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While on the Quest  by Grey Wonderer 57 Review(s)
cathleenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/19/2008
Heh, what an entertaining conversation! This little tale was wonderful, I really enjoyed it.

Author Reply: More Shirebound. LOL
Thanks so much for reading and I'm very glad you enjoyed this one!

cathleenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/19/2008
Oh, I recall this bunny from Shirebound's wonderful collection. Poor Sam and boats!

Author Reply: Shirebound has the best ideas! In fact both of the stories posted to this series were her ideas. I don't normally write Quest fiction but somehow she seems to hit upon ideas that set me to writing. Thank you for reviewing!

cathleenReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 1/19/2008
The "disclaimer" was almost as much fun to read as the story itself, GW! You are so creative, thank you for a "pre-chuckle" before the rest of the tale!

Author Reply: You are most welcome. I am having fun with my disclaimers. I got tired of just typing the same old, 'no money was made, I own nothing' deal and started playing with them a bit. Thank you for reading!

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/18/2008
Oh, this is so cute. I love it. Poor Sam, he knows right enough what is real. Pippin is Pippin, he really should start thinking before saying anything

Author Reply: Thank you! I am very glad that you enjoyed it. Sam's always right isn't he? All that good hobbit sense that he has, how can he be wrong? Thank you for reviewing!

NeiliaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/16/2008
Okay, this is great! Imagine, no one else that I can remember thought of the blisters the fellows would have worked up trying to do their part. Loved all the dialogue.

Author Reply: The idea for the blisters was Shirebound's. It was she who came up with this plot bunny. She seems to be giving me lots of interesting ideas for stories. I'm glad you enjoyed it and thank you for reading. Good thing you enjoyed the dialogue because without it, I'd have had no story at all this time! hehehe

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/16/2008
ROTFLMBO!! Get him, Frodo! Whack Aragorn up the side of his head for me. The hobbit banter was most excellent and very entertaining as always -- especially Merry trying to tell Frodo he's entirely too lazy! Loved it!

Author Reply: Thank you! So glad you enjoyed this one. Aragorn is in big trouble with Mr. Baggins just now. Merry might have given Frodo a rough time with all of his teasing but it's nothing compared to what Frodo will give Aragorn! But, that's another story. hehehe

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/16/2008
As always, priceless! Poor Frodo--and poor Aragorn--no gloves? Hehehehehehe! How long will it take for Frodo to ream out poor Strider, do you think?

Author Reply: I think Strider is in for a very long lecture on the subject of gloves. Between having blisters himself, taking guff from Merry and having to listen to Pippin prattle on about it all, I think Frodo is ready to let someone have it but good! hehehe

PeriantariReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/16/2008
lol~! I love your stories for its hobbit bantering and your style is so effective with its dialogue.
“Hush, Merry. If Sam hears you then he won’t sleep a wink tonight for worrying.”
lol! It's funny that Merry, Pippin and Frodo have blisters... these gentle hobbits are not used to rowing boats and doing work that stresses the hands! =)
Great job~ I smiled and giggled a lot. :D

Author Reply: Aww, thanks for all of the smiling, giggling and reviewing. I appreciate it. Glad you liked the dialogue and thanks for reading!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/16/2008
LOL!!! I remember that plot bunny!

“You have to do something in order to get blisters, Pip. Sleeping doesn’t usually give one blisters.”

That was a good one, and it hit home!
I wonder whose line it is, Frodo's or Merry's. I think both might be possible ;-)

Last but not least: I always enjoy it when Frodo gives Strider a lecture! He can be *very* stern!

Author Reply: Shirebound has some of the best plot bunnies, doesn't she? Oh, and that was Merry's line. Hard to tell sometimes without the 'he said,' part of the story isn't it? Frodo might well have said it if Merry had given him the chance though.

I think Frodo will be very, very stern with Strider. hehehe

KittyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/16/2008
*snicker* Had never known that one can argue about blisters that much! And the question who is doing which physical work left me laughing - particulerly when Pip discovered *Merry's* blisters!

Oh, you know, now I pity Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas and Gimli for having to put up with these endless arguments for so long! They didn't deserve that!

Author Reply: Blisters are a touchy subject. hehehe
I hope Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas and Gimli don't have to put up with too much of this either. It will be a very long Quest indeed if they do!

Thanks for reviewing!

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