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No Better Name  by Cairistiona 187 Review(s)
NathReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/18/2011
*heh* Halbarad is certainly not having a good time there.

"No. I’ll not indulge myself nor abuse–" And Denlad definitely has the measure of him on that point.

I wonder what they'll make of Bowen, and he of them...

Author Reply: No, poor Halbarad isn't getting the best of it, is he? Even getting twisted into knots by Denlad! Horrors! *g* Thanks for the review(s)!

NathReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/18/2011
Hmm, I think Strider may have met his match in stubbornness... Bowen will still have his work cut out for him with this one, though.

Looking forward to the rest of it:-)

Author Reply: Stubborn vs. Stubborner... which is which will be the question! Hope you enjoy the rest of the tale!

Lily BagginsReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/16/2011
Oh, Halbarad's a fine one to get upset about being Mother Henned---as if he isn't the biggest Mother Hen himself when it comes to Aragorn! Fussing about and worrying like crazy! LOL! Now it seems he's getting a taste of his own medicine, poor guy!

His wound sounds very painful. Yikes. Even though it's a minor wound, I can just imagine how aggravating it is---minor wounds seem to BE the most painful, sometimes.

As usual, I adore your Halbarad and Denlad... and can't wait for the next chapter!

Author Reply: Thanks, Lily! Hee hee... yes, Halbarad has a big blind spot when it comes to his own Mother Henning, although I think if pressed he'd have to admit that he is one. And that he really doesn't mind *too* much when others fuss over him. *g*

And yes, his arm is a minor but very annoying wound--I imagine they have no end of those kinds of problems, the lives they lead. And it gives Denlad his turn to Mother Hen. Because they're not a band of Rangers but a flock of hens. *g*

Next chapter up on Tuesday!

Lily BagginsReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/16/2011
Oh, this is too wonderful and funny for words!

I'd have to say that Aragorn is just about the most stubborn man ever when it comes to matters of his health... but then, having to put up with mustard-and-onion plasters and Halbarad's stinging balm and those sorts of things WOULD give one pause...

I'm loving this look at Aragorn through a humble farmer's eyes... now I wonder what will his wife think of Aragorn? I'm betting she won't be one to disobey!

Author Reply: Thank you, Lily! I was hoping you'd get a chance to read this! I think you're right about Aragorn's stubbornness, but all the same, it really is asking too much of the poor man to be happy about a mustard plaster. *g* Poor Aragorn.

Hope you enjoy the rest!

DarkoverReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/16/2011
Dear Cairistiona: Another great chapter! Your portrayal of Halbarad is second to none. I very much admire your account of his thoughts and how he makes his decisions, as well as his thoughts about his cousin and chieftain. Your insightful writing style is a pleasure to read, and your descriptions of pain are absolutely right. As I can testify from past experience, nerves are not mocked! Once again, you have written a chapter that leaves me wanting more. Please post the next chapter soon! Thanks again for this story, and take care. Sincerely, Darkover

Author Reply: Thank you so much, Darkover! So glad you like my version of Halbarad--he really has become near and dear to my heart and I greatly enjoy writing him, although he's none too happy about me inflicting nerve damage on him. You're right... nerves do not suffer injury lightly, do they. Just about the time you think it's all better, brrrzzzzing!! Poor Halbarad. He needs to rest that sword hand and leave off sparring to Elf Maid, if he'd only agree. ;) Next chapter should be up Tuesday. Thanks for reading!

EstelcontarReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/16/2011
I just loved hearing Denlad call Eledh Elf Maid. I'm with Halbarad. It's no wonder Eledh did not want to spar with him. I'm surprised Eledh did not instead paste him a good one. I'm in awe of Eledh's forbearance.

It was also fun seeing Denland manipulating Halbarad so smoothly. It's no wonder Halbarad misses the weepy-eyed lad.

That was definitely a most delicious and amusing chapter. Well done

Author Reply: Thank you, Estelcontar! I'm a bit surprised myself that he didn't come back nursing a black eye when he told Halbarad Elf Maid wouldn't spar with him. *g* I have a feeling that poor Eledh has heard the joke so many times it's no longer worth getting worked up about.

Denlad does seem to have Halbarad's meausure, doesn't he! Glad you enjoyed the chapter!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/16/2011
What a marvelous conversation, so full of trust, honesty, and a delightful banter between equals... whatever their age difference.

Author Reply: Thank you, shirebound! I think as Denlad gained experience and maturity, the actual years of difference fell away and mattered not a whit, just as it does in real life when you reach a certain point where years become pretty much meaningless. :)

curiouswombatReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/16/2011
Denlad is growing into a very likeable young man - with a very good head on his shoulders. He is quite right that Halbarad needs the break - although I don't expect it is going to be quite such a break as they expect...

Author Reply: Thank you, curiouswombat! Yes, I think Denlad definitely has a well-grounded view of the world, thanks to good tutelage (some of which will eventually, someday, be revealed when I go back to write the sequel to "A Star in Midwinter". I *wish* I could be more linear and organized but there you go... my poor beleaguered readers get stories from me willy-nilly.) I'm very glad you're liking Denlad; it's my hope to write him in such a way that everyone wants to adopt him as a son of their own. :)

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/16/2011
I love those two. They are a good pair. If they think that they will get a nice rest in Bree, they are mistaken. Maybe not, maybe some days with Bolwen will be beneficial for all of them.

I remember Eledh and Galadh as part the usual gang, “the choose ones”, but not Cannagar.

I laughed with Halbarad the Left, I supposed that is unkind of me, but I can't help with Halbarad.

Which period of time is this story happening? For sure is before Hope's edge, because Denlad sounded younger and Neala is not mentioned. Before Ferdinad too? How old is Denlad?

Thank you, how often will you be posting? The wait is killing me

Author Reply: Thank you, Fantasia! What a nice review of the chapter. I'm so glad "Halbarad the Left" gave you a giggle, because that was one of those little things I liked myself. LOL My Halbarad just has a sarcastic, sometimes dark sense of humor, what can I say. Soldiers usually do have a streak of black humor in them, to cope with the stress.

To answer your questions:

Cannagar is a new OC, yes, for now just a sort of "extra" who has a name (and apparently a very sore bum). The original four--Eledh, Galadh, Denlad and of course Halbarad--are still the ones that most stories will focus on but now and then I'll bring in other OC Rangers because obviously, there's more Rangers floating around Eriador than just Aragorn and his four buddies. *g*

The time period: You know, that was something that I didn't intend to really specify, because the first story, "By Such a Foolish Name", I'd left intentionally "floating" in time. It really could have taken place anywhere during Aragorn's time guarding the Breeland area and the Shire and as a one-shot, I didn't really want to pin it down to a specific date. But when I realized I had much, much more of a story on my hands (oh my word, you've no idea... the third tale is going to be, um, epic in scale, I fear), and that Halbarad & Company would come horning in on the story, I had to figure out when all this was happening. The answer will be revealed specifically in chapter 4, but for now, suffice to say that it takes place before both "At Hope's Edge" and "The Ranger and the Hobbit" and well after "A Star In Midwinter" where we first meet Denlad. Denlad's seasoned now, but still fairly young.

And finally, as to updates: twice a week, as usual, on Tuesdays and Fridays. :)

Thank you so much for reading and wow, remembering all these details about my happy band of Rangers! I think you know the timelines better than I do. *g*

ElentarriReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/16/2011
I love your Denlad & Halbarad dialogue. Very amusing. Dying for the next chapter. :)

Author Reply: Thank you, Elentarri... I have fun with those two. :) Next chapter will be up Tuesday.

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