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Phantasm  by lovethosehobbits 68 Review(s)
shireboundReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/6/2004
Oh tree, this is almost too much to bear! Will Frodo have to suffer much longer?

*hugs my poor hobbit*

Author Reply: You'e always the first one in...sorry, but our poor, sweet hobbit is in for some heavy duty angst and hurt/comfort (go figure)in the next chappie. But then I promise some healing and love to fill his to you, my friend tree

Breon BriarwoodReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/6/2004

Author Reply: Eep, indeed! I take it by that little comment that you like? tree

CoriandraReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/27/2004
Another excellent chapter. It's good to see that Frodo's mind isn't totally out of it. He's starting to trust his friends again. But what if he gets another visit from that "lovely Lorelei"? That would not be good would it? I can't wait to see what happens next!

Author Reply: Unfortunately male hobbits are an awful lot like male humans in that they can be easily swayed by a pretty face. But never fear, my fics always work out in the end and getting there is sooo much fun to do. Glad you're enjoying it. Hopefully I'll have a new chapter sometime next week. Thanks for reading and reviewing. tree

bobo bagginsReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/17/2004
At least Frodo is willing to look at the factsand have doubts about what is true and what is false. That's a good thing, since most people who are blinded by seduction don't even want to look at the facts. (Personal experience with my brother!) Thanks for the update, and keep more coming!

BTW, I don't mind at all about the blather! It's fun to read! And I am 28, since I asked you your age age, it would only be fair to tell you mine! ;)

Author Reply: LOL you are too funny. Frodo is a very confused hobbit at the moment. And yes all the injuries and illness have weakened him in mind and body so he is definantly more susceptible to the 'lovely Lorelei'. Glad you're enjoying the story, more to come. tree

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/17/2004
I love stories (reading and writing them) where the Fellowship works together to accomplish something difficult, and bonds in the process. I love how you wrote Aragorn's detailed and calm explanation to Frodo about what everyone did to save and help hhim.

Author Reply: I am so glad you enjoyed my chapter!! I figured it would take Aragorn pointedly telling our boy about how each person there was contributer to his rescue that way Frodo really can't think anyone is against him and he can see for himself how much he is loved. At least that is my hope....he IS being heavily swayed by other factors, obviously. Thanks for reviewing...tree

Breon BriarwoodReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/17/2004
Poor Frodo. I hope Gandalf explains where he was first so that Frodo doesn't think he's trying to 'cover his tracks', so to speak.

Author Reply: Yes indeed...we will just have to see who is the more persuasive...Lorelei and her beauty (men can be such suckers) or Gandalf and the long history of trust that he and Frodo have....I'm rooting for Gandalf. Yep, even tho' I'm the author I seldom know how the dice will fall until they do, it keeps life interesting. Thanks for your review. tree

CoriandraReviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/10/2004
Don't worry Tree, I'm over twenty-five too and I never heard the story of the Lady and the Tiger up until now. So, Lorelei's evil. Why doesn't that surprise me? I'm glad Frodo's having doubts about her, although in his state of mind I can understand him not fully trusting his friends either, especially if they have to cause him pain by treating his injuries. I hope Gandalf can protect him from Lorelei's (Saruman?) influence. I loved the way they rescued him in the last chapter and how they're all taking care of him. I'm glad too, that you let Boromir redeem himself. Wonderful writing, as always. :)

Author Reply: Coriandra- I just realized I never responded to your review. I am so very sorry, my friend. I am tickled that you are enjoying the fic. The idea hit me one day and I couldn't shake it but I was totally engrossed in Smoke and Mirrors and couldn't take on another story at the time. I filed it in the back of my brain and when I finally finished S and M I was able to put all of my energy into this story. I find it has me spellbound in the sense that I never know what kind of a twist will happen until it hits me suddenly one day. Very fun to write. Glad you are enjoying it and there's always more to come. tree

bobo bagginsReviewed Chapter: Author's Notes on 10/9/2004
I must admit, I am curious as to how old you are, but I will be polite and not ask. ;) And I do agree that people apear as old as they seem.

I have never read the Lady and the Tiger, but it was interesting to read. I know what my opinions are, but it does make you think. There really should be more stories like this in school.

Anyway, I know Frodo knows deep down not to trust Lorelei, but *some* men can be so blinded sometimes (no offense to guys) by physical beauty and fail to look at the inner soul of the woman. So I hope Frodo can see through her soon and get it straight that his friends and family love him very much. Though, having read your other stories, I know that there will be more angst to come before we can all hug Frodo and give him some much needed TLC. So please please please update soon!

Author Reply: Too funny. I'm 48 and don't mind at all if you ask. I figure that there are only two ways life is likely to end with all of us, and getting old seems to be the preferred selection. You are so right about how men (and even women) take one look at a person's looks and make assumptions. Those that are beautiful somehow always seem to be thought of as being beyond evil because they look so pure. After living as long as I have trust me, you learn what's really what. The old adage of appearances can be deceiving (in fact I believe Lorelei states that herself a couple of times) is such a truism. When we, as women, look at a hunky guy and drool it's kinda the same thing until we find out he's a jerk. I think alot of the time its the fact that they *are* good looking that has changed them into jerks or women into devious and vain creatures. Those that are plain, like myself, or downright ugly generally have had to be nice there whole lives to get by plus have found that being nice is alot more fun than being snooty. Oh I do blather on don't I...

Frodo is indeed in for alot of angst, but I so love to make him all better afterwards, so never fear. Thanks so much for your comments and especially, your reviews. They are greatly appreciated. tree

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/8/2004
"He could not bring himself to distrust his companions out of hand. There was something amiss; something that niggled at the back of his brain like an itch that could not be reached."

Good for you, Frodo! Listen to your instincts!

Author Reply: You're always the first one in. You didn't think it was boring? I was worried about that since I've been somewhat off my feed of late. tree

lotrgirl1415Reviewed Chapter: Author's Notes on 9/21/2004
sorry my computer wasnt working for like 3 days!
i just read your new chapters! love em soooo much!*hugs*

Author Reply: Thanks so much Katie dear

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