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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil 19 Review(s)
LaerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/13/2014
Great verb Kevana, and great use of it to Fiondil. :)

Prince Legolas needs to cut back on the coffee. Wow. Chill dude. What will he do when he meets a real dwarf? (He did sound like a child raised as a royal tho..well at least to me he did.)

Loved the nod to the Hobbit. Can't wait to see how the 'rents take the news. :)

Author Reply: I thank you for both of us, Laer. LOL! Glad you liked the verb. When Kevana mentioned it to me I knew I just had to incorporate it into the Elf Academy story and Derek's the perfect person to mention it.

Yeah, Legolas is having a rough time, but later in the story we'll see him begin to get a grip and take control of his life and destiny in a rather surprising way (at least I think so).

Anyway, it's hard not to reference the Hobbit when dealing with Legolas. We'll be seeing how the 'rents take the news next week. Stay tuned.

Thanks for commenting. I appreciate you doing so very much.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/13/2014
Ah, I like "Namo'd" as a verb, too! One that I can imagine often consists of what I call The Look--but coming from a Valar, it would be much more effective than from an Elf, a Man, a Dwarf or a Hobbit.

And yes, this return to M-e might actually be harder on those who used to live there. For one thing, there would be the knowledge that the peoples and places they used to know are utterly gone! Legolas, for example, must adjust to the idea that this is a world that so far as anyone knows, contains no Dwarves nor Hobbits! Also that not only is the Greenwood gone, and Ithilien, but also Gondor! I can see this affecting him more than he realizes.

It's good that Alex and Derek are able to go with the flow, though I like the idea that Alex was ready to let the Elves know that over-reacting is unacceptable.

Author Reply: Hi Dreamflower. It's a great verb and it is so expressive of how many people feel when they encounter that particular Vala.

Legolas is probably being affected more than he realizes and we will see him dealing with this much later in the story. Everyone has to take turns in the telling of this tale but his turn will come eventually, I promise.

Alex is a good one to call the Elves on the carpet when necessary.

Thanks for leaving a review. They're always appreciated.

LeoglinReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/13/2014
I find it hilarious that you have turned Námo into a verb! I teared up from the humor of the situation, as well as the fact that Námo has been "Alexed" lol. I will look forward to Friday morning and the newest chapter!


Author Reply: Hi Legolin. It's pretty hilarious, isn't it? Actually it was Fionwë who got Alexed, having been taken down by him twice. Fionwë is definitely never going to live that one down. Anyway, I'm glad you are looking forward to the next chapter. Thanks for letting me know. I very much appreciate it.

KevanaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/13/2014
Valandur and Vorondur make a damn good team, bringing together their respective abilities of understanding society, language, and people as we see them doing here. I'm quite excited to see what you have them get up to, if they do both figure into the story in later chapters as I hope/suspect they will. :)

As other people have said, I'm interested in what Vorondur comes up with in studying the Reborn. It's telling that Beleg didn't get upset. Perhaps he of all those there might most greatly appreciate the dangers in pulling weapons in unknown situations, against people who might be friends. The last thing they need is some hapless person getting accidentally shanked by a jumpy Elf.

The formality issue must be very odd to them indeed. At least they are accepting of it, if not happy about it. I can't help imagining what would happen if you tossed Ingoldo into the middle of Wiseman, where people would be decidedly unimpressed with his histrionics. I'd pay to watch that and make popcorn too.

You did use that bit of conversation! I love how you wrote that, it had me LOLing. As did "Alex'd" ...he is shaping up to be the number-one threat to Maiar everywhere, they'd better learn to watch it with him. Not that he could hurt them, but I'm sure it's still plenty embarrassing. And maybe a morale boost to incarnates who are getting tired of being nudged around by even well-intentioned but mischief-making Alien Overlords. Sure, they like to poke anthills...but some ants are fire ants and will bite, mwahaha.

On the other hand, it only seems fair that there is a lot the people of Wiseman can learn from the Elves, too, and perhaps a little leeway is deserved on their side as well. After all it is a two-way street. But I think Alex is right to be firm, both with the Elves and the Ainur he's met. They can benefit from a friendly but dissenting voice. Yet perhaps Alex also still has some issues he needs to work through that are making it hard for him to serve in that role in a way that doesn't involve him getting energy-drained, LOL.

I'm glad Derek woke up early so they won't have to make excuses to Anne and Andy. Either the Elves were off in their calculations for the barrier or someone decided to help things along, despite Námo's declaration to the contrary. Or maybe it's just that Derek's a tough Navy dude with some old and powerful bloodlines himself. *grin* Maybe that would help the inferiority complex thing he's got going on with Alex's even older and stronger blood ties.

Great chapter, Fiondil, an awful lot of interesting points brought up and as always I'm excited to see where those points lead. Thanks and it's always a pleasure! (Whoops, this got long.)

Take care,

Author Reply: Hi Kevana. Actually I like long reviews so go for it. LOL!

I'm glad you liked how I incorporated that conversation we had into this chapter. It was so much fun to do.

Alex is definitely a force to be reckoned with as we will see as the story continues and Derek is now slouch either and stands up to the Elves and the Maiar as well.

And I promise that both Vorondur and Valandur figure into the story quite a bit, as you will see, both separately and together. They do indeed make a great team.

Anyway, thanks for the review. I'm very appreciative. Have a great week yourself!

6336Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/13/2014
Interesting discussion, all of it is true, if nothing else the Valinorian Elves are suffering from culture shock/homesickness. Life is lived at a much faster pace here in M.E. than in Valinor. It is sad to think that the Valar have allowed Valinor to stagnate to the extent that it has or have they not realized just how unnatural it is for a society not to grow and expand? A bit all times are now.

Yep, I can think of a few people who should be Namo'd, most, if not all of them politicians who could use a dose of humility/reality!

Another insightful chapter.


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. I thought it was a very interesting discussion, too, and points out how some of the Elves are coping or not to live in modern Middle-earth. I think the Valar are of the "drop them in the deep end and let the sink or swim" school of enculturation. LOL!

And I agree that most of our politicians and government officials should be Námo'd, too. Then maybe they'll actually do something right for a chance.

Well, a discussion for another time, as Finrod would say. Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it very much. Hugs back.

EllieReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/13/2014
Still love the "got Namo'd". That is just so priceless and perfect. The Valinor elves have a serious amount of growing up to do in dealing with the mortals of today and coping with life as it is now in Middle-Earth. They truly are clueless about so many things and they just don't seem to be learning yet. What will it take to make them wake up and smell the Jamaican blend coffee? I bet even Glorfindel and the other Wiseman elves do not know the answer to that.

I would love to read Ron's findings and observations concerning Reborns. I hope he writes up something about that at some point.

Author Reply: Hi Ellie. "got Námo'd" is indeed priceless and perfect, and I thank Kevana for coming up with the phrase. It couldn't be more perfect in describing our favorite Vala.

As for Ron's findings about Reborns. Well, who knows? Maybe he'll give us a peek at his findings some day.

Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule (and I certainly know just how busy that schedule is from day to day) and leaving a review. It's very, very much appreciated.

bookwormReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/13/2014
"You got Namo'd" LOOOOOL Also go Alex! Calling them out! Looks like Vorundur will have his work cut out for him. I'm really not surprised that the younger elves are adapting faster - younger people generally are more flexible - less habits to break, after all. (Also I feel like hugging Valandur, just because, really)

Author Reply: Hi bookworm. Vorondur will indeed have his work cut out for him, as we will see. And Valandur always deserves a hug, just because. LOL! And we'll be seeing more of him in this story as well, so that should make many readers happy, I hope. Anyway, thanks for the review. It's very much appreciated.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/13/2014
I nearly spit coffee twice: at Legolas, the Dwarves, and the sleep spell and again at "Namo'd". Both are brilliant. The story is starting to move well now. The psychology of separation, new society, etc. will make great reading. I would feel sorry for Fionwe, but I suspect he will be fine. His action, innocent or not, revealed avenues of concern for all our friends to explore. Thank you.

Author Reply: I'm glad you found the Hobbit reference and "Námo'd" brilliant, UTfrog. The story is definitely picking up and the psychology of separation and what-all will play a large part of it as you will soon see. And Fionwë will be okay. Never fear. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much as always.

SoledadReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/13/2014
First again? Wow! Insane working schedules do seem to have their advantage, after all!

Anyway, I'm growing increasingly fond of Vorondur - and that, considering whatI usually think of shrinks and their usefulness (or rather the lack thereof) is saying a lot. He's a very wise, down-to-earth Elf, and the others will need his even-mindedness a lot, I'm afraid.

Go Alex, telling the Elves the ugly truth. So, Legolas is a bit jumpy, eh? And angry like whoa? Personally, I blame the Valar. Sending the Valinor gang back to modern Earth this unprepared isn't any better than Fionwë's stupid practical joke.

Looking forward to Anne and Andy getting the shock of their lives!

Author Reply: Hi Soledad. Vorondur has become without a doubt one of my favorite OCs of all time. He quietly insinuated himself into the story and really has begun to shine. We'll be seeing a lot of him in this series.

We'll also see how Legolas deals with his anger and his frustrations much later in this story, but I promise we will see him getting his act together. And Andy and Anne will show up again next week. It should prove very interesting. *evil grin*

Thanks for leaving a comment. You know I always appreciate it.

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