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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil 17 Review(s)
LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 101 on 12/15/2014
Dancing Maiar? There's a visual aid towards Attitude Adjustment for you...

I admit I didn't notice how quiet Galadriel was, until several other readers pointed it out, and then I realised (on looking over the chapter again) that I had mis-read "Glorfindel" as "Galadriel" in a couple of places, where I had been honestly surprised (and no wonder -- as it wasn't Galadriel at all) at her attitude.

Stupid dyslexia. It's going to be one of those days.

I usually do my fanfic reading with/after a cup of caffeine, which somehow helps my brain keep the letters straighter. Reading a story with similar names can be quite amusing, otherwise!

Author Reply: Hi Lindelea. It can be confusing with so many names sounding and looking the same. Even I have to keep a list and refer to it on occasion. Anyway, I'm glad you found it amusing. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

EruherdirielReviewed Chapter: 101 on 12/15/2014
I have to agree. Dancing is a better way to release frustration than bruising someone. There's less pain afterwords.

It will be interesting to see Galadriel's conversation with Gareth.

Author Reply: Hi Eruherdiriel. Yes, dancing is usually less painful afterwards. *grin* We'll see the dinner soon enough. We have to get through the tour of Wiseman first. Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it.

LaerReviewed Chapter: 101 on 12/15/2014
Sounds like Nielluin is her mother's child :) Turgon will need to learn patience, but I can't help but wonder who will have to teach this to him ;) The dancing was a great idea to blow off some steam and for all to simply enjoy some time together.

Author Reply: Oh definitely, Laer. Turgon has issues but some of them will be resolved before he leaves, though we won't see that until much later. I'm sure the visitors, once they got over the shock, enjoyed the music and the dancing very much, especially when they saw even someone like Finrod dancing. *grin*

Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it greatly.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 101 on 12/15/2014
Clearly the healers are due a bit of R&R after their stressful time at the hospital! But it seems that the Valinorean Elves are having their doubts. T rather like the “That’s… dancing?” and “That’s… music?” remarks from two of the kings.
Though dancing is clearly a better method of unwinding than the one the Twins USED to have.
Hehehe - the Maiar are joining in the cance as well? Clearly everybody (almost) have fun. One of the exceptions DID NOT react to being called an old fogey by blowing his stack, which was great. Though he did not like the idea of his daughter and Gareth dleeping together under the stars (even chastely and well chaperoned). Gareth's reaction to Nielluin's declaration was really too funny (Nielluin is very definitely her mother's daughter) but ... uh-oh, is that Ominious Silence (tm) from Galadriel's direction?

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. Yes, they all needed a bit of R&R after that. I'm sure once they got used to it, the new arrivals enjoyed watching the dancing if nothing else. Celeborn probably reached his limit by the time he tried to pull the lovers apart. Poor ellon, it's just too much for him. As for Galadriel, ominous silence indeed. LOL!

Thanks for leaving a comment. It's much appreciated.

rikkiReviewed Chapter: 101 on 12/15/2014
After all the drama at the hospital dancing would be a good way to relieve the tension the twins are feeling. Losing a patient, even if the patient had made the decision to let the natural course take place is hard on the nurses and doctors who are trained to save lives. I agree with Glorfindel it is better that Elladan and Elrohir dance away their tension and frustration rather than fight it out with swords. I am older than dirt and didn't recognize the songs played, but I am headed out to You Tube to see what it was they were playing. Right now Aretha Franklin is wailing on my computer with "Think". Followed by Assembly of Dust. My ITunes is on artists alphabetically right now.

And it was definitely funny that "children" who have to be thousands of years old are considered by their parents not to be "mature" enough to behave in an appropriate manner. Celeborn and Galadriel are definitely getting a new view of their daughter. Nell has picked up a lot of mortal perceptions of dating and having a potential husband. But with Celebrain and Elrond and Elladan there to chaperon and Glorfindel who has already delivered the "talk" to the two sweethearts, I don't think things will get too carried away. Tristan was cool to support the Nell and Garath, but then he has lived many years with mortals and knows what could happen. But then if the subject came up, Celeborn and Galandriel did not wed under the usual constraints of Eleven society. Things will work out eventually.

I see you mentioned that the dinner with Alex and Derek is coming up. I am looking forward to see everyone for that. Will Ester be the waitress? I have a feeling this is going to be very interesting. In the meantime, have a great week and I will be here Friday for the next edition.

Author Reply: Hi rikki. I'm a Josh Groban fan so I've always liked this song by him. The other songs I've heard either on YouTube or at Radio Rivendell and that's why I picked them.

The Elves of Aman are still very old fashioned and stick to the old ways. The ones from Middle-earth have lived through every kind of society and are quite comfortable in the more permissive society of the West. As you say, things will work out eventually.

We'll see the dinner with Alex and Derek shortly, once we get through the tours. And yes, Esther will be there to supervise.

Thanks for leaving a review. I appreciate it very much.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 101 on 12/15/2014
A very nice slow chapter after all the recent drama. I liked how you revealed the information flow between groups who had so much to cover. Looking forward to the wedding! Thank you.

Author Reply: Hi UTfrog. Certainly slower and I'm glad you liked how I revealed the information flow between the groups as there really was so much to cover between them. The wedding will be soon, but not immediate. We still have to get through the planned tours and and dinner party with Alex and Derek, but we'll see the wedding soon enough. Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

CelethReviewed Chapter: 101 on 12/15/2014
I used to enjoy reading about their sword fights when they were trying to work off their frustrations, but dancing is much better, and sure gave the Valinoreans a lot of entertainment, especially the Maiar. I wonder what the latter thought of the dancing and the music, especially those who have never had contact with Mortal culture before.

So, Celeborn is not that cool with his daughter's behavior and dress after all. And Galadriel is too quiet; why do I get the feeling that she is going to explode soon? I hope I am wrong.

Author Reply: Hi Celeth. Dancing is at least safer if not as exciting as sword fighting. I'm sure the Maiar enjoyed the music in all its forms.

Celeborn is definitely in unamused Ada mode and yes, Galadriel is much too quiet. We'll just have to see how things go.

Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it.

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