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Fiondil's Tapestry  by Fiondil 715 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/24/2008
In the question of Quenya or Sindarin, I’ve to admit I’m with Eönwë here. Still have to remind me that Arafinwë is Finarfin and not another elf, because I’m so used to Finarfin ... (though I understand, of course, that they’d not use the Sindarin names in Aman, save for certain stubborn ellyn like Glorfindel).

Anyway, I feel so sorry for Arafinwë. To fear he has committed Kinslaying, and barely comforted about that, to learn that his daughter will not be permitted to return ... poor guy :-(

Just realised that Easter is near and that means that EI 2 is about to start soon. Only a few weeks more at the most :-)

Author Reply: What's funny is that when people say 'Finarfin' I go, "Who?" LOL Certainly, Arafinwë never Sindarized his name for himself, that was done by the Noldor in Middle-earth, so I doubt he would even recognize it as his and he would always think of his children by their Quenya names.

While Arafinwë's barely been comforted by Eönwë about the war att least he has the comfort of knowing that, barring her death, his daughter will be allowed to return home eventually; she's not been banished forever.

And yes, Easter is almost upon us and the continuing saga of Glorfindel in Aman will commence. *grin*

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/23/2008
Oh my, the Song of Awakening! What a rare and precious thing for anyone to hear. And the very idea of Gandalf singing is just delightful. As is...

"However, you are correct about one thing."

"What’s that?" Pippin asked, looking up in curiosity.

Legolas’ grin became absolutely wicked as he glanced up at Aragorn. "You are a grouch in the mornings."


Author Reply: Thanks Shirebound. I'm glad you enjoyed this. I thought Gandalf letting Olórin peek out just for a bit to sing this particular song would be fun. *grin* And I think Legolas isn't as stuffy an Elf as everyone thinks he is.

T.AReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/23/2008
lol, this is a very nice short background story to how the inn 'Laughing Vala' got named. :-)

Author Reply: This little ficlet came to me pretty much full-blown. I guess Tulkas wanted everyone to know how the inn got its name. *grin*

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/22/2008
You know, I wrote a drabble recently (not posted yet) about the Valar discussing a request -- it's for my drabble series about Elladan and Elrohir, but there will be some background intrigue in the Blessed Realm to entice them into sailing (though the Valar will refuse to participate...). ;-)

Anyway, I hadn't really thought before about how the Valar sounded, but much to my surprise, in my drabble they tease each other! (Who knew?)

Anyway, I just realized that your story Elf, Interrupted might be an unconscious influence... thank you for the inspiration!

- Barbara

Author Reply: Ah... someone else who's been inspired by Elf, Interrupted! *grin* I look forward to reading your drabble when it's posted.

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/22/2008
Oh, this is great, Fiondil! Your Valar and a sprinkling of Maiar seem to have such wicked senses of humor! LOLOL!

Well done!

- Barbara

Author Reply: Thanks Barbara. I'm glad you enjoyed this.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/22/2008
I was amused and touched about Carnifindo’s hope that at least one of the Valar would visit his inn and his intent to name the inn after this one. That’s so sweet! I am glad the two Maiar overheard it. And as these two were Manveru and Erunaro, the outcome was only to be expected – they’d have too much fun with this to keep their mouths shut.

Of course, the Valar couldn’t let this occasion go, either. At first I had feared they’s show up all together and give poor Carnifindo a heart attack (if elves can get one), but them drawing straws was even better. And knowing Tulkas, I have an idea how the inn finally got his name.

Oh, and Vánadur was the one who took Beleg in, wasn’t he? Nice to get to meet him.

Thanks, that was truly fun! I am glad you decided to share these little ficlets with us!

Author Reply: Yes, Manveru and Erunáro just can't pass up a chance for a jest and this one was too good and even the Valar found it too funny to ignore. Vánadur is indeed the one who took in Beleg and now you also know the name of the innkeeper who entertained not only Glorfindel and company but the Noldóran himself. I'm glad you enjoyed this. Thanks for letting me know.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/22/2008
Lovely ficlet! Poor Pippin’s talking too fast without thinking, obviously, but I am sure he lightened the mood with that. Grouch in the morning, indeed! And his reason for it *grin*

Gandalf singing this particular song must have been quite an experience; I’d suspect no mortal ever heard that before. The way he changed during singing was interesting!

Author Reply: Pippin is the typical tweenager: his mouth runs faster than his brain, but I'm sure they were all amused by him, even Aragorn and Legolas. And no mortal had ever heard that song before, at least, not sung by a Maia. I'm sure Glorfindel might have sung it a time or two for little Estel, but it wouldn't have been the same thing as hearing it from the lips of a Maia and so for a brief moment Olórin peeped out from behind his wizardly disguise.

hanciReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/22/2008
This is beautiful. Now we can speculate on all possible names the inn could have had, for Manwë, Varda...

Author Reply: Now that would be a fun game to play... who can come up with the most outrageous Valar-inspired name for the inn. LOL

Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/22/2008
GAH! Oh I've wondered SO long how this inn got it's name and LMAO! Now I know! I can so see this, since I just ADORE your portrayal of Tulkas and his laughing. *snickers* He doesn't always come across as the brightest Vala, but I LOVE his attitude! He reminds me of a mountain man, always cheerful and finding the humor in all of life!

Great to see Vánadur too! This is the guy Beleg stayed with, right? The carpenter? And *snorts* The Princess Bride??? LOL! I like the Laughing Vala MUCH better!

"What would you've named this place if Lord Námo had been the one to stop by
first? `Mandos' Antechamber'?"



Author Reply: Well, I'm sure a lot of my readers wondered how the inn got its name. *grin* And yes, Vánadur is indeed the elf with whom Beleg stayed. I think much of Tulkas' "dumb but loveable Vala" is an act to keep the Children off-balanced, but he is fun to write. I picked "Princess Bride" as the alternative name for the inn mainly because I happened to be listening to music from that movie on RadioRivendell (thanks, btw, for telling me about it; I listen to it everyday now), but also I needed a name that I could easily translate into Quenya and in this case I knew both words without having to look them up. *grin*

RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/22/2008
Hee! It's just as much fun to read now as when you sent me that first draft! Of course, now I'm getting fun mental images of Tulkas seated on one of those benches, leaning his elbow on the table and quaffing a pint tankard of ale!

I think that it is easy, even when reading your Valar-verse, to forget that the Valar actually live in Aman, and as they love the Eruhini so, of course they'll be interacting with them at least some of the time on a relatively informal basis... and Tulkas is most definitely the most informal of the Powers!

Author Reply: I have a mental image of each of the Valar stopping in for a pint afterward Tulkas first goes and Námo looking at Carnifindo and saying "Mandos' Antechamber, hmm?" LOL Glad you enjoyed this even the second time around, Rhyselle. Thanks for reviewing.

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