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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil 14 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 104 on 12/26/2014
Poor Alex! He has so much in his past to forgive himself for. I can understand why this particular incident clings to him. To have to see even a little of such a distressing and disgusting thing would make anyone of any decency feel soiled and guilty. I'm glad he now has someone as wise as Vorondur to deal with it.

And I am grinning so hard at the revelation that Elrond and Celebrian are staying! If I grin any harder it will meet at the back and make the top of my head fall off. : D

Author Reply: Hi Dreamflower. Yes, Alex has a lot of baggage to deal with and a lot of guilt, but luckily he has someone like Vorondur to help him through it and point out things he doesn't see, such as Sergei calling him Uncle Gordy and thinking of him as family.

We certainly don't want your head to fall off. LOL! But I'm glad you're pleased that Elrond and Celebrķan are staying.

Thanks for leaving a review. I appreciate it.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 104 on 12/26/2014

Merry (belated) Christmas! Sorry I've fallen lax in reviewing, *again*, but RL got in the way again. :( Trust me, I've been reading all along though, and I love how the story's going. I laughed so hard when Ron's boys had to be taught the difference between 'not allowed to run away and hide' and 'not allowed to go back'. It's interesting me very much that not only have the Valar relaxed the Ban (or was I merely presuming one?) on not returning to Ennor, but that some of the Elves are deciding they wish to remain. Maybe the Valar were getting bored with the stagnation of the Elves and needed to shake things up by eliciting an emigration?

(It's hard to imagine that life in Valinor would grow dull with Celeborn, Galadriel, Elrond, Thranduil, Ecthelion and the Legolases there, but, well...)

Oh God, poor Alex, so, so so much. That poor little boy, too. (And poor Derek, getting beat up on, glad he'll be OK even if he's not fit for dancing!)

I've loved the story so far and this chapter is my new favorite. As you know, that's until the next favorite comes along LOL!

I hope your Christmas wasn't too hectic, and that you're enjoying a peaceful Boxing Day :) Mine will be anything but peaceful, when the relatives descend en masse in less than two hours...I'll be wanting to flee to Edhellond by then! LOL! Wish me luck :P

Tye-melin tenn' Ambar-metta :)


Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. I can certainly appreciate how RL would get in the way, especially this time of year. I'm glad you've been enjoying the chapters, especially this one. I think the Valar knew that certain people would want to stay and are secretly pleased that they are wanting to, so I don't think there will too much fuss when the time comes for the rest to leave. We'll see who stays and who goes at the end of the story.

My Christmas was quite lovely, though I have to work today but I have next Monday off so that's okay. Good luck with your horde of relatives. Thanks for taking the time to leave a review, Kaylee. I appreciate it. Tye-melin.

AmonyReviewed Chapter: 104 on 12/26/2014
Now, I can bet Tilion waved back to Elrohir every night and enjoyed the antics of his "children" :D :D

Poor Sergie, I can only hope that since he is so young, when he grows up he wont remember much, but that's only hoping :'(

I think Alex was brave, very brave indeed. To stand aside while watching a poor child being tortured but remaining cool for the sake of the other children isn't something everyone can do, I myself would have ripped that monster's skin of his face immediately :D :D

One has to wonder if the Valar are going to allow all these people to remain behind.

Looking forward for the wedding :D :D :D :D :D

Author Reply: Hi Amony. I'm sure Tilion got a kick out of the Twins as well.

I have no doubt that little Serge was given the best psychological care and love from his adopted parents and he's turned into a fine young man. Alex had a hard decision to make and while he probably regrets it, in the long run it was the best decision he could have made.

I doubt if everyone will even want to stay behind, certainly the kings will not, but a few of those with families might. We'll have to see.

The wedding is coming up soon, I promise. Thanks for reviewing. It's greatly appreciated.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 104 on 12/26/2014
Poor Alex! He is a hero, but just can't seem to grasp that. Loved that the boy he rescued sees it. I am thoroughly enjoying these chapters with the arrivals from Aman. Everyone has so much to learn and everyone (but Turgon) seems eager to do so. Thanks so much.

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Best wishes always.

Author Reply: Hi UTfrog. We often don't see ourselves as heroes even if others do. I am glad you are enjoying these chapters with the arrivals from Aman. There is indeed much that everyone needs to learn whether they want to or not.

I had a lovely Christmas, thank you, and I hope yours was good as well. Thanks for reviewing. It's appreciated.

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