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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil 19 Review(s)
AlReviewed Chapter: 68 on 8/22/2014
Whew! That was quite a ride! So - I notice that it's been a while since you updated. Is this story still in progress? Be a shame to stop now.
I'll be checking out some of the side stories as I hope for more chapters to this one!

Author Reply: Hi Al. I'm not sure where you get the idea that it's been a while since I've updated this story, because I post a new chapter every Monday and Friday. Elf Academy 3 is in fact completely written though you won't see the last chapter until early next year. I'm already working on Elf Academy 4. At any rate, I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it.

TariReviewed Chapter: 68 on 8/22/2014
Wow!! this was the best chapter so far. How awesome it is to meet the great I AM and live to tell about it. It is definitely harder for us to forgive ourselves than anyone else.

Author Reply: I'm glad you think so, Tari. And you're right that it's always harder to forgive ourselves than others. We are always our own worse judges. Thanks for letting me know how much you enjoyed the chapter. I appreciate it.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 68 on 8/22/2014
You know, Atto, whenever I see "interlude" with you, I don't think "nice, peaceful chapter" because even if it is, something crazy is still pretty much bound to come up. And throwing Atar into the mix practically guarantees it. O_O xD I love Atar's sense of humor, have I mentioned that? I especially like how He's updated his look. Hehe.

But back to the crazy. Atar making the Popeye joke. That was wholly unexpected and I COULD NOT STOP laughing and it is ALL your fault Atto. :P

Of course, then there's the matter of what happened to Felicity (still) and so, Farrell really took Alex down with him? But Alex has been, or will be rescued, and Farrell...? That's the sixty-four dollar question now, isn't it? (I am not at all sure I got that reference right, lol.)

Oh well, here I am until the weekend is over...*settles back in Cliff House with basket of blueberry muffins and jug of strawberry lemonade to share*

(By the way, Atto, apparently blueberries are a matter of concern. A friend shared this with me. We should be concerned about the blueberries. I don't know why, though. You're ever so much cleverer than me so perhaps you know why. :) *is pretty sure Atto Fiondil knows just about everything there is to know*)



Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. Actually the phrase is "64 thousand dollar question". It's taken from an old TV game show where the contestant had to answer a final question in order to win $64,000.

As for Farrell and Felicity, we'll find out about them in subsequent chapters.

And I have no idea why anyone would be concerned about blueberries. I don't like them myself. LOL!

Thanks for reviewing. Tye-melin.

White QueenReviewed Chapter: 68 on 8/22/2014
Ah, such a lovely chat with Atar... Wonderful conversation. His self-introduction is quite funny. Very endearing.

Author Reply: Hello White Queen. I'm glad you like this, and yes, His self-introduction is funny and endearing. Thanks for letting me know. I very much appreciate it.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 68 on 8/22/2014
Oh, wow! I wasn't expecting this. I thought maybe it would have been a conversation between Manwe and Atar about how things were going in Wiseman and not between Alex and Dad! Some how it brings Dad onto a more personal level.

Er,hm, back to business.

Dad was right, it all comes down to learning to trust again, I think Alex lack of faith in his fellow being can be traced back to his betrayal by Junior. That really hurt on so many levels, that and Ryan's death.

There is a difference between killing in self defense and murder, maybe a fine line but there is a difference. I was more than a little shocked to realize that Artemus had really drowned those two men, did he mention it in his report, I wonder? He really needs to tell some one, even if it is his bed post, very good listeners bed posts.

I would love to be a fly on the wall when Namo and Ratty have their little chat!

Joins Rikki at the Cliff House, brings cold cuts and French bread and butter to add to veggies. Starts dusting.

Have a very pleasant week end.


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. A conversation between Atar and Manwë would've been, you know, boring. LOL! Much more interesting have Dad give Alex a little talking to.

And you're absolutely right that Alex's lack of trust of others can be traced to his betrayal by Junior and what followed from that. And no, Alex never told anyone about it, though I'm sure his superiors learned the truth and decided that if he was able to do something like that than he could be trained to be an assassin at need. So, unwittingly, Alex's actions brought him to the attention of others who took an information-gatherer/analyst and turned him into a killer.

We'll see if and to whom Alex eventually confesses in a later chapter. Gotta rescue him first. *grin*

Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

KevanaReviewed Chapter: 68 on 8/22/2014
Your chapters with Atar are always beautiful and this is no exception. I love how you "updated" the language and appearances; it was a great surprise and even poignant. I completely agree with the point made here. Burning bushes went out of style a while back, and Atar seems to prefer meeting people where they are, I think. The little details here and there, like the flame on Alex's shirt, add tremendous depth to the story. You manage to fit a lot into not a lot of space. It's almost lyrical in a way.

Atar's comment about little Alex's smartass Popeye quip tickled me. Of course He would bring up the embarrassing things Alex did when he was a kid, just as a parent would to tease their son. That was so sweet in a way (but perhaps also to convince Alex of the truth of just who he was talking to?)

For me, at least, this was a totally unexpected change in tone and pace. "Interlude" is the perfect name for it. I showed up expecting ongoing action and adventure in this chapter and instead ended up wanting to drag a blanket into that garden and stay there a while. The timing was wonderful and completely caught me off guard, and I'm so glad it did.

Maybe this will be a turning point for Alex's decisions in working with the Elves (such as actually deciding to work *with them*), but given some of the comments I have a feeling nobody's out of the woods just yet. I do wonder if Alex and Glorfindel might have a little chat about this, depending on how much Alex remembers of it. Er, about his meeting with Someone, not about Alex's running off alone - though I am sure that's going to be a discussion as well, as rikki said.

I hadn't realized Farrell would have gone all the way down with Alex. Was he so desperate to kill Alex that he didn't care if he died, too? That's kind of sad, besides evil and scary. Though I suppose "dead" depends on your definition, as Dad points out. I think the next chapter will carry more weight with it, after having read this one. It's a reminder of the consequences of all this.

Thanks, Fiondil, this was a nice thing to wake up to on a gloomy Friday morning when I was in an equally gloomy mood. And I promise I will email you about that other thing when I can get my thoughts more organized on it, I would enjoy talking about it, too. At the moment it's a bit like having a loose tooth; it's going to come out at some point, but not till I've poked at it with my tongue for a while, if that makes sense!

Take care and have a great weekend, hopefully far away from any monsters in lakes.

-UTFrog: I got what you meant, I'm sure others will too. :)

Author Reply: Hi Kevana. I try to make each chapter with Atar unique and tailored to the character involved and I would hope Atar would have "gotten with the times" by now. LOL! I think Atar is a bit frenetic here, sort like the Doctor in some incarnations, but he certainly got his point across regardless.

And yes, Farrell and Alex were in a death grip and they both went into the tarn. We'll see how the two are rescued in the next chapter.

I'm glad this chapter brightened your day, Kevana. And I look forward to your email whenever you get around to it. There's no real hurry. Take your time. Have a great weekend yourself and thanks for the review. I really appreciate it.

rikkiReviewed Chapter: 68 on 8/22/2014
This was a great chapter with lots of humor among the not so humorous. The talk between Alex and Atar had me chuckling in places with Alex's near death experience especially his complaint he hasn't seen the tunnel yet and Atar's retort he gets tired of the sme old same old. Atar has really laid Alex's problems and choices on the line. Now it is up to him to correct his mistakes before it gets to the third time.

I love in your stories that you incorporate the smellof various herbs and fruit to identify the different Valar and Atar. That would be very refreshing in a world that is so polluted nowadays. And if I was paying better attention I could identify the diety by smell alone, LOL!

Though Alex has to face an angry Glorfindel, I feel that they will talk it out, once Glorfindel gets over his fright of Alex heading to the tarn without backup. Thank goodness Finlay will be there to protect Alex.

Have a wonderful weekend. Now you have saved various people's fingernails and teeth, I think we can live until Monday for Alex's rescue. I will vacuum the Cliff House and bring fresh fruits and veggies from the Farmers Market. Ah, the freshness of summer.

Author Reply: Hi rikki. We'll see just how angry Glorfindel is with Alex once he's been rescued. I'm sure by the time Alex recovers, any anger Glorfindel might have felt would be dissipated and he'll just be grateful that the Mortal is alive.

I'm glad you enjoyed the talk between Alex and Atar. I think you could tell I had a lot of fun with that. Thanks for leaving a review. I appreciate it very much.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 68 on 8/22/2014
Rereading my review of just a few minutes ago, I think it sounds snarky, which was not at all what I intended. This is a fabulous chapter drama and wit combined. What I was trying to say is that I enjoyed your version of God as a humorous, likable and still all powerful being. Children do come up with fantastic truths, funny though they may be.

Anyway, Fiondil and readers, please try to understand what I meant, not what I said.

Author Reply: I didn't think it sounded snarky at all, UTfrog. I knew exactly what you meant, but I appreciate you taking the time to clarify things for others. I'm glad you enjoyed my version of God. I would hope He is like that in reality, as humorous, likable but still an all powerful being. One can hope, right? *grin*

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 68 on 8/22/2014
What a chapter!!! I did guess that the garden was the one in Spain. Loved all the interaction with Atar and Alex. Somehow I feel the "I am what I am" story came from someone very close to you. Children do come up with profound religious observations. "Is Mother Nature God's wife? is a favorite of mine.

Great job. Thank you.

Author Reply: Hi UTfrog. Actually, no, I didn't get the "I am what I am" story from someone else. I actually made it up, but I've been around kids enough to know just how they see things and the funny things they say and just astound grown-ups who've forgotten how unself-conscious children are. I always liked Joseph, Mary and the baby Jesus in a plane with Pontius Pilate at the controls flying them to Egypt. LOL! Kids! Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it.

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