandur, then you're right. *grin* I hope you enjoy it.

TariReviewed Chapter: 43 on 7/3/2013
What an adventure this was; a marvelous one at that. Maglor is finally home and at peace.

Could this perhaps be the prequel to Elf Academy? It certainly fits.

Author Reply: Hi Tari. Yes, this sort of hints at Elf Academy. Very perceptive of you. I'm so glad you enjoyed this story and I appreciate you taking the time to leave reviews. Thanks.

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