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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil 14 Review(s)
6336Reviewed Chapter: 43 on 5/26/2014
I have a feeling that Glorfi will be having a few words with Mir and Ernie when they make it back to Wiseman.

Well that went very well, see Glorfi not all surprises are bad!

I can understand the misgivings that Glorfi and Finrod have but when they think about it a bit more, I think they will see the advantages of having a SCA group in Wiseman, especially if it is started by those who have no obvious ties to the Elves. It will be one way of training others in sword fighting who are not students of the Academy.

We do need to find out about Gwyn and Gareth's parents and why they have kept their heritage hidden, I would also like to see their reaction to finding out just who is now here in M.E.!

Oh well, off to get ready for work, find some breakfast and arrange the goodies for work, they are feeding us hot dogs and chips and I am bringing brownies and cookies to add to the feast!

Have a rest full Memorial Day and think of me slaving away over a hot register.


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. I'm sure Glorfi will have more than a few words, but we'll see how things go once they return to Wiseman.

We'll eventually meet Gwyn and Gareth's parents and learn something of their history, though it will not happen all that soon, so you'll just have to be patient.

Bummer on having to work today, but I'm sure your fellow workers will appreciate the brownies and cookies.

Thanks for taking the time to review. I really appreciate it. Hugs back.

LaerReviewed Chapter: 43 on 5/26/2014
They need to learn to make their words less harsh to we mortals. I think the group is trying, and that we need to learn tons from them. Just as they can learn tons from us. Well, ok not tons. Maybe some of our fancy dance steps? LOL.

I can not help but wonder who their parents are now that they have said that their parents did not want to talk about it. It makes me wonder... Were they someone that was requested to leave...or maybe they left when they heard about the war of the ring and just got so good at hiding from everything? My heads is spinning from all the thoughts I have. I'm even arguing with myself. (Maybe they are related to, he left around the ice age (bit of a nod to one of your other stories)..maybe they were lost in the mountains like Misty maybe. Maybe they just plain didn't want to leave and like having their privacy; some people are that way why can't they be....see I am rather rude to myself.)

Looking forward to the next chapter :)

Author Reply: Hi Laer. Well, Elves will be Elves. LOL on your arguing with yourself. We will meet the parents eventually and we'll learn why they don't wish to talk about the past. It will be a rather... um... interesting meeting all around and that's all I'll say about it for now. *grin*

Thanks for reading and reviewing. It's much appreciated.

someoneReviewed Chapter: 43 on 5/26/2014
Nice introduction! The elves must have felt almost at home with that group of people, though Alex and Derek's conversation destroyed the solemnity of the moment. *grin*

I wonder what sort of hounds Ingwë has? I agree with Glorfindel, out-of-body-experience sounds less insulting than slipping the leash, but it's not nearly so funny.

As for the last chapter, I really liked how the twins treated Glorfindel. It is clear they are still upset but they are careful and gentle.

Author Reply: Hi someone. I'm sure being surrounded by the Scadians brought back memories of earlier times for Glorfindel, Daeron and Vorondur, as well as for the Twins and Serindë, and it probably felt very home-like for Finrod and Laurendil.

I have no idea what sort of hounds Ingwë has. Probably something on the order of greyhounds, I imagine. And yes, "slipping the leash" is much funnier than "out-of-body-experience".

The Twins very much see Glorfindel as a father-figure and treat him accordingly, which is very sweet of them, I think, and shows the depth of love they have to one another.

Thanks for reviewing. It's much appreciated.

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 43 on 5/26/2014
That was a surprise where Glorfindel for once could not complain... I'm thinking about the intriguing hints you give about Gwyn's and Gareth's parents. They sound like some of the attitudes I encountered with immigrants into the US, where the parents immersed themselves into the new way of living and tried to cut off the past, raising their children in the new country with very little to no knowledge of their heritage. The children on the other hand later try to recover their history and the culture of their parents. Hence the popularity of sites like It sounds as if the parents have some grudge. But at least they are living in the present day and not pining for the past.

Author Reply: Hi obsidianj. Your analysis of Gwyn and Gareth's parents is probably truer than you suspect. We'll learn a little more about them and the reasons they had for not telling their sons much about their own history and all, though we won't meet them immediately. And they are indeed living very much in the present. Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it.

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