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Phantasm  by lovethosehobbits 68 Review(s)
AlexReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/19/2005
I've never left reviews for you before, but I've truly enjoyed all your stories (Smoke and Mirrors is my very favorite). I was hesitant about this one at first, but you have taken us right into a wonderful story. You have a great ability to control all the characters so that everybody has something to do, even while focusing on a few central ones. I can just see them all bustling around to care for Frodo. I know you wont be letting him off with some miracle recovery, so I eagerly anticipate the next chapters.

Author Reply: Alex, thank you so much for letting me know you're out there. So often I wonder if anyone is actually reading my stories. Smoke and Mirrors was my first fic and I love it as well. One day I was skimming over some of my old spiral bounds (that's how I write) and got involved in the story as if it were written by someone else. I was absolutely lost in it and I know that sounds a bit egotistical but I thought, Wow this is good. So very happy you think so too. Keep reading my fics...I promise to try and create moments of escapism in every one. Thanks again for reviewing.

Starfire_MoonlightReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/18/2005
I love this story! Can't wait to see what will happen next, maybe Saruman will atck someone else for all I know. Hope not. The Fellowship is having hard of a time as it is with their Ringbearer. :D

Author Reply: How wonderful of you to say so! Things will start to get a little better for not only our beloved Frodo but for our Fellowship as well. Just wait and see what I have planned for Saruman. heheheheheheh

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/18/2005
Oooh, what a lovely, healing chapter! I'm so relieved that Frodo's recovering. I adore these passages the most:

"Aragorn..." he whispered, not in fear, as before, but in thankfulness and trust.

Merry and Pippin looked at each other then over at their cousin, each having a very hard time imagining Frodo, at the moment, doing any kind of dance, then back at Sam, wondering if the gardener had been into Aragorn's powders.

And now he was here, wherever here was. He cared not. He only knew he felt surrounded on all sides by soothing murmurs, warm touches and the tender embrace of love and hope.


Author Reply: It was written just for you my friend. Honestly, in large was. I'm finally getting to know when I've pushed you too far and it's time for some serious comfort. ;D Glad you liked the bit with Merry and Pippin. I believe you simply HAVE to interject a note of humor or the story becomes such a downer, and I could just picture Pippin thinking, curiously, about all of Aragorn's healing powders and although Sam would most assuredly never get into them, how much HE would want to. One that last paragraph...have you ever noticed that when you had a fever as a child that the soft sounds of your mom as she took care of you, brought you such comfort and reasurrence?

Thanks so much for reading and enjoying....hopefully Labyrinth will be up soon...I have to work this weekend, but will try to write if it's not too busy. Cheers and love to you, tree

bobo bagginsReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/13/2005
I did know Saruman had something to do with Lorelei, but I didn't actually think that he WAS Lorelei.

I hope you update soon since this was such a short chapter! :)

Author Reply: Glad I could surprise you, it's not easy because everyone usually has it figured out even before I write it. Sorry the chapter was short, but I've found I can update sooner (usually ;D) if I keep them short. Unfortunately I am sick with pnemonia and it will be a few days before I can get back on track. For some reason I always think, "Well, at least I'll have time to write...." only to find myself sleeping (or coughing up a lung ... blegghhhh! like today). I can only assure you I will never NOT finish a fic, so be patient with me, and thanks so much for reviewing!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/30/2005
Wow! I've discovered this story a couple of days ago and since then, I have been reading it with growing interest - and emotions.
So, it is Saruman who stands behind all this evil. Now, that Gandalf knows what happens, he will be able to react. I hope he will!

Please continue soon! You can't leave Frodo in such a state, you know ;-)

Author Reply: Thanks so much for reviewing! I am glad I've hooked you in, and I'll try not to leave Frodo in such a mess for too long. I used to update each week but things have been so crazy that I'm lucky if I get it done by 3 wks. I'll try to update sooner...but no promises. Hope you'll read on and review again!

CoriandraReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/29/2005
Great new chapter, Tree. Thanks for updating. Poor Frodo! He's almost at the end of his rope physcially and what's worse, he's still having delusions about Lorelei. Has Gandalf finally figured out what's been happening to Frodo? And if so, what's he going to do about it? This is very interesting. It's good to see Frodo eating. Good nutrition can do wonders for a sick person, I can testify to that first hand. Of course, if someone completely loses the will to live, there's not much of anything that can help. I hope they reach Frodo mentally before that happens.

Author Reply: I think Gandalf has known almost from the start what was going on, but needed to be sure it wasn't the Ring working on Frodo or Saruman. He is going to be trying to work his magic and help Frodo but it won't happen all at once (you wouldn't want the story to end now, would you? We have to draw this out just a bit to make the ending a beaut) Our boy is in good hands now that he's out of that other cave, so we'll get him warmed up and full of medicine and food and see what happens next....hehehehe

ShireElfReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/29/2005
Yeah, it was great to see Sam stand up. But he's so cool! *squeaks and hugs the hobbit* But Saruman? Yikes. I kinda suspected at first with the old man . . . . hmmm. Does Gandalf see Loreli, I wonder? hmmmmm. I suppose I will think about this later! I will eagerly await your next update! ^^

Author Reply: I think Gandalf realizes that evil can take on alot of guises and the name Lorelei kinda gives him a hint that Saruman is fooling with Frodo's brain and misguided feelings of Lorelei being, basically, too beautiful to be evil. I hope to update sooner, but we'll have to see how the week (or weeks :( ) go
thanks for the review, and come back soon

Lotrgirl1415Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/28/2005
"Have i told you lately that i love you?" the answer is sadly no, ttruth is I'm a total idiot and have not reviewed once during this entire story yet!I have it saved to my computer too!lol
I love this story and i cant wait till the next update!*hugs and kisses*
love ya!

Author Reply: You *love*me? How wonderful!!! Or do you just love me for my stories (sob)? I am honored that you have me saved on your computer and tickled that you are enjoying the story, reviews or not. I hope to hear from you again and thanks so much for the hugs and kisses and the great opening question :D

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/27/2005
Well, you know how happy I am that Frodo's finally getting warm and fed and looked after. I wonder if the Fellowship will ever truly know what's been happening?

Author Reply: Thank you so much my dear. You always say the sweetest things and I look forward to your reviews every time. Yes, the Fellowship is about to discover what all this mess is about although the details will have to be pulled from our ringbearer like a bad tooth. Stubborn, stubborn hobbits.

bobo bagginsReviewed Chapter: 8 on 1/9/2005
Poor Merry and Pip! They love Frodo very much, and I know that they will be able to help Frodo see the truth. I also hope Gandalf can hurry up and get to the bottom of things without having to wait on a talk with Frodo.

Author Reply: I always thought the hobbits were WAYYY underdressed for something like Cahadras. I live in a very cold environment and a cloak and a little fur on my feet would do little to ward off the chill. Not to worry, our ringbearer is going to begin to come around a little (can't rush these things ya know, need to inflict alot of angst first) and Gandalf will eventually regain his trust.

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