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A Hawk and a Star  by Mirach 44 Review(s)
MerethReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/17/2010
Aaargh, another cliffhanger... What will they do now?
A huge thank you for the graphics. It is fascinating to actually see the dead Trees or to build up the almost surrealistic scene of Eonwe and Earendil being left in an emptiness of grey light. The imagery here is splendid.

Author Reply: This story is a row of cliffhangers, but I can assure you that we are almost art their end already ;) Thank you for the review, I'm glad you liked the imagery!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/15/2010
Blinded? Alas! But I do have friends who sail alone in spite of blindness....

Author Reply: Oh, really? I can only imagine how it must feel like. Tell them they have my deepest respect!

AzureSkyeReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/15/2010
YAY, New chapter!! Wow. Blind. I really didn't see that one coming. 'course I realized earlier that he didn't have that super vision he supposedly has, so I was wondering about that. My question is, how exhausted is Eonwe right now? He was already tired, the he was Singing for hours, and I can't imagine that was easy. :) do we get to see him collapse? And where's the Silmaril, Elwing's there, but there's no mention of it....Any way, great chapter, and I can't wait for the rebuilding of Vingilot! I wonder what people on Middle Earth are thinking, as Gil-estel has disappeared. Hmm...I don't know if you'll work that in, but now I'm curious......

Author Reply: Ah yes... to give him a super vision, you need to take the normal one away first, don't you? ;) Well, we will see about that...

Um... You do sound as if you would like to see Eonwe collapse ;) I have to write the next chapter yet, so I don't know myself what exactly will happen. I think Manwe is quite worried for him by now...

The Silmaril is there, but the flower of Telperion is brighter, so it is not that noticeable. And I was also wondering what the poeple in Middle-earth are thinking. I'm sure Elrond and Elros are worried for their father, and wondering what happened.

Thank you for the review!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 11/15/2010
A horrible encounter, and at least he has slain his enemy. Now--to save the Mariner and what remains of the Ship.

Author Reply: Thank you for the review! I agree, Ungoliant is better dead...

Erulisse (one L)Reviewed Chapter: 7 on 11/4/2010
I have been reading your tales about Earendil with great interest, and find myself totally engrossed in this story of the two great friends. The terror of the dark vs the purity of the light are once again a focus, and are once again treated with respect and understanding. I can hardly wait for the next chapter.

- Erulisse (one L)

Author Reply: I'm really glad you like my story, and the friendship of Earendil and Eonwe! Thank you very much for the review!

EllynnReviewed Chapter: 7 on 11/4/2010
So, it is Eonwe the one who killed Ungoliant. I'm sure she didn't expect that, I'm sure she expected the two little "flies" she had caught to be quite helpless and afraid. Too much self-confidence can be dangerous, can't it?
Another good chapter, btw. I like the repeating of Earendil's if/when thought, especially the second time, when he emphasizes "when", showing that he doesn't lose hope.
I hope poor Earendil will get some help soon and that he will have a good rest and healing.

Author Reply: Yes, it is him... In HoME, there is a mention that Eärendil met Ungolianth on his journeys to the south, but it is not said explicitely that he killed her... and I really couldn't imagine how he could kill her alone, as she is equal in power to Melkor himself. So yes, she has a reason to be self-confident, but it's dangerous... and heritable in her family, it seems. Shelob didn't expect to be stabbed by Sam, either. Thank you for the review!

AzureSkyeReviewed Chapter: 7 on 11/3/2010
Go Eonwe!! Its a good thing *I* know Earendil can't die... otherwise this would be your third cliffhanger in a row, and I'd be catatonic. I was hoping the confrontation between Eonwe and Ungoliant would be longer. Still very good. Nasssty, Ssspider, Nassty! Poor Vlingot. And Eonwe. Although.....Elwing's no where to be found. Hope she's OK. Loving this story! Good luck with NaNoWriMo. Hope to see you in December! (Its going to be a long wait......I do want to see how you get Eonwe and Earendil home and healed.)

Author Reply: Yes, Earendil is obviously alive and well in the Third age, but that doesn't mean I can't do nasty things to him yet... Poor guy! =) Ungoliant is too powerful, and the longer the confrontation would take, the lesser chance would Eonwe have to escape with his life. He was very lucky this time! And thank you! MAybe I'll even manage one more chapter in November... are you prepared for a fourth cliffhanger in a row? (just kidding... or not? :P)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/30/2010
A most terrible situation, this. Now--for the rescue! And the artwork is quite seductive!

Author Reply: Thank you, she was supposed to be seductive - on the picture, and in the story, in a way, too. That's her weapon in this form... And the one-Maia rescue team is already coming! ;)

EllieReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/26/2010
Very dark and frightening chapter! You caught the terror of Ungoliant extremely well. Nicely and chillingly done!

Author Reply: Well, Halloween is nearing, so a creepy chapter is in place (although it is not celebrated where I am...) =) Thank you for the review!

AzureSkyeReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/25/2010
Sigh....Still more least Elwing might have gotten away. I do want to see what Ungoliant says when she finds Eonwe. That will be an interesting conversation. I really have an unhealthy obsession with all your Earendil stories. I think this one is my favorite though. Hope to see another chapter soon! (I really do check everyday, hoping to see and update....unhealthy.)

Author Reply: Thank you very much for the review! It's really great to see that somebody is reading about Eärendil! I admit this story is quite full of cliffhangers. And
regretfully, there might be a delay in November, because I'm taking part in NaNoWriMo. But I'll try to finish the next chapter before it begins, and I hope that will be a better place to stop, if not exactly ideal...

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