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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil 18 Review(s)
FV_WhisperReviewed Chapter: 66 on 8/15/2014
Well, that certainly wasn't a spider!

I guess everything that happend with Junior played an important part in messing Alex up. He finally seems to be aware he really needs help, but it seems he's not even able to trust Ron about it. This can only turn out worse...(providing he is able to bother enough about it.

A lot is happening in this chapter, and it's going at at fast pace in many ways.

Valentine is a custom that could use some explaining with the Elves, and I had to laugh about the 'naked winged babies' comment. I can't stand the either! (and as the resident angel expert, it's one thing calling them cupids, but calling them cherubs really sets me off lol! ) It's also nice to hear something about how the anger management classes are going, we lost a bit of track of those, and how the elves are working on setting up various classes. A real silence before the storm moment here and from reader's perspective a good way to bridge some time.

It's nice we got to see something from Finlay's point of view and slightly a light tone in the upcoming darkness: 'who the hell was Alex Grant, anyway?', 'sheesh! Elves, no less!'. And Finlay might have been out of the Game, but he's still an agent, maybe more than Alex atm.

Alex on the other hand is a bit of a loose projectile here: one message and off to the Tarn he gives, even in spite of what recently happend to him concerning that place, in spite of what happend there earlier on and even more in spite of the warning not to go there alone. tsk tsk Alex!

I loved Glorfindel running through the housing, issuing orders, calling Finrod, issuing more orders, everyone changing, and off the go! There was quite a rush to the way it was written, which seems perfect for the situation.

There are quite a few disturbing hints more is going on around Farrell like how it;s possible none of the Elves has been able to track him down, as well as him going to the Tarn again.

Whatever happens there, let's hope it will not wake up the sleeper in the water!

Author Reply: Hi FV_Whisper. Yes, Junior is central to everything that's happened to Alex. Alex doesn't probably even realize that what he did at the Riad ultimately allowed the Agency to train him as an assassin. His superiors saw what he was capable of doing and acted accordingly. Had he simply walked away, perhaps his life within the Agency would've been different, we'll never know.

Finlay is cool and we'll see more of him in action in the next chapter.

Alex definitely is a loose cannon and he's clearly not thinking like an agent or even clearly at all. There will be consequences, as we will see.

I'm glad you enjoyed the rushed feeling of Glorfindel running through the house issuing orders. It was the effect I was shooting for. I'm glad it worked. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it very much.

rikkiReviewed Chapter: 66 on 8/15/2014
Someone has done a very good psych profile on Alex. They know he is loyal to those near to him and he will react in agency mode when the right buttons are pushed. Though I am beginning to believe, like Alex, that he is possessed by something that has changed what Alex was into what he is now. If you look at his background, he was successful in going undercover and tracking down various criminals. If he wasn't good at his job, then he would have been working a desk somewhere or he would have been dead. He broke the primary rules of hunt, as he should have called Felicity to see if she was at home or not and he should have called Glorfindel whether he stayed around for the elves to arrive or not. Thank goodness Finlay is right behind him.

Winterdark Tarn. You picked an evil place Fiondil to have this confrontation if there is one. Somehow I have this feeling that Alex may be on a wild goose chase just to see how he will react and who will show up if something does happen. Farrell or whoever is backing him could learn a lot about the opposition this way. And if something happens to Alex in the meantime, so much the better. My take is Farrell is after more than just Alex. And yes, we will have to wait until Monday to find out what happens.

Have a good weekend Fiondil and we will be here bright and early Monday along with the rest of the Cliff House people ready to read your latest chapter.

Author Reply: Hi rikki. You're right about that. Someone knows what buttons to push with Alex. And you're right about him breaking the primary rules of hunt, but the poor guy's not been thinking straight for some time now and so all that training just went out the window with the bath water.

And let's face it. Where else would a final confrontation with Farrell have taken place that would be more dramatic than Winterdark Tarn? *grin* We'll see what all this is about in the next chapter, I promise.

Thanks for reviewing. It's greatly appreciated.

EllieReviewed Chapter: 66 on 8/15/2014
So a prophetic dream warning of the impending doom? Alex really does need to start talking...Felicity deserves lots of chocolate if Alex gets to her in time to rescue her, no matter what he thinks about giving chocolate as a gift to a girlfriend.

Author Reply: Hi Ellie. I'm not sure if the dream is prophetic or not. I think it's similar to the one he had earlier (check out EA2) where he sees someone swimming in the tarn and then learns that it's himself. And you're right that Felicity deserves lots of chocolates, poor girl. Thanks for taking the time to leave a review. I appreciate it very much.

KevanaReviewed Chapter: 66 on 8/15/2014
This whole chapter is a massive punch in the gut. It's always been clear that Alex killed people, but seeing the scene written out makes a big impact. The questions keep piling up as to what is going on with Farrell but now it's definitely a charged atmosphere. You can practically feel the storm clouds rolling in. Very exciting!

I guess that's what happens when you date an ex-spy, girlfriend. Yikes. I hope she at least managed to shed some of Farrell's blood in the bargain. Go for the face, chicka. I have no sympathy for kidnappers.

Eagerly awaiting the next update! I owe you a couple of other reviews too, I haven't had a moment to myself in a week and I am actually on my phone and heading out of town - but seriously, punch in the gut. And a totally different mystery about what went down with Junior. Fun to see the Elves mobilize, too.

Have a wonderful weekend and take care!

Author Reply: Hi Kevana. You're right about the punch in the gut. And knowing about someone's past and seeing it are two different things. Here we also see the seed of Junior's ultimate betrayal not only of the Agency but of Alex. It's not something one bounces back from, if ever. Alex's psyche is so screwed up at this point, the poor fella doesn't know if he's coming or going.

Anyway, we'll see how it all goes down very shortly. Review the other chapters when you can. Thanks for taking the time to review this one. I appreciate it.

LaerReviewed Chapter: 66 on 8/15/2014
I saw the dram chip monk as soon as I read "Winterdark Tarn". Yikes. Poor Alex hopefully this will all end up being the cure he needs to chase those demons away from him. :(

Author Reply: Okay, I'm not sure what you mean by "dram chip monk" but I'm guessing you had a near heart attack when you read "Winterdark Tarn", right? *grin* Anyway, we'll see pretty shortly what happens with poor Alex and his demons. Thanks for reviewing, Laer. I appreciate it.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 66 on 8/15/2014
Ow, ow, ow. If that dream is how that confrontation in the Riad really happened, I'm not at all surprised Alex is disinclined to talk about it, even to Vorondur. (Well, except for what he saw when he looked back. That sounds like something out of a horror story (which is not my cup of tea at all!))
I really wonder just who is pulling Farrell's strings. It definitely sounds as if he - or said string-puller - is getting advice from a Maia who has gone oer to the dark side, at the very least. Or that one of them is very heaily influenced by someoe like that. This whole situation stinks to the high heavens. Alex' girlfriend kidnapped, and he getting a note drawing him out to Winterdark Tarn is way beyond suspicious, since hardly anyone beyond Alex and the Elves know just how dangerous that place is to him. Add in the timing, and the situation screams setup.
I guess Finlay is going to come nose-to-nose with other ... things ... than Elves soon. It will be interesting to see how he handles that!
Hopefully Glorfindel and Finrod are going to be sensible enough to let others do the martial heavy lifting. If not, I'm sure the Twins will detail a couple of persons to make sure they stay put.
*settles in for a long stay at the Cliff House*

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. We'll learn more about the dream and how real it was soon. But yeah, essentially, that's how it went, except the bit at the end. That was Alex's Id speaking.

I'm not sure we'll ever learn who's pulling Farrell's strings, at least not directly, but obviously, he's not coming up with these ideas on his own.

And Finlay... well, we'll just have to see, won't we? *grin*

We'll see what happens with everyone in the next chapter. Thanks for leaving a comment. I greatly appreciate it.

someoneReviewed Chapter: 66 on 8/15/2014
That's it. Farrel either has knowledge he should not have (about the odd creature in the tarn) or he wants to kill Alex in the same place Alex has already once died. Somehow I think it is the former option. I'm also wondering if there are still Elves' ancient enemies alive... perhaps houseless Elves gone to the dark side? They might recognize the watcher in the water. Could they hold a gun?

I don't really think the answer is something like that, but there is something weird going on in Wiseman. It is good that Finlay was looking after Alex (and I really liked the "Locked, of course. Well, he’d never met a lock that could defeat him and this one was easy-peasy in comparison to some."). I'm also slightly worried about the Elves going after Alex and Farrell, it is not certain that they could go sneaking around without anyone noticing.

Poor Alex. His career started with two murders and he has had to live with it all this time! There is no easy way to heal from that. They really need to get rid of Farrell without Alex having to kill him.

And I have to say, I really liked the Elves' desciption of St. Valentine's Day angels. I think they look silly, too.

Author Reply: Hi someone. I have no idea if Farrell actually knows about the creature but we'll see the guy in the next chapter and you'll have to decide for yourself just where Farrell stands in all this. And if someone is Houseless, they're essentially a ghost, so I don't think they would be able to hold anything, much less a gun.

But you're right that something weird is going on in Wiseman. Just what, remains to be seen.

As for the Elves, I don't think at this point they are worrying about sneaking around anywhere. Their only concern is to get to Winterdark Tarn and help Alex rescue Felicity and deal with Farrell once and for all. The time for sneaking about is well over.

Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

CelethReviewed Chapter: 66 on 8/15/2014
I could actually feel my pulse speed up as I "followed" Glorfindel racing thru Edhellond giving orders. Its a good thing Finlay is as well trained as he is, and Alex too. But I hope they, and everyone else (not including Farrell and his minions!), will be all right.

What I'd give to be able to dial a number a hear a musical voice at the other end saying, "DelaFiore," or even better "Glorfindel" haha

Author Reply: Hi Celeth. I'm glad you could feel the tension as you "followed" Glorfindel through Edhellond. That was what I was hoping for. We'll see how everyone fares very shortly. I promise I won't be dragging this out. And I'm with you about being able to dial a number and hear "DelaFiore" or even better "Glorfindel" on the other end. I'm sure we all wish we could do that. I'd even settle for "Quinn O'Brien". LOL! Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it.

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