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The Journey Home  by Fiondil 648 Review(s)
Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/8/2013
Oh my! I was in tears myself. This Elf is one of my favoritest. What a blessing that he met the old crone.... but was she really who she appeared to be? Doesn't matter. Glad he took her advise.

Very hard thing - to forgive.

This is going to be a wonderful tale. Thanks for helping me get through February!

Author Reply: Maglor is a favoriest of many, even those who are not necessarily Fëanorian fans. And what does it matter who the crone was? What's important is that she gave Maglor very good advice, and (miracle of miracles!) he actually took it.

Forgiving is indded hard hard but asking for it (as Maglor does) can be harder. In both instances, there is a humbling of spirit and that is very hard for many to deal with.

Glad you're looking forward to the rest of the tale. Thanks, Agape. I really appreciate your support.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/8/2013
Well, being a Denethor-fan, I immediately liked the newest member of 'your' family, Fiondil. You create the neatest folk. And Harthadrim - nice indeed. People of hope.

And Eirien seems full of wisdom. I like it. Oh! You know what I like about your stories now? They contain female characters who are not wooses. Nice. Thanks!

I can fully understand Denethor's fear. It's a common one. I just told my daughter tonight that she's lost a bit of her 'Bilbo' thirst for adventure. She was properly chided and, I hope, will be ready for life's adventures again soon.

I have a feeling I need a dash of hope and perhaps will become a part of the harthadrim myself. *g*

Author Reply: Well Denethor is a good name and was held by at least one other Elf long before your Denethor was born. *grin*

And I like to give my female characters equal time when I can, though I find them harder to write than the male characters. Don't know why... women't writers seem to have no problem writing believable male characters.

Anyway, we all need hope in our lives, or what's the point, right?

Thanks for revieiwng. I appreciate it very much.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 2/8/2013
Whoo hoo! Another story. Hooray, hooray. Neat premise, too!

Author Reply: Glad you found this, Agape. Happy reading.

bookwormReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/8/2013
*collects on bet* hah knew it =D But Oh, that kinda hurt, to watch him do that. And I imagine Maglor's list of people is VERY long. Interesting to hear that about Maedhros, tho it makes sense, of course he would be angry, and for a lot of different reasons too (not least that Maedhros left him, no doubt). I was rather surprised he wasn't angrier at his father! Man, the sort of psychiatric minefield that must be his brain after all these years *shudder* Poor Maglor! It's a wonder he's even sane. Well. Sane-ish. Sane for a Feanorion, I suppose. Looking forwards to seeing where you take this!

Author Reply: Hi bookworm. I'm sure many readers collected on their bets with this chapter. *grin*

It is a wonder that Maglor is even sane or sane-ish after all this time and with so much guilt weighing down his spirit. I'm sure Freud would really have a field-day with this one if he were ever to get his hands on him. *grin*

Anyway, I'm glad you're looking forward to the rest of the story. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it.

LaerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/8/2013
Alright Maglor! I have a question, I seem to remember he had red hair. By any chance do you remember reading this? The description of what everything looks like during the ice age sounds so right. (I even grabbed a blanket to wrap myself with) We aren't supposed to be having the snow of the century here like all who live out east. But if I lived there I would be watching it thinking of this story and glad I was inside and not outside.

Love the idea of him asking for forgiveness, and it might be his family he is talking to. His mother's smile (was her name Neardenal?) Back to thinking about him, I think he is one of the most interesting elves. Elrond and Maglor both are. How they handled adversity, sorrow, tragedy, siiiggghhh to be so strong and still be kind. Well, ok Maglor had some issues with jewelry, but he wasn't the only one. ;)

Author Reply: Hi Laer. According to Tolkien, Maedhros and the twins (Amros and Amrod) had red or reddish hair, all the other sons of Fëanor were the typical dark brown of the Noldor. And yes, Nerdanel is his mother. And Maglor is indeed one of Tolkien's more interesting elven characters, along with Elrond, for the very reasons you give, as well as for others. Maglor is a true tragic figure and one cannot help but wish for a happy outcome for him, more so than for many other of Tolkien's characters who are equally tragic.

I live in the snow belt and have survived many a blizzard, so I was able to draw on my own experiences in describing what these people are experiencing there at the end of the ice age (and sometimes it feels as if we're in one ourselves).

Thanks for taking the time to read and leave a comment. I very much appreciate it.

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/8/2013
Ahh, so Maglor is the one to be rescued. I remember little about him other than that he is one of the bad guys in the Sil, and that he took care of Elrond and Elros. That old crone was a really wise woman. I commend Maglor for taking her advice, although it is difficult to follow. On the other hand he has nothing to lose. He wants to die anyway. And if you have to die (I hope is will not come to that) it is better if he dies in peace than with all the guilt and anger that is eating at him if he admits it or not.

Author Reply: Hi obsidianj. Maglor is also (in the Silmarillion) said to be the greatest harper after Daeron. At any rate, you're right that he has nothing to lose by following the crone's advice. As to what happens to him in the course of the story remains to be seen. Thanks for reading and reviewing. It's much appreciated.

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/8/2013
Who is rescuing who in this story? It seems to me Denethor and his friends also need rescuing. They were just existing and on the brink of fading. Whether they survive the journey or not is not so important than that they have something to live for, a new purpose. Going through the motions is not living. Looking forward to see who they are send to rescue.

Author Reply: That is a very good question, obsidianj. Denethor and his friends need rescuing as much if not more so than the one they've been sent to find. Mere existing and going through the motions is not the same as living. Now, with this new purpose and a sense of adventure, they have a chance to actually live again even if the end result is that they all die on the ice. Thanks for pointing this very important aspect of the story out.

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 2/8/2013
*grumble* I never got an alert for the new story until the 2nd chapter. But now I have 3 chapters to read. I wonder who the main characters in this one will be. I guess I should just read on. I love the way you set the stage. Without anything really "happening", you set the mood and the stage for the new adventure.

Author Reply: Don't feel bad, obsidianj. I didn't get review alerts for this story either until very late on Monday and some of the earlier ones never came through. Sometimes the system cliches and story and review alerts aren't sent out in a timely manner. But now that you know this story is up, you can just check on Mondays and Fridays for it without needing an alert, right? *grin*

Anyway, I'm glad you liked how I set the stage and the mood for this story. This chapter is something of a teaser to draw people in, wondering what it's all about. I hope you find the rest of the story as enjoyable.

TariReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/8/2013
Asking forgiveness is always difficult, but is also very cleansing. His fea will feel lighter with each request.

Author Reply: Indeed it is on both counts, Tari. I'm sure he'll feel better, too. Thanks for commenting. It's much appreciated.

LaikwalâsseReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/8/2013
ah, Maglor -I have guessed right. Again I feel sorry for him although knowing I should not. He has done so may horrible things but he is one of these characters I´m always not sure about. Like the image that he imagine loved ones and ask for forgiveness, even if he know he will never really get one. At least he is aware of his sins. He is weary of his existence and himself - what a horrible statement, yet after so long a time understandable. Liked his spying on Imladris and I´m sure Elrond has known somehow..... Very touching and emotional chapter. Thank you. Lai

Author Reply: Hi Lai. Maglor is a very tragic character and you can't help but feel sorry for him, whatever his sins. Glad you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it.

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