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Relapse  by Periantari

This was a story born of the question about Faramir's post-Quest recovery given the fact that he did lose both brother and father in a short period of time and it must've been tough. I didn't feel that there was enough stories to address this. Also, Tolkien made it seem he recovered fast in the Houses of Healing with Eowyn but I think there is more to the story. Tolkien ended Faramir and Eowyn's story in "Many Partings" when they were betrothed and did not mention their fate in appendices or letters or even much in HOME (did mention they wed in 3020 in Rohan which is a very appreciated detail.) 

I started writing this in May and now up to 21 chapters and it seems like it is still going. I thank Grey_wonderer for her thoughtful emails back to me for encouragement. I also thank my sister and Lindahoyland for editing and beta work. 


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