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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil 22 Review(s)
KevanaReviewed Chapter: 19 on 3/3/2014
Sunny - I will get you some extra carrots for feeding that bunny if you find the bunny hutch! ;)

Monalex - Great visual with Tulkas. Had to laugh at the thought of him dangling a few of the more stubborn Elves in the air! They think they're the toughest game on the block because they can take down Mortals, huh? *grin* I would also love to see Tulkas and his Bear Hugs O' Doom return, maybe somewhere he will, lots of story still to go I'm sure!

Lynda - You are welcome but it's not my soap box, let's just call it a communal soap box free for use, LOL! :) I think several people may be needing to use it throughout this story!

(Hehe, sorry for cluttering up the review page.)

Author Reply: Not a problem, Kevana. I enjoy the conversations between reviewers as much as I enjoy the reviews.

Bear Hugs O'Doom. LOL! That's too funny and a perfect description of Tulkas. We may see him again someday.

MonalexReviewed Chapter: 19 on 3/3/2014

I can understand Dearon's reluctance to tell Glorfindel who exactly are the dissenters after witnessing his fury attack; he could do some serious bodily harm to someone! Also if he were to learn that elleth Helena was one of those racist Orc-lovers, he would keep his distance from her and close himself from any possibility of romantic “love”, not that I think it is a bad idea considereing the elleth in question, I'm sure Glorfindel will find someone worthy soon enough and if he doesn't as they say better to be alone than keep the "wrong company". Although I do think Dearon should tell Finrod who exactly were they, since he is the recognized "authority" over the racist, arrogant and self-loving Valinorean Elves, he may be able to put them in their place and tell them some hard truths.

Finally we have Derek telling them how matters stand and the very real and material importance the mortals have in any endeavor the elves would want to make. Really it's about time someone pointed out that the elves have need of the mortals and not the other way around, because if things continue on as they have I'm sure trouble with their mortal "allies" will spring up like weed. For allies as Derek put it, they are definitely not, since they are never consulted when in the decision making process, but expect them to be cannon fodder, while they do the important jobs since they so experienced unlike their mortal counterparts.

They have demonstrated a very vocal disrespect of mortals, starting with their disregard and treatment of Alex as their personal punching bag to put him in "his place". Although I'm still not sure where it is, at their feet maybe?? Because what Vorondur and Gilvagor are doing, is frankly ill-mannered and rude toward mortals in general and Alex personally, for they are ever ready to demand respect from him, but don't offer him the same!! Also I don't like how Vorondur made it public to the population of Edhellond that he brought Alex down a notch and they all accepting it so happily, as thought saying finally someone took care of that mortal upstart. I would like to see how the Valionorean Elves manage with the local and actual weapons mortals use and that they have to learn to use, they may be faster than mortals in face to face combat; but with pistols, bombs and computers, I think not, at least not yet.

Great chapter!! And a usual you leave me hanging until Friday, with such an interesting entrance and possible problem solving!! (Manwe, not Namo now?? Did they flip for it?? Do they keep a tally about how many appearances each can make?? And what about the other Valar?? Won't we see them?? I would like to see Tulkas hanging the children by their ankles until they decide to play nice, hahahaha)

Monalex :D

Author Reply: Hi Monalex. We'll see how the relationship between GLorfindel and Helena progresses (or doesn't) soon enough. I'm afraid she's one of those who is too hung up on titles and such.

While Gil was definitely in the wrong here, Ron acted appropriately in how he handled Alex. Don't forget that Alex is under medical care with Ron, so Ron has the right to do what he feels necessary to deal with Alex and Alex was definitely being disrespectful at the time. The other Elves, of course, are guilty as charged.

Glad you enjoyed the chapter. You may be right about Nmo and Manw flipping a coin to see who gets to deal with the Children this time. LOL! And Tulkas would certainly put a different spin on things, wouldn't he? *grin*

Thanks for reviewing. It's very much appreciated.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 19 on 3/3/2014
You know, Fiondil, I really need directions to the place you keep the bunny hutch relating to Daeron meeting up with Glorfindel and the Twins. I want to feed that bunny up so that it becomes really big and strong!! :-D

Author Reply: I'll never tell! LOL! Actually, I really do hope Daeron will tell me his story. I think it will be both fascinating and absolutely harrowing. Perhaps we'll learn something about it in Elf Academy 4, though I can't make any promises here.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 19 on 3/3/2014
Well, speak of the devil ... or something. Wiseman is getting to be as bad as Valinor where the Valar and Maiar are concerned - it seems that people barely have to mention them, and they pop up. In uniform of in civvies.

Vorondur's reaction was rather amusing - he KNEW, after all, that he had Glorfindel pegged (and since he is a shrink, that pigeonholing would be quite thorough) and then the ellon goes and does something that sets all his assumptions on its head.

This leadership problem is quite vexing. All the Wiseman Elves see Glorfindel as their leader, and while Amroth might possibly dispute it, because of his royal blood, the two of them do not fight about it. And all of them are quite used to life among Mortals. But the Valinorean Elves seem tho take for granted that Finrod would automatically step in as leader because of his lineage, even though he knows nothing about life outside Valinor. And even though the Valar had clear orders to Finrod not to interfere with the running of Elf Academy.

Dave has some insightful words in his little speech. The Mortals of Wiseman see Glorfindel as the leader of the Elves because they know him, trust him, and because he (and the Wiseman Elves) has EARNED their trust. And while the Valinorean Elves are bright and shiny, they are also johnny-come-latelies, and nobody really know them. Yet, at least. And I think that even if all the Wiseman Elves talk until they are blue in the face about how great and wise Finrod is, he STILL is a newcomer, and while not necessarily untrusted, still he is an unknown quantity. The Valinorean elves need to integrate in the local community, get to know the locals (and become known to them.) Finrod has already started on this process, with his job at the bookstore. In a couple of years, perhaps he will be the person people turn to when conflict between Elves and Mortals arise.

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. The Valar are certainly keeping a close eye on things, as we will see when Manw explains how he just happened to be "in the neighborhood".

Vorondur probably has to revise his notes on Glorfindel every other day. LOL!

The leadership problem is indeed vexing and it won't be solved immediately. We will see how things go from here on with the Elves attempting to deal with the situation.

Dave is savvy, which makes sense, seeing as he's the chief of police in Wiseman and nobody's fool. He knows which side the bread is buttered on and pointing out that it will take time for the Mortals to accept even Finrod just shows how practical he is and how aware of reality and human nature he is. It's not an easy situation for any of them and they're all feeling their way.

Thanks for leaving a comment. I appreciate it very much.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 19 on 3/3/2014
Trust Derek to lay it on the line, unvarnished.

And I can't say I was surprised to see Manwe show up. Honestly, as the others noted in the earlier discussion he's one that ALL the Elves will listen to.

Author Reply: Derek is nobody's fool, Dreamflower, and it takes a lot to tick him off, but when he is... watch out! And hopefully you're right about Manw being the one Vala everyone will listen to. We'll find out soon enough. Thanks for taking the timme to leave a review. It's appreciated very much.

KevanaReviewed Chapter: 19 on 3/3/2014
Now the party don't start till Manw walks in (don't stop, make it pop, DJ blow my speakers up!)

*cough* Sorry. XD

It hurts to see Daeron so upset. Whatever his mistakes of the past, he comes across as a really sweet, intelligent, and caring guy. I dread to think what kind of state he must have been in for Glorfindel to have said something like that to him when they met. Allow me to join the other reviewers who've said there must be a lot of fascinating history there.

I was shocked at Gil's actions, especially as he's lived among Mortals for so long and still would do a thing like that to Alex. That none of the other Elves seemed to think his actions were a problem is telling. It's incredibly demeaning and shows how deep their lack of respect runs, which is even deeper than I thought.

Glorfindel surprised me too! Once a Reborn, etc. indeed, LOL. Glad he stuck up for Amroth. It's clear there's more than one type of intolerance going on here even just among the Elves. Bringing up the Troubles is apropos.

Aw, Derek, man. Ouch. I hate that they're feeling that way about being the Secondborn but really, with the way some of the Elves are acting, can you blame them if they're not feeling the love? I doubt I'd be too happy myself.

Manw's "chats" don't seem too much like Nmo's "chats" but I still don't think some of the people in that room are going to particularly enjoy this. Although maybe it will help settle a few hearts, too. The big guy doesn't seem to pop in unless it's serious-serious stuff and I can see why he'd do so now. I doubt the Elves would be able to properly address the things Derek brought up without making it worse, if they even understood why he and the other Mortals were upset in the first place.

Sometimes I step back from all the action and look at the big picture of the framework and intricacy of the story you're weaving. I feel like the individual threads are twining in greater patterns. It's really eye-catching. The way you manage your characters (or they manage you? LOL!) and their personalities continues to rock.

Allow me to make popcorn and pull up a seat. Is it Friday yet? Great chapter and I'm dying to see what happens next. Also, Zach! Love that he's back in town. And to see the Lord family and Michaelson again too.

You have a splendiferous week and may everyone's toast never land butter-side down.

Author Reply: Hi Kevana. Daeron has become one of my favorite characters in the Elf Academy series. There are hidden depths to him that have yet to be plumbed. I think Glorfindel really relies on him more than he lets on. Daeron has become his right hand and there is mutual respect between them.

Derek is another favorite character. Like Vorondur, he started out as a walk-on and pretty much ended up with a leading or at least a very strong supporting role. Both he and Vorondur were a surprise the way the were able to insinuate themselves into the story as they have, Ron especially. Next to Glorfindel and Finrod, he is definitely my most favorite Elf even if he is OC.

Writing this kind of story is pretty much like weaving a tapestry. Until you step back and see it in its entirety you can't really appreciate its intricacy. And trust me when I say that half the time I don't know who's really writing this story. Sometimes, I'm very convinced it isn't me. *grin*

Thanks for reviewing, Kevana. And may your toast never land butter-side down, too.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 19 on 3/3/2014
While I agree that the situation has to be resolved I am not sure that Manwe dropping in for a chat is such a good idea. Any decision on a leader has to come from within the group itself without outside interference. I am afraid that things are starting to smack a little of Big Brother is Watching You! I think the Valar have to watch out for the enemy within themselves.

While I think that Ron taking Alex down was necessary, at the time, I think Gil taking him down just because he could is a prime example of how some of the Elves feel about Mortals. Look at me, anything you can do I can do better, especially the Valinorean Gang.

Thanks for the loan of the soap box Kavanna.

Hope your weather is improving, we are still drying out.


Author Reply: Well, we'll see how effective Manw is, Lynda. I think he's there more for the Mortals' sake than for the Elves.

Gil was truly out of line here and Derek was right to call him on it. Ron taking Alex down was necessary; Alex was crossing a line and Ron needed to stop him before the fallout from his disrespect caused deeper problems.

Weather is much the same: cold, cold and cold. I doubt Spring will be coming anytime soon.

Thanks for reviewing. It's appreciated. Hugs back.

Author Reply: Well, we'll see how effective Manw is, Lynda. I think he's there more for the Mortals' sake than for the Elves.

Gil was truly out of line here and Derek was right to call him on it. Ron taking Alex down was necessary; Alex was crossing a line and Ron needed to stop him before the fallout from his disrespect caused deeper problems.

Weather is much the same: cold, cold and cold. I doubt Spring will be coming anytime soon.

Thanks for reviewing. It's appreciated. Hugs back.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 19 on 3/3/2014
Once a Reborn, always a Reborn

Kinda catchy, that. Sounds like a slogan for a campaign of some sort...

Read earlier chapters on my phone but it's way too painful and involved to review that way, so... We just got back from a trip, and I saw the new chapter when I checked in, and I actually had a computer to read on! ...what joy! a full sized screen and keyboard!

If I had the time this morning I would go back and read more chapters of more stories, just for the delight of not straining my eyes and not typing with one finger and having to constantly go back and re-type something because of my phone's so-helpful autocorrect feature.

Come to think of it, my phone's attitude seems rather Elvish sometimes. "Oh, no, you didn't really mean that word, dearie. You really wanted this (totally inappropriate) word! There! I fixed it for you! Go ahead and hit "post" without reading over carefully what you typed. You can trust me!"

Author Reply: Hi Lindeleas. Yeah, it's a very catchy phrase and very true, especially where Glorfindel is concerned. LOL!

I'm glad you're finally caught up with all the chapters and are enjoying the story. Thanks for reviewing. It's greatly appreciated.

EllieReviewed Chapter: 19 on 3/3/2014
Awesome! I love it when Manwe shows up. LOL

Now when Derek gets upset, things are very very bad, indeed. Maybe the elves will listen and maybe some will even take to heart what is being said - those are two entirely different things.

At some point, I hope we get to hear Daeron's story of long ago...

Finrod is trying to placate with his responses. I still don't think Finrod understands how difficult this situation could prove for him all around with the Valinor versus Wiseman thing and the elf versus mortal thing.

Author Reply: Hi Ellie. Manw doesn't make an appearance unless absolutely necessary, preferring to let Nmo handle things. And you're right about Derek. If he's upset, things are truly going south in a hurry. Perhaps we will learn Daeron's story but probably not until Elf Academy 4. We'll see if he'll tell me how it all went down first.

And yes, you're right about Finrod. We'll see how things go with him as well.

Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I know how busy you are and I appreciate it very much.

SarahReviewed Chapter: 19 on 3/3/2014
Lord do you know how to structure a chapter. We just start getting down to the meat of the matter & then you go and throw a curve ball at us ;-) Bravo Derek for laying down some hard truths & cutting through some of the deferential political dancing that seems to have plagued this issue from the beginning. I think perhaps our friends need a bit of a reminder of what happened the last time such "infighting" occurred among their people, even as relatively recently as what happened in EI on Tol Eressea. Though I think some of this was inevitable, considering what happens when you drop different factions within a small space; people will argue over the smallest of details. Sadly, the world is a bit too small to just send them packing to some 'deserted' corner of the world.

I am also glad to see that the Valar are adopting a somewhat less "hands-off" policy than previously, even if it is only (I suspect) to act as a relatively neutral party & provide a bit of perspective. I would hate to see the Opposition manipulating the situation for their own ends.


Author Reply: Hi Sarah. Derek is one to watch out for. He's quiet and unassuming but he doesn't put up with nonsense and isn't afraid to call people on it. As for the Valar, they are a bit more involved but they try not to dictate to either Elves or Mortals, knowing it won't work anyway. We'll see what Manw has to say in the next chapter. Thanks for leaving a review. It's much appreciated.

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