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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil 16 Review(s)
KevanaReviewed Chapter: 20 on 3/7/2014
Whoops, I forgot to include this. It's penguins in sweaters, and people knitting sweaters for penguins, just in case anyone was lacking a smile today. Or if any knitters want to contribute. Unfortunately I only crochet (poorly) but maybe I can make an attempt.


Author Reply: LOL! Too cute. I don't knit either though I can crochet and not too badly, but not anything like that. I'll save it for the experts. Thanks for sharing.

KevanaReviewed Chapter: 20 on 3/7/2014
It's Friday. *collapses*

Good things all around. Apparently Manwë is a good multitasker.

I loved how Dave pointed out he's even more rude when he talks to God and Manwë's not getting special treatment. It does make me wonder how the Elves feel about that because it's certainly a difference. They've tended to offer prayers to the Valar, and living on an archangel's doorstep will probably do that to you, but now you've got all these uppity Mortals cutting out the middle man and I can't help wondering just how scandalized that must make the Elves. It certainly scandalized enough people 2,000 years ago. But I suppose I just like scandalized Elves in particular. They're so wonderfully tetchy.

I was almost a little upset over the intelligent life on another, what's going to happen to them at the Dagor Dagorath?!

I keep getting shades of Aragorn and his upbringing in Rivendell from little Caleb. It's so sweet to see the kid, and siblings and mom, get some love after what happened with their dad and husband. Aww, Tim is a gift! Isn't that just about the highest compliment you can get, knowing that you were sent into someone's life that way?

The candle scene was so beautiful!

"That's not what my wife says." *undignified cackling*

Something occurred to me, I can't remember, does Finrod know about the thing in the tarn?

Wonderful chapter, loved seeing "Manny" out and about in the, er, neighborhood. And really glad at how it eased the tension, though I'm sure that won't last. Mwahaha.

Thanks so much, Fiondil! You take care and have a great weekend.

Special shout-out to Sunny - I was browsing the library the other day, stumbled on a book with a premise that sounded familiar. I realized it was the Parasol Protectorate series you mentioned in a review! They had the whole series and they're all sitting on my desk at home now. Just a little into the first book and it's great. I'm so glad you mentioned them, thanks for sharing the recommendation all that time ago!

Author Reply: Hi Kevana. When you're a spiritual being, I guess being a multitasker is not a problem. *grin*

I think your insight about how Mortals relate to God and how the Elves relate to the Valar, not actually praying to them but certainly interacting with them on several levels, is very true and I hadn't really thought about it in those terms. Scandalized Elves are fun to watch (and write).

Yes, Finrod knows about the tarn. Glorfindel took all the Valinórean Elves there once. Finrod even made the comment that Alex was lured into the tarn.

And you're right that in spite of Manwë's attempts to ease tensions, it won't last (or there's no story) *grin*

Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

Author Reply: Oh, and about your concern for extraterrestrial life with regards to the Dagor Dagorath:

Tolkien states in one of his essays that the Elves certainly knew about the existence of other planets and the possibility of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, having been tutored by the Valar, but they would say that the central drama of the universe was here in Arda. And the end of the world doesn't necessarily mean the end of the universe, but I think (within Tolkien's mythology and not in our real world) that the Dagor Dagorath will be centered here on this planet and not necessarily spill over to the rest of the universe, but the outcome will certainly affect the rest of the universe on some level. That is only my personal opinion and others might have a different and equally legitimate theological understanding of this matter.

Anyway, just figured I would give you my thoughts on the subject.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 20 on 3/7/2014
Well that has cleared the air some what and also given people something to think about.

Tom Peterson is someone to watch, very carefully, I think the upcoming trial could be pivotal in who gets to be Mayor.

Where doers all this Godless Elves business come from, if anything I think the Elves are closer to God than anybody, having a very close relationship, at least some, with His Angels and Archangels?!Something to think about.



Author Reply: Hi Lynda. It cleared the air a bit but probably not as much as you would think or hope.

Tom Peterson is indeed one to watch.

And you know people are quick to refer to others as 'Godless' when their lifestyle or whatever doesn't match up with what these people think is proper. You are right that the Elves are closer to God than most Mortals by virtue of having a close relationship with angels and archangels but that doesn't seem to matter to certain groups of people who are content to dis them for being different.

Anyway, thanks for commenting. It's always appreciated. Hugs back.

ellieReviewed Chapter: 20 on 3/7/2014
I love it when Manwe shows up. I believe he shocked everyone with that little comment about the Valar choosing Wiseman and inspiring settlers and whatnot. well, he shocked them wiht a lot fo things he said, didn't he? LOL

Isn't this the second time that someone Valaristic has shown up and told everyone to play nice or get along or something? There is so much tension between the different factions, I hope they are get on the right track in this.

Love the way Manwe treats children as if they matter. Caleb is an awesome little kid.

Author Reply: Hi Ellie. Manwë certainly is fun in his own way and when the Elder King decides to take a hand in things rather than letting one of the other Valar or Maiar do so, then you know things are bad. And I think you're right that everyone, even the ELves, were shocked by much of what he told them.

Eönwë showed up (in EA2) to reprimand the Elves and these were the Wiseman Elves. The Valinórean Elves hadn't even showed up yet. I think Manwë decided it would be better if the same kind of reprimand came from him this time around.

Caleb is indeed an awesome little kid and Manwë treats the children with the respect they deserve.

Thanks for taking the time to leave a review. It's very much appreciated.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 20 on 3/7/2014
Somehow I hope this resolution is not as simple as it sounds. Far too many tensions are present for a pep talk to release. I want to hear Derek and Alex's conversation in the car.

Author Reply: Trust me, UTfrog, nothing is ever that simple and nothing is what it seems, at least in my stories. Unfortunately, we won't hear the conversation between Alex and Derek. Sorry about that. Thanks for reviewing, though. I appreciate it.

LegolinReviewed Chapter: 20 on 3/7/2014
I'm the first!!

I liked this chapter. Manwë's intervention was more beneficial than I think any of the Elves and Mortals expected. Are my assumptions correct in that they thought they were going to be yelled at? The analogy about the candles was perfect!

My two favorite lines by the way:
Even as I am standing here speaking with you, I am simultaneously having a rather amusing and quite irreverent conversation with Ingwë about the latest fashion among the ellith.” He paused and gave them a conspiratorial smile. “Ingwë is rather… old-fashioned about some things.” -- Manwë

“And at the same time,” Manwë continued. “I am also about twenty-three billion light years away in another galaxy completely overseeing the burgeoning of intelligent life on a planet similar to this one, though its denizens look nothing like you and it’s doubtful you and they will ever meet.” -- Manwë

That will certainly make anyone feel very small. Which is a great eye opener sometimes. I so wish that they had played hide and find! That would be such a hard game to win with Elves as opponents! Makes the game more fun by being more of a challenge!

Monday's chapter will be interesting. Have a nice weekend!


Author Reply: You are indeed! LOL!

Manwë explaining about his ability to be in more than one place simultaneously is my favorite part of the chapter. That realization is certainly an eye opener for them all.

Have a nice weekend yourself and thanks for reviewing. It's much appreciated.

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