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bullet From Wilderness to Cities White by Larner Last Updated: 4/10/2023
A new collection of stories involving the Fellowship and the world they knew. replica watches
Rating: PG-13 Reviews Status: In Progress Chapters: 69 Published: 9/21/2010
bullet Fliewatuet's Flimsy Ficlets by fliewatuet Last Updated: 2/7/2012
A collection of drabbles and other short pieces written for various occasions. Ongoing Serial. Update 2012-02-07: more InstaDrabble results
Rating: PG Reviews Status: In Progress Chapters: 20 Published: 7/29/2004
bullet Of Shape and Hue and Home by Thundera Tiger Last Updated: 3/19/2011
Take a master of shape and hue. Stir in a troubled wizard and four hobbits. Add a dash of surprising Ranger. Mix thoroughly until shape and hue begin to blend... Written for Pearl Took as part of the Yule Fic exchange.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 3/19/2011
bullet The Taste of Victory by Mirach Last Updated: 9/13/2009
There is a custom among the heirs of Númenor before the meal to stand silently and look towards the West. The feast on the Fields of Cormallen is ready, and Aragorn honors that custom and contemplates about the road that led him here. Written for Teitho: Eat, Drink and Be Merry
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 9/13/2009
bullet The Grace Given to Me by Mirach Last Updated: 9/2/2009
How do you know that today is the day to die? How do you spend your last day? The thoughts of Aragorn. 1st place in Teitho: Leavetaking *MEFA '09 nominee*
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 9/2/2009
bullet The Well by Independence1776 Last Updated: 8/2/2009
Post Fourth Age. Maglor meets someone unexpected. Second place in Times: Modern Times: General in the 2009 MEFAs.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 8/2/2009
bullet Aspects of Aragorn by Inzilbeth Last Updated: 6/23/2009
This is Aragorn's story, told in forty-two individual tales, which span from the day of his naming to the penning of 'The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen'. Each chapter explores a different aspect of his life and, collectively, they draw together all the known facts at our disposal into one strictly canon-based saga. Winner at 2009 MEFA Epilogue: 'The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen' This story is now complete.
Rating: PG-13 Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 42 Published: 8/30/2008
bullet Fiondil's Tapestry by Fiondil Last Updated: 5/15/2009
A collection of unrelated ficlets and vignettes inspired by the Tolkien Tango prompts found at the Leaf and Stone Yahoo Group. Rating for future stories. Thanks to Alassiel for the beta.
Rating: PG-13 Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 64 Published: 2/20/2008
bullet Storm-tossed by Levade Last Updated: 3/1/2009
She was his, his bright-eyed, noisy, always-hungry lovely, until the day the sea called her home. Ereinion, Círdan and a bird
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 3/1/2009
bullet Good King of Cats by Linda Hoyland Last Updated: 1/23/2009
An ailing Aragorn receives help from an unexpected source. Dedicated to Cairistiona on her birthday.MEFA 2009 Nominee.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 1/23/2009
bullet A Matter of Cultural Differences by Vilwarin Last Updated: 12/24/2008
It is mettarë and Halbarad spends some unexpected time with a group of other travelers. A yule fic for Aearwen, who wanted something with Gildor Inglorion. Special thanks go to willow41z for her beta-work.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 12/24/2008
bullet Keep Him Secret, Keep Him Safe by shirebound Last Updated: 11/20/2008
Aragorn falls ill at Cormallen, which Éomer feels must be kept a secret. But there is more to this illness than meets the eye, as Frodo discovers. My usual h/cccc, very hobbity, mostly book verse. Characters include Elladan and Elrohir.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 13 Published: 5/4/2008
bullet With Hope and Without Hope by docmon Last Updated: 9/23/2008
FIRST PLACE in 2008 MEFA Awards! One decision made differently--the Three Hunters run through that second night of their chase after the Orcs rather than rest--and everything changes. Well, not everything. They're merely captured like Merry and Pippin. One decision changed doesn't change one's destiny, however. Reaching the fate destiny has in store for them is a bit peskier, though. There's action, adventure, suspense, a bit of angst, and hopefully an enjoyable story for all. Feedback welcome.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 20 Published: 6/22/2007
bullet Truce by meckinock Last Updated: 3/30/2008
Bedeviled by complications in love and war, Denethor finds himself seeking counsel from the most unlikely person - his chief rival.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: In Progress Chapters: 4 Published: 1/17/2007
bullet In Dark Places by Peredhil lover Last Updated: 3/1/2008
When Aragorn falls captive to the enemy, he learns that there are fates far worse than death. Though the twins race to free him, will they arrive in time to save not only his body, but also his mind? Warning: dark themes.
Rating: R Reviews Status: In Progress Chapters: 1 Published: 3/1/2008
bullet The Dwellings of the Dead by Nilmandra Last Updated: 1/14/2007
The lands of the Dunedain of Cardolan are ravaged by war and plague. On a scouting expedition, Elrohir and Glorfindel discover that there is more to the decimated landscape than meets the eye. For the Karenator, for her birthday.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 3 Published: 11/22/2006
bullet Temporary Companion by Edoraslass Last Updated: 12/10/2006
Strider finds an abandoned puppy in the wild. For caras_galadhon's birthday.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 12/10/2006
bullet To Save The Whole by French Pony Last Updated: 12/13/2004
Fingon has had enough of the feud that divides his family, leaving the Noldor powerless in the face of Morgoth. He is sure that his cousin Maedhros holds the key to a reunion. But Maedhros is currently a prisoner of Morgoth in Angband, and there are no plans to rescue him.
Rating: R Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 6 Published: 11/8/2004
bullet Healing the Healer by SlightlyTookish Last Updated: 12/9/2004
Based on this Shirebound plotbunny: Somewhere on the Quest, Aragorn develops a tiny cold. The hobbits, grateful for the attentive care he’s shown all of them, nearly smother him in Shire remedies and advice -- to the amusement of the rest of the Fellowship.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 12/9/2004
bullet Of Elves and Dwarves and Late Night Philosophy by Thundera Tiger Last Updated: 11/30/2004
Against his better judgement, Aragorn attempts to direct a late night debate between Legolas and Gimli. How successful is he? I'll leave that for you to decide.Repliche Orologi
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 11/30/2004
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