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Revolution  by Laikwalâssê



Chapter 29:  what goes around, comes around


“My Lord King! Thoran has escaped and he has taken Prince Legolas with him!”


Although the words were spoken softly the message exploded into a sudden silence. Thranduil looked aghast at the officer while actually needing several seconds to comprehend what he had just heard.

He had personally checked on Thoran before coming to the reception and without help it would have been impossible for him to escape. The King looked intently at the captain when this thought occurred to him. Knowing exactly what was on the King’s mind Sinaht returned his gaze unflinchingly.

“My Lord, Thoran was released. One of the guards of the palace watch was obviously his confederate. Unfortunately we discovered this fact too late.”

The room had fallen deadly silent. Every elf looked shocked as they gazed at the captain and nearly everyone was afraid to look into the King’s direction. Too many bad things had happened during the past weeks but now Thoran had made his final move and again it was targeted at the King.

Thranduil was trying hard to squelch his rising fury. Just the fact that Thoran had managed to escape was incredible, but even more, that he had been able to kidnap his youngest son was beyond belief.

His feelings ranged from overwhelming fury to choking fear and momentarily paralyzed him. He was not able to form a coherent thought. Again he saw clearly how the recent weeks had affected him, even if he refused to admit it, even to himself.

What worried him the most however was the fact that he had not received any sensations through the bond with his child. Even though they had only recently discovered how strong this bond really was; it had now failed to work. This led to only one possibility; Legolas had not been able to alert him and the implications of this fact hit him like a blow.

Galadhion directed a worried gaze at his father. He wondered about the lack of outward reaction from the King, yet he could well sympathize with what had momentarily frozen the older elf. Just when some of the strain had faded from his father’s fea this new shock was crumbling the frail semblance of order Thranduil had re-established over the last few days.

Saeron´s reaction was quite different. Before anyone could even blink the King’s second son had hastened out of the room with an angry cry. Galadhion closed his eyes, despairing. He had expected nothing else from his brother.

However, Saeron´s cry ripped the King from his shock. Thranduil recovered surprisingly fast and looked at his captain with a grim gaze that made even the experienced warrior swallow. With a much too controlled voice he demanded, “Follow me and tell me what happened!”

Thranduil was already striding from the room. Sinaht had no other choice than to hasten after his Lord. Galadhion was already apologizing to the assembled elves and excusing his father, although no one minded the King’s hasty departure.

Glorfindel, Celeborn and Elrond’s twin sons were also following the King without invitation. They were as shocked as the others, yet they hoped to offer their help in some way and they were as eager as the King to learn how it had been possible for Thoran to escape.

The King and his followers descended the steps and reached the corridor leading to the cellar storerooms. Thranduil momentarily stopped his advance when he saw the palace healer kneeling on the floor next to a prone figure on the ground. Sinaht had not had a chance to explain anything so far.

For a short moment the King’s heart leaped into his throat in fear that it was Legolas lying there but he quickly recognized that the fallen elf was an adult. Thoran had taken his son with him, undoubtedly using him to guarantee his own life.

The already gathered crowd parted at the King’s arrival and Thranduil narrowed his eyes. Although he did not know the elf on the ground personally, he wore the livery of the palace watch. Possibly he was the confederate of Thoran that Sinaht had spoken of. The palace healer was busy staunching a heavily bleeding stab would in the elf’s chest. The King frowned. How had he received this injury? Had Thoran intended to kill the elf that had helped him?

Taking a deep breath Thranduil knelt also and looked at the guard who was panting hard to cope with the pain. Before he could even open his mouth the healer shot a warning glare at him and directed his attention with a tip of his head towards another body lying further down the corridor.

Thranduil did not have to go to this elf to see that he was dead. Shocked, he recognized that it was his former advisor, Luindil. Now he struggled hard to piece the puzzle together. Luindil was also accused of high treason, yet Thranduil doubted that he had helped Thoran to escape.

When two more healers with a litter approached, the King rose and made way for the helpers to transport the wounded elf to the healing ward. His questions would have to wait. Two guards were already bearing the body of the dead elf away.

The King clenched his fists. There were too many unanswered questions. Although he could make a pretty good guess what had happened down here he needed confirmation, and their time was running short.

Having made up his mind Thranduil turned abruptly and hurried back up the steps. He had no time to lose. However Thoran had managed to escape was secondary. They had to follow him and rescue his son before the tracks were cold. How he had managed to take Legolas with him still puzzled him and Thranduil would demand explanations from everyone involved.

When Galadhion came running down the hallway and stepped in his way Thranduil´s face grew angry. “Do not try to stop me, Galadhion. It’s my place to stop Thoran once and for all!”

Galadhion grimaced at his father’s sharp tone, yet he met his gaze unflinchingly. “I’m not here to stop you, Adar. In fact I’ve arranged everything for an immediate departure.”

Thranduil looked surprised and at the same time felt ashamed for snapping at his son. Not trusting his voice he only squeezed his son’s arm in thanks and began pulling off his outer robe.

A touch on his shoulder made him turn and he managed at the last moment not to scowl at another elf that was hindering his departure.

“Thranduil, we would be glad to be of any assistance,” Celeborn said, making a sweeping gesture that included himself, Glorfindel and the twins.

Thranduil took no time to think about this, he only nodded and inclined his head. He had already been rude to his guests; but once again they offered their assistance. He would have to make many things up later but right now he didn’t have the stomach for anything. His fear for Legolas had nearly overridden his common sense.

“I would be glad for any assistance,” he said and turned. “Let’s be on our way!” With this the King hurried out of the palace leaving his personal guards hard pressed to follow.

Many onlookers were also left behind, speechless but with hope in their hearts that the King would be successful. All knew one thing with certainty. This time the King would not make any concessions. He would hunt Thoran down without mercy.




The King held up his hand to stop the elves who were following him. He crouched low over the neck of his steed determined to take a closer look at the imprint on the ground. His two personal guards, Celeborn, Glorfindel, the twins and six additional warriors stopped their mounts, making sure to not disturb any signs Thoran might have left in his haste.

Thranduil had deliberately limited the number of elves following him. He wanted to make swift progress, something that would not be possible with half the population of Mirkwood following him. He intended to delay alerting Thoran to their presence for as long as possible. Normally he would have followed on foot, yet the head start of the insane elf forced the King to cover the growing distance swiftly. He was not willing to subject his son to this mad elf for any longer than necessary.

Their departure had been delayed further by Loriel, Legolas´ nurse, coming before her King, her face drenched with her tears. Barely able to speak she explained how it had come to pass that Legolas had been snatched from her care.

The King had heard her out, first with annoyance but more and more with sympathy and rising worry. While listening to her tale he had recognized with dismay the splinted arm and the swollen dark red eye of the slender woman. His worry and fury had clouded his common sense.

Unfortunately, just when Thoran had emerged from the cellar’s steps, Loriel with Legolas skipping at her hand had crossed the hallway to reach the boy’s private rooms.

Rejoicing at his good fortune Thoran had brutally backhanded a stunned Loriel, shoving her to the ground while dragging the boy away with him. He hadn’t cared about Loriel´ shouts for help or the wailing of the frightened child. He knew that no one would dare to stop him while he was using the elfling as a shield or hostage.

Knowing that Legolas would instantly alert his father through their bond Thoran had backhanded the elfling so hard that he had lost consciousness. It was his only chance to cut the connection. He would have been unable to leave the palace had the King been alerted to his activities.

Thranduil swallowed hard trying to get this image out of his mind. He had to think clearly and accurately. Personal feelings would have to be shoved aside. If Thoran did any further harm to Legolas there would be not a place in all of Arda where he could hide from him.

The imprint on the ground was left from a horse being hurried along. Of course, Thranduil could not say if it was left from the one Thoran had stolen from the stables, yet the imprint was fresh and on a path leading into the south. Where else would Thoran be heading?

A light touch on his arm prompted Thranduil to look up. Celeborn was pointing ahead and the King narrowed his eyes when he saw the object the Lord of the Golden Wood was indicating. After taking a deep breath Thranduil slipped from his horse and retrieved the item that had been trampled into the muddy earth.

Elladan swallowed when he recognized what the King was stowing in his pocket. The object had been a small soft slipper undoubtedly lost by the young prince. The brothers looked at each other with a grimace. Already the King was departing and the twins urged their mounts onward too.

After two further hours, in the early hours of pre-dawn, the group had long left behind the inner circle of the Home Guard. Now they had to not only be alert so as not to not miss any traces from Thoran, but they also had to heighten their senses for beastly attackers.

When dawn broke the King stopped the group with a raised hand. Elladan narrowed his eyes while Thranduil listened with his eyes closed. The older twin did not even try to catch what the wood elf was perceiving. Elves of Noldor origin, let alone any Half-elf, did not have a Wood-elf’s affinity with trees.

Elladan gasped when two elves suddenly dropped from the trees, but then he scolded himself. How could he have expected Legolas´ brothers to not be part of this hunt? The Crown prince and the King’s second son were silently informing their father about something and pointing ahead. Elladan shifted uneasily in his saddle. He didn’t have to understand what was being said. Something was going to be happening.

Without any verbal command or order the warriors fanned out. Only now did Elladan recognize that a little clearing lay ahead. Galadhion and Saeron had already vanished back up into the trees. Thranduil motioned for the group to dismount and with a silent command the horses were ordered to retreat further into the trees.

Behind the King, Elladan, Elrohir, Glorfindel and Celeborn neared the clearing silently. The warriors and guards formed a circle. Thoran would have no chance to escape.

When Elladan readied his bow he felt a light touch on his forearm. Questioningly he looked up into the blue eyes of his grandfather. “We are only here to help if it is needed. This is the King’s affair. We wait to intervene,” the silver haired elf whispered softly.

Elladan nodded and loosed his bowstring. Celeborn was right. The King would not appreciate any intervention from the Imladris´ elves. Elladan narrowed his eyes and could now see that Thoran was indeed standing in the centre of this little clearing. At first he could not see the King’s youngest son but then he spied him huddled against a fallen log.

The little boy’s face was tear-streaked and he looked fearfully at the elf standing some feet away from him. At least he was no longer unconscious. Thoran was busy watering his horse and taking sips of water himself. Elladan´s fists clenched. The bastard did not even think about giving the elfling some drops of water also.

Elladan looked back at the child and estimated how far the two elves were apart. It would be easy to dash into the clearing, grab the boy and ran back before Thoran had a chance to react. A touch on his other arm surprised Elladan a second time but now it was Glorfindel. Pointing toward Legolas the warriors shook his head. Only now Elladan saw that the elfling was bound to the log with a rope. So much for snatching him away quickly.

When he heard a bird’s call Elladan looked up and saw the King holding up his hand. Looking at his brother the twins made themselves ready, in league with the two older warriors.

An arrow notched to his bow Thranduil left the shelter of the trees and stepped quickly into the clearing. Elladan scanned the trees and saw at least eight bows pointed at Thoran.

And then everything happened as if in slow motion. Thoran suddenly whirled around, hastened toward the young price, cut the rope and hauled the elfling to his feet. Looking around frantically, he pressed the boy against him as a shield.

Thranduil momentarily faltered in his advance but did not lower his bow. The archers in the trees did not let the traitor out of their focus, yet like their King, they would never dare to endanger the child.

“Stop, Thranduil, or your son will not take another breath,” Thoran hissed and was pressing a knife to the boy’s throat. Elladan swallowed when he recognized that the blade was already drawing blood. The elfling´s initial shrieks of fear had stopped when he saw Thranduil. His large blue eyes pleaded silently with his father. The King’s face was a blank mask. His eyes were fixed on his son, yet he did not lower his bow an inch.

`Legolas, do not struggle. I´m here. All will be well. I will not let you down`

Thranduil transferred these calming thoughts to his son and indeed the boy´s panic lessened a bit, fully confidant in the presence of his father.

His hand on the bow nearly shaking with fury while receiving the fear of his child Thranduil directed his attention back on the traitor.

“Release my son, at once and I will spare your life, Thoran!” he demanded with an icy tone. Though releasing the bite of the blade a bit Thoran pressed the boy even tighter against him, causing Legolas to cry out in discomfort. Every shot from this short distance could also harm the child and Thoran knew this.

Seeing this Thranduil send a short but quick order at the guards not to shoot Thoran. He was not willing to endanger his son in any way. Even if this meant that Thoran would escape again, he was sure to catch him later and he did not want to subject Legolas to a situation where an elf was killed before his eyes. Thranduil would do this if necessary but would prefer it to be without the witnessing eyes of a child.

Inch-by-inch the traitor was moving toward his horse and neither the warriors in the trees, nor Glorfindel and Celeborn on the other side of the clearing, neither the King, nor his sons or any others could do anything against it.

Before anyone could prevent it Thoran had leaped onto the back of his horse, the boy still pressed against him and crouching low over the mare’s neck he galloped from the clearing.

With a cry of rage Thranaduil whistled and when his horse thundered towards him he leaped onto its back and raced after Thoran. The other elves were blinking in shock and before they had comprehended what had just happened, the two riders had vanished into the trees.

To be continued……………………….

A/N: sorry for the long delay, but RL is not always playing fair......

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